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The 10 Most Scariest Things About Double Glazing York
The Benefits of Double Glazing York

Double glazing (BrE) or double-pane windows are two glass panes joined, with gaps between them to allow heat in. This gap could also serve as a noise barrier.

John Thornton was a master glazier in the Midlands city Coventry who designed York Minster's Great East Window. The window was re-leaded in 1820s when it was relocated to an entirely new groove in the stonework.

Energy efficiency

The double glazing option is an effective method to boost the thermal performance of a traditional structure and lower energy costs. It also makes the building more comfortable, and reduces the noise that comes from outside. Double glazed windows can be made more energy efficient by using low emissivity (low heat loss) glass.

Despite this, it is important to keep in mind that air infiltration rates are high in the majority of traditional structures. This can lead to drafts, but it is essential to maintain adequate ventilation rates to ensure the health of the building and its occupants. The necessity for local air extraction needs to be assessed, particularly in bathrooms, kitchens and laundries where water vapour is produced.

In some instances it might be possible to keep the existing window, but add an additional glazing arrangement that is appropriate for the use of the building. These can be configured to meet the specific needs of a space or a specific project. They can include opening shutters, sash windows, or fixed frame arrangements.

The secondary window can be fitted between the frames that are already in place, or detached from the primary timber moving parts and frame to allow air circulation without the need to take out the window. The ideal air space between the primary and secondary windows is 16-20mm. This improves the thermal performance. This is particularly useful where an older building is being repurposed for a different use and the window's opening is restricted.

Another solution is to fit new uPVC windows with an internal low-e coating which can increase winter heat retention and reduce solar gain. This is particularly beneficial if the windows that were originally installed don't comply with current Building Regulations and are in poor condition.

It is important to remember that double-glazed windows aren't maintenance-free. Regular cleaning and re-greasing of gaskets, as well as the hinges and catches, is advised. Be aware of the possibility of lead paint on windows with old frames and take appropriate precautions if it needs to be removed.

Low maintenance

Double glazing within your home will drastically reduce the need to maintain your windows. This is because uPVC doesn't require continuous maintenance. All it needs is a wipe down every now and then. This will keep your windows looking good, and they will work efficiently. This is especially true if you purchase the best quality, durable product that is covered by a warranty.

UPVC is also fire rated and complies with building regulations to prevent fire spreading from outside. This makes it a more secure choice than the older timber or aluminium frames. Follow these simple tips to ensure the durability of double-glazed windows and doors.

Use a non-acidic cleaning agent on the door and window surfaces, and clean their frames frequently to avoid damage from occurring. With a soft cloth you can clean any build-up of dirt and grime on your uPVC window or door without damaging the surface. You should also lubricate the uPVC locking mechanisms every 6-12 months with either petroleum jelly or light machine oil.

A draughty home is not only uncomfortable, but it could increase your energy bills. upvc doors york -glazed windows of good quality can eliminate draughts, which let cold air in your home. This will decrease the need to increase your heating. This will lower the cost of energy and carbon emissions.

A well-insulated home will also provide you with peace of mind. The additional layer of glass stops the noise from outside noise from entering your home. This can be very useful when you live near a busy highway or have noisy neighbours.

Investing in double-glazed windows can improve the security of your home or business by securing it against burglary and unwanted visitors. These windows are made of toughened glass and have solid locking systems that make it difficult for criminals to break in. Upgrade your windows to triple glazing to make them even more secure.


The aesthetics of double glazing york are an important aspect for many homeowners. If it's to ensure security, thermal efficiency or the aesthetics of their home it is crucial that they get the best value for their money. It is therefore important to choose a reliable and reputable company that provides the highest quality products. A good company will also provide reasonable prices and offer top-quality installation.

In the UK Double glazing in the UK became very popular in the 1970s. This coincided with the Suez Crisis, which led to a shortage of fuel and prompted people to consider how they heat their homes. Double glazing provides a great way to reduce energy consumption without harming the authenticity of a traditional construction.

The fact that two glass panes are joined with a gap in between ensures that the gas (or gas) can remain trapped inside, which creates an effective barrier to keep the heat out. Double-glazed windows are therefore more energy efficient than single-glazed. However the seals don't last forever and eventually fail, which is why it is essential to have your double glazed windows regularly checked.

If a seal is damaged it can cause the window to mist up. This is caused by water entering the gaps and leading to condensation. If this is not checked, it can cause mould and damage to structure of your home. Luckily, this is something that is relatively easy to repair by replacing damaged seals or fixing them.


Many of the traditional buildings have the original sliding sash window. These windows could be part of the design of the building or a result of local building regulations or Article 4 directions. Replacing them with new windows can be a big mistake, as it can spoil the appearance of the exterior of the structure and make it appear unattractive. Double glazed windows can be an ideal solution to this issue as they will look identical to the original sash windows and improve on their thermal performance.

Slim double glazing is a fantastic option for homes with. This is especially relevant in conservation areas where replacing windows with modern ones is either unattainable or not permitted. It is possible to achieve a traditional finish by applying linseed oil putty over the butyl bedding material of the slim double glazing. This can be matched with the color of the fenestration.


It will be much harder for burglars to gain entry into your home if you add glazing to your front doors. This is because single glazing is easily broken and isn't attached to the frame of your door, meaning that thieves will have to try harder to get through it. Modern doors come with multi-point locking systems integrated into them in case someone manages to break through your glass it won't be possible for them to open the door and gain entry to your home.

Another benefit of glancing your front door is that it will minimize street noise inside your home. This is because double glazed windows effectively block out any unwanted noises from the outside world. This makes your house feel more comfortable and make you sleep better at the end of the night.

You can also enhance the security of your home by installing a strike box, which will stop intruders from getting in the door. They are easy to put in and can be bought from a local locksmith. They are also simple to replace if they are damaged or worn.

Family-owned business with father, son and daughter as part of the team. Ebor can offer the best product for your home whether it be Engineered Timber by Bereco, uPVC Lipped or flush windows, Aluminium by Schuco or Exlabesa Rockdoor composite doors or uPVC french doors in a choice of colours wood grain foils or staining.

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