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10 Meetups About Double Glazing In Nottingham You Should Attend
uPVC Windows - Not All UPVC Windows Are Created Equal

uPVC is a popular option for homeowners because it's low maintenance, energy-efficient and secure. Not all uPVC windows are created equally.

One instance of this is the famous Pretty Windows murder. The story of a man who was hung upside down from an open window for five hours.


Modern uPVC frames offer greater security than wooden frames. A thief may be able break a window by pushing it through a corner, however modern uPVC frames are more difficult to open.

Close your windows when you leave, even for a brief period of time. This is the simplest and most effective way to protect your home. Keep your valuables safe and out of sight to discourage burglars.

Planting spiky plants, shrubs and bushes can also make it harder for burglars to gain access to your windows. It is not necessary to block all of your views but only those that are easy to access through the window.


You want your Nottingham home to look as attractive from the inside as it appears from the outside. Our uPVC tilt and turn windows provide on both sides. They have a beautiful aesthetic, with sleek frames and sightlines that allow you to take in spectacular views of your Nottingham property. They are also acoustically efficient by reducing outside noise, and creating a quieter and more peaceful atmosphere inside your Nottingham home.

Our Residence Collection windows are designed to replicate the authentic look of timber, and our range includes everything from a traditional vertical sliding sash to the premium flush interior. They are ideal to replace existing timber windows in cottages, period homes and listed buildings across Nottingham and East Midlands.

These windows are perfect for modern homeowners because of their sleek and stylish appearance and are made from composite material that is easy to clean. These windows are low-maintenance and are available in a range of colors.

Our uPVC tilt and turn windows are available in a variety of styles, including chamfered or sculptured versions. They can be used to replace traditional window designs or fitted into new build and renovation projects as well. With a U-value of only 1.3 for double glazing and an impressive 0.8 for triple glazing they are extremely energy efficient. This means lower heating bills as well as a smaller carbon footprint for your Nottingham home.

Energy efficiency

Efficiency in energy is a major factor for homeowners looking to upgrade their homes. Heating and powering buildings accounting for 40 percent of the country's total energy consumption, reducing energy consumption is one of the best ways to save money.

Installing double-glazed windows with greater energy efficiency is one way to achieve this. Independent industry research shows the latest uPVC windows are up to 55% energy-efficient compared to those made prior to the millennium's turn. You'll reduce your energy costs and your home will feel more comfortable all year long.

When you're choosing new double-glazed windows, it's important to look at the Window Energy Ratings (WER) and their U-value. The WER ratings can be located on a label and are based on a scale from A++ to E. A lower U-value indicates that less heat is escaping into the building through the frame.

When deciding on nottingham door and window for your windows it is crucial to consider their lifetime and maintenance requirements. uPVC is the most popular option due to its durability, easy to clean and offers modern design, while aluminium is another option that has slim frames that provide more space and light. Timber is more expensive however, it has a natural look and, if it's treated and cared for properly, it will last for decades.


Modern uPVC windows require very little maintenance and can be cleaned regularly with the use of sponges or a soft cloth. They won't fade as do traditional timber frames, and so they will look great for many years to come.

Most stains can be cleaned by a quick wipe with warm soapy tap water. However, a specific UPVC cleaning solution is available to remove stubborn staining. You can purchase it at most local discount stores and supermarkets. Clean your windows on a hot cloudy day to avoid streaks and smudges.

To keep moving mechanical components like hinges and locking mechanisms operating smoothly, WD40 machine oils can be applied lightly to them. It should be applied to both sides of the handle mechanism.

In contrast to aluminium frames uPVC does not require repainting or retreating and will look great for a long time if maintained correctly. It is crucial to avoid using cleaning fluids that are corrosive and abrasive because they could damage the frame. It is best to utilize a paper towel, or squeegee in order to remove water drops before they dry and leave streaks of stain. It is also recommended to keep your windows clean by using gentle brushes and a vacuum cleaner.

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