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laser programmed diamond cutter
To cut diamonds, one must use the precise and intricate laser programmed diamond cutter. A laser is used to produce a small opening in the diamond's exterior. Afterwards, the mineral is meticulously cut through with a rotating blade.

In the 1990s De Beers revolutionized diamond cutting with their invention of the laser programmed diamond cutter. As cnc jewelry cutter and engraver price , they utilize the pioneering tool to cut their rough diamonds into captivating gems.

The laser programmed diamond cutter is a truly remarkable instrument, designed with superior accuracy. Masterful enough to slice a diamond of equal parts tiny and intricate, the laser can delicately cut a diamater of no more than 1 millimeter with a depth merely surpassing 1 micron.

Once a rough diamond has been targeted by the laser programmed diamond cutter, the resulting cut shards can be used to craft a variety of diamond jewellery pieces. These diminutive diamonds, known simply as 'diamonds', can take on all kinds of ethereal shapes, allowing artisans and jewelers to create fine pieces from their surfaces.

An acquisition of epic proportions, the laser programmed diamond cutter costs a hefty $1 million - an exorbitant price tag, no doubt. An immense level of effort and expertise is required to create this ultra-powerful tool; equipped with a laser of superior quality, manufacturing a laser programmed diamond cutter can become an arduous process.

The laser programmed diamond cutter has a delicate nature, designed exclusively for precious diamonds. Using it to cut any other material could result in wrongful damage to the gem.

Possessing of accuracy, the laser programmed diamond cutter is capable of slicing any diamond - no matter how minuscule - to a diameter below one millimeter.

After the rough diamonds are lasered into their more manageable forms, they are further refined into precious stones used to create diamond jewelry. The laser programmed diamond cutter is integral to this process of precision cutting, turning each diamond into unique objects of beauty.
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