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Have you ever wondered whether to read Freak the Mighty or watch The Mighty? Or if you’re going to do both, which one you should do first? Freak the Mighty/The Mighty are a book and movie about two boys who learn how to bond together. One of the two boys is named Max who is buff, husky, 6 foot 3 inches, scary, but is learning disabled. The other boy is named Kevin who is a child genius, creative, loves King Arthur, tricky, but has Morquio Syndrome (a rare disease that causes some at most to be around 3-4 feet, and live a very short life). Alone they may have their weaknesses, but together they are Freak the Mighty. Together they go on quests, rescue innocents, stand for justice, visit King Arthur, and strengthen each other’s bonds/skills. Although, the book and movie had some differences all throughout the story, they both follow the main theme, storyline, and have many similarities, which is the most important part of a book and movie. Also, in case you haven’t read the book yet, to help you the scenes where the book and movie are compared and contrasted they’re put in chronological order to help follow the storyline if possible. You may also notice that through the scenes of the book Freak will constantly show up, which is referring to Kevin if that may have confused you. Whenever the book is quoted you will see that it is always in Max’s point of view.
Throughout the book and movie there were many similarities, and here are a few. First, one similarity that occurred in the book and movie was Tony D. In both the book and movie, Tony D. is the bully that owns the town in fear, and his gang has a certain rivalry with Freak the Mighty, This was a key factor to the book and movie because not only did it give rising action and intensity to the beginning of the book and movie, but it also improved the bonds of Kevin and Max by going on many adventures together against Tony D. and his gang. Next, is a huge hop between the storyline from the beginning to near mid-end. This is the scene where Max is kidnapped by his own father, Killer Kane [a lunatic who killed his own wife (Max’s Mom) and got sent to prison, but was now released and wants his son back], and keeps Max tied up 24/7. In both the book and movie, Killer Kane doesn’t trust Max enough to roam free. This was a brilliant move by Killer Kane because it eliminated all escape routes Max would’ve taken, which makes a more suspenseful scene. Then, another similarity between the book and movie was an empty book. In both the book and movie, Kevin gave Max and empty book in the hospital to fill their adventures with (which was delayed for a really long time). Despite Kevin was in the hospital for different reasons throughout the storyline the book still held the same meaning, which is the book and story. Finally, one more similarity the book and movie shared is near the very end of the story where Kevin dies due to Morquio Syndrome, and how it affects Max. In both the book and movie, Kevin’s death teaches Max to move on with life, to be independent, and that he can do something on his own like write this book. Despite Kevin’s death was at different places and times it still got the message through to Max, which was the important thing. These are only a few major similarities the book and movie shared.
Now that you’ve heard a few major similarities here are some differences. First, is the scene where Kevin and Max go see fireworks on July 4th together. In the book Kevin and Max go to July 4th together in the summer together because they are friends. The text even states “ The deal is that I get to go with Freak, Gram thinks this is a good idea because she’s afraid he’ll get crushed or something.” Chapter6Page29. This may not be so clear in the text, but what it’s trying to say is that Max is such good friend’s with Kevin that he is willing to be Kevin’s bodyguard as a gesture of kindness. In the movie Max goes with Kevin to see fireworks during school season on July 4th because he is bribed. Kevin pays Max $5 to go to see fireworks with him on July 4th because if someone as big as Max protects him, he won’t have to go with his mother this year. This is crucial to the storyline because you can see in the book they’ve already started to bond and become friends, but in the movie the friendship is delayed, and Kevin and Max are still acting like complete strangers in a flea market exchanging services. Also, one thing I also want to point out that may not seem as important is that in the book July 4th is in the summer, while they still have some free time. Then, in the movie July 4th is during school season, which is kind of odd to me. Next, another difference the book and movie had is near the end of the movie where Kevin died. In the book Kevin died in a hospital. Kevin got in the hospital from a seizure on his birthday being way too happy and excited his body couldn’t handle it. The text specifically states “‘… what finally happened is his heart just got too big for his body.’ There was talk about arresting me for busting up the hospital.” Chapter24Page157. This may seem very vague, but what the text is showing is Dr. Spivak (Kevin’s medical doctor) was trying to explain how Kevin died. Then, the conversation about Max busting up the hospital was him trying to get to Kevin before Kevin died, but since nurses distracted him on the way by hugging him, he has to bust up the hospital to try and get there in time. Sadly, he did not. In the movie Kevin died at home. Kevin died over night during Christmas Eve or in the morning on Christmas day the film did not specify that, but the ambulance came to pick up his dead body on Christmas day in the morning. These are two very different things because in the book his death was inevitable, and was known to happen because he was in the hospital for a long time before he died. In the movie you also knew he was going to die soon, but it just happened so sudden where no one thought it would happen at that exact moment. Also because in the book when all the nurses hugged Max and felt sorry for him, he couldn’t take it anymore because they should’ve felt sorry for Kevin because he died not Max. That soon led to a bigger rivalry with Tony D. because he even felt sorry for Max, and Max just exploded with anger and frustration. There was no mention of this action after Kevin’s death in the movie what-so-ever. Here are some major differences that may have been easily recognized if you have read the book or watched the movie.
Although, the movie had some differences from the book, they both follow the same theme, storyline, and share many similarities and that’s what’s most important. The similarities were probably most recognizable if you read and watched the book because they were very similar like it was stated before. Some may have not been depending on how well you paid attention to both the book and movie. Same could be said the exact same for the differences, or the exact opposite. So, now it all comes down to the same question. Have you ever wondered whether to read Freak the Mighty or watch The Mighty? Or if you’re going to do both, which one you should do first? I would honestly prefer to read Freak the Mighty, and do it first if I were to do it first. The reason of being is because I feel like the movie The Mighty revolved around entertaining the viewers with a short action/drama film with only few comedy added. In the book they actually made a good storyline actually revolving around the story with comedy only adding action/drama if necessary. I feel like this fit my personality and genre better, but I guess it’s up to what type of person you are.
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