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asalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu ! Lets discuss an important chapter: Backbiting and tips on how to stop it.
So, what is backbiting?
Backbiting is a serious sin that many fellow Muslims commit carelessly without knowing that they are committing a grave sin and without considering the potential consequence of this sin. backbiting is when you talk about someone in a bad manner and mention some characteristics of theirs in such a way that they don't like to be mentioned In front of others.
In the eyes of Allah (SWT), He compares the act of backbiting to the repulsive action of eating a dead person’s flesh (cannibalism).
“O you who believe, avoid most suspicions: Some suspicions are indeed sins. So do not pry into others’ secrets and do not backbite. Would any of you like to eat a dead brother’s flesh? You would surely be revolted by it Then fear God. He is certainly forgiving and kind.” (Quran 49:12)
There are some circumstances where speaking about another person's wrongdoings may be necessary, such as reporting to a judge or seeking religious advice, but it should be done factually to correct behavior.
Tips to stop backbiting:
Recognize that backbiting is a grave sin and there is a grave punishment for it in the afterlife.
Change your mindset profusely, instead of focusing on other people's faults, try to focus on their positive qualities.
Avoid getting involved in conversations that involve gossiping or talking about others.
Control your tongue: Only speak when it is necessary and appropriate and know that longer silence is better when you have nothing better to mention.
Make a sincere effort to avoid backbiting in the future and seek forgiveness from those whom you have backbited in the past.
However, stopping backbiting is a process that requires effort and dedication. But with the help of Allah (SWT) and by following these tips, it is possible to overcome this atrocious sin and lead a more positive and righteous life.
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