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Good morning, my name is Pollyana and today I'm going to speak about My Favorite season of the year.

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I would like to thank God for my life and my mom and dad for helping me to make my "TCA".

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Winter, spring, summer, fall...
Seasons, I just love them all!

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The key-words are: Climate; Pattern; Seasons; Weather.

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The seasons are a very important part of our lives as they affect our life and habits.

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The sun is the main reason for the seasons, as the Earth's tilt towards or away from the sun causes the different weather during the year.

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The seasons are:
Spring - The weather starts to get warmer, and the days get longer. This is a time for new beginnings, as flowers bloom and animals start to come out of hibernation.

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Summer - The weather is hot and sunny, and people enjoy spending time outdoors.
This is a time for vacations, swimming, and barbecues.

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Autumn or Fall - The weather starts to cool down, and the leaves change color.
This is a time for harvest festivals and pumpkin carving.

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Winter - The weather is cold and people stay indoors more often. This is a time for hot chocolate and a nice movie under the blanked.

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After all the seasons are a natural part of our lives, and we should learn to have fun in all of them. That is why “I love them all”!

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The biblical verse I chose is at Daniel 2:21 and says: “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and set up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;”

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The school purpose I chose was "Criativity", because God was so creative in creating the world, the sun, and the seasons that come from it!

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So, as my conclusion, I would like to say that Seasons are caused by the rotation of the Earth around the sun and it causes the four seasons of the year. And although I prefer the winter, I just love all the seasons!

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Thank you!
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Regards; Team

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