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Pregnancy Rash - What Are These Red Bumps
During pregnancy many women experience a rash, which is very common during the pregnancy stages as the skin visibly changes. Through the pregnancy stages, there is a higher blood hormone level which can have an effect on the skin. There is not anything harmful about most skin changes as far as the health of the infant and the mother can be involved. Overall, these changes become normalized within a few months following the baby exists. But there are some skin conditions that can indicate other underlying problems so it's always best to get this looked at and treated. For a few women, the hormonal changes can result in acne. We also know how common food craving and repulsions can even be during pregnancy. Some women will also get a skin darkening, sometimes known as the pregnancy rash. is called the pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) that may cause an non-stop itch or some and become quite frustrating. Fortunately, this ceases following the birth of the infant but nonetheless, it is usually hard to tolerate. Some studies show that there is an increased incidence of the birth of a boy when you have pupps rash. Nearly all women won't get this prior to the sixth month of pregnancy, but there are exceptions. The rash starts with the stretchmarks in the abdomen according to some.

Pupp rash may sting as well as itch and is usually found on the stomach area, thighs and buttocks.. It is also much more extensive. Moisturizers, anti-itch creams and sometimes cortisone is used to alleviate symptom. Some doctors may induce labor early or prescribe prednisone if necessary. Unfortunately, some women could even get the rash before their third trimester. Keep your focus on your beautiul baby inside you and know that this is a temporary discomfort. Visit a physician to rule out other issues like a stress rash or eczema.

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