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Time Played: To be honest, I've only accumulated 37 total days, and I'm aware that you need 60 days to apply for a staff position. However, I dedicate a considerable amount of time to the server daily.
Do you have any past experience? I don't have experience with RuneScape private servers. (I've sadly been a moderator and came close to achieving an admin rank on a few different Dark RP Garry's Mod servers, T-T).
Why do you want to be a part of the team? The server is incredibly enjoyable, and the people here seem very friendly. However, I've noticed a shortage of moderators or support staff online during times when issues arise in the help chat.
In your opinion, what qualities make a great staff member/team?
Great staff members exhibit professionalism in the help chat and in their interactions with players. They assist people when needed, whether it's offering a listening ear during difficult moments or providing guidance on various aspects of the game. They demonstrate respect and receive it from players. Furthermore, they strike a balance between being serious and having a sense of humor.
In what way, and why do you believe you are a great asset to the current staff team?
I believe I'd be a valuable addition because I'm highly active on the server, dedicating numerous hours each day. I feel appreciated and make an effort to assist whenever help is required. Additionally, I've noticed a scarcity of moderators or support staff online during my playtime, which I believe makes me a valuable asset during those hours.
Have you had any negative experiences with players? As of now, I haven't encountered any negative experiences with players. I've observed some hostility in the Help chat, but I promptly informed staff members and temporarily distanced myself from the chat.
How many hours a week do you typically play? I usually spend approximately 5 to 8 hours playing per day. I haven't calculated my weekly playtime.
Do you currently play any other RSPS? No, I do not.

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Regards; Team

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