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I'm Althea, "Jash" for short. I'm 10 years old, kiddo right? LOL
I was born on September 17,2013. I have a complete family, only child<3 I appreciate God for creating/worked hard for myself, even I'm just useless child HAHA.. But I'm LUCKY to have a people that cares about me, make me happy even it's just a little thing. I love them more than myself, I love them especially my FRIENDS. They are my world, like I can't live without them, Why? because they CARE about me, makes me happy, the reason why I always prioritizing them first, Even if I'm being bullied/napapagalitan for what I do, I'm putting them first ONLY because they're one that I'll keep in my heart that I'll never let hurt. Pau, Gaea, Linda, Thea, Amethyst, Light and more, thank you.. Thank you for always being there for me, I'm sorry if I annoy ya'll sometimes, especially Light and Pau, I'm sorry if I always call you even you're busy, and Light I'm sorry kung inaagaw ko sayo yung pencil case and other things mo with no permission, I always do that if I'm bored or I don't have things to do.. That's my humor especially I'm the youngest in the group-
Let's move on to my family, I also love them of course<33 they're also on my side. They're one and only "PRINCESS" they say, I'm also lucky to have them, but there's a day that I couldn't handle my parents for a punishment? I guess, why?? because I'm naughty- but I understand them, and no need to worry, I'm get used to it. I'm also thankful to my ate, I classified her as my sister even she's just my best cousin, she makes my projects looks good sometimes (not like, she made it all, she just helps and gives ideas) and her lover HAHAHAHA. My parents gives me the things I want, I know that they want me to be one of the highest honors (top 1, top 2 etc...) but I can't even achieve any of them, I just achieve that tops when I'm just a little kid. I remember that I'm the highest in the school, I have many stars on my hand, it's fun to remember right? but what now? I only have low scores, top 11+, but I still appreciate that, I work hard just to be smart enough, decline some outings just for my studies.
I have a insecurities of course, insecure about myself haha..

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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