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Health Insurance After Divorce
After a divorce, if you are in need of health insurance, your options may be limited. In Washington State, an ex-wife is no longer allowed to participate in a spouse's health insurance coverage after a divorce. But divorced spouses are entitled to continue to get health insurance under COBRA up to a maximum of 36 months after their separation from the marriage.
Divorce is often a difficult period of time to be faced with the decision to sign up for health insurance after divorce. The costs associated with this type of coverage can be very high and many people just don't see the point of paying for it. If your reasons for wanting to sign up are based around the cost of such coverage, there are ways you can save money on your premiums.
When you are looking for an affordable health plan after divorce, consider the option to combine the remaining coverage with an employer-sponsored plan. Many employers will waive the individual premium when a person becomes self-employed. For some people, the money saved on premiums will make the switch to an employer sponsored plan a good one. If you still want to have separate health insurance after divorce, you may want to talk to an agent about switching your employer sponsored plans to one that provides both an individual and family health plan. average car insurance cost ohio price of these plans may not be as low as the individual premiums, but they will provide the same amount of coverage and may be more cost-effective than just one plan.
Another way to cut back on your health plan after divorce is to limit yourself to just a doctor's office visit or a simple prescription. You may find that when you are in bad health, you have more visits to the doctor than you thought you would. If you only need to go to the doctor a few times each year and do not require any prescription coverage, then switching to a group-only plan will help you save money.
If you have been married for some time, you may also benefit from adding a spouse onto your insurance policy. If you own a home, you may qualify for an addition. on your health plan because you may have a family member who requires health care on a consistent basis. Be sure to check with your insurer so that your spouse can be added and if you qualify.
Another way to save money on your health plan after divorce is to get group health insurance. While more info do not offer group health plans, your spouse's employer may. If you own a small business, ask your boss what he may offer.
For a variety of reasons, some employers allow employees to purchase their own group health care. Check with bmw m2 insurance price to see if he or she offers this type of option. Often, you can save money when you get your own group health plan at a discount when compared with individual coverage.
Once you have decided which health care coverage you will want after divorce, you can apply for your own insurance plan online. This is a great way to save money without having to pay large deductibles, monthly premiums, or worry about your spouse's health care. Be sure to review your company's policy carefully to make sure you understand how the plan works.
You can make changes to your own health insurance policy as often as you like. If you change jobs or want to switch health care providers, you can easily do so.
Divorce can be a difficult time in anyone's life. It can be especially hard when you are responsible for paying all the bills and expenses associated with your marriage. Fortunately, there are ways to make changes to your current health plan that will still allow you to keep up with the daily life after divorce and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Health insurance after divorce can be difficult to pay for, but it is possible. With a little work and patience, you can save plenty of money on the insurance costs of your new life.
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