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Libraries, instead of maintaining its huge collection of books, should prioritize the use of modern technological as the primary resource. I completely agree with this statement since introducing technology would not only save the time and energy required to maintain the wide collection of books but also revolutionize the traditional learning methods.
In the conventional libraries, the effort spent into compiling books, tagging them and sorting them out in a specific order requires a significant deal of time and dedication. Governments and private institutions reserve a specific chunk of budget into funding libraries due to its costly requirements for a smooth functioning. In additional, an all-time librarian is required to ensure presence every working hour for effective surveillance of books and materials. All of this can be minimized by the adoption of modern reading resources by the libraries, as notable in Harvard and IVY league universities.
In additional, if laptops, IPADS and other screens are made available to the readers in library, it would create a dramatic impact on the learning capabilities and effectiveness. People coming to library would be able to gather greater information in lesser amount of time, in stark contrast to books where remarkable time is required to get to attain information on the relevant subject. Moreover, it also creates a sense of empowerment to cope up with the modern world, so the mounting fears of being left behind can be overcome. For example, the reading sites like Wattpad and Wikipedia can only be available on internet. These modern channels collect a pile of data that is accessible at one click, meanwhile providing relevant information related directly to the searched topic. Thus, saving the nuisance of going through the tedious task of finding books and turning pages.
In conclusion, this essay suggests that in order to keep at par with the advanced technological world and to channel the precious time and resources towards an effective learning medium, the most viable solution is to replace the books with gadgets in libraries.
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