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• A plumbing system's primary parts include, among other things, water supply pipes, fixtures, drain pipes, traps, vents, shut-off valves, water metres, and water heaters.
There are several types of plumbing systems, each designed for specific applications and building types:
Potable Water Supply System: This system provides clean and drinkable water for domestic use. It typically includes water supply pipes, fixtures, valves, and a water meter. The focus is on delivering safe, potable water for various household needs.
Sanitary Drainage System: The sanitary drainage system is responsible for collecting and transporting wastewater and sewage away from the building. It includes drain pipes, traps, vent pipes, and a connection to the sewer or septic system. Its primary purpose is to prevent contamination and maintain hygiene.
Stormwater Drainage System: Stormwater systems manage rainwater and surface runoff, directing it away from the building to prevent flooding and erosion. They may include gutters, downspouts, storm drains, and retention basins.
Ventilation System: Vent pipes, also known as vent stacks, are an essential part of plumbing systems, allowing air circulation within the drain and wastewater system. They prevent pressure buildup, ensure proper drainage, and prevent sewer odors from entering the building.

Gas Plumbing System: Gas plumbing systems distribute natural gas or propane to fuel appliances like stoves, water heaters, and furnaces. They include gas pipes, regulators, and safety devices to prevent gas leaks.

Fire Sprinkler System: Primarily found in commercial and larger residential buildings, fire sprinkler systems are integrated into the plumbing system to provide fire protection. They consist of pipes, sprinkler heads, and a water supply, designed to activate in case of a fire.

Hydronic Heating and Cooling System: Hydronic systems use water to distribute heat (radiant floor heating) or cooling (hydronic cooling) throughout a building. They include pipes, pumps, and heat exchangers for energy-efficient temperature control.

Greywater Recycling System: Greywater systems collect and treat non-toilet wastewater (from sinks, showers, etc.) for reuse in activities like landscape irrigation or toilet flushing, conserving water resources.

Rainwater Harvesting System: Rainwater harvesting systems collect and store rainwater for non-potable uses, reducing the demand on the potable water supply and promoting sustainability.

These various plumbing systems differ in their functions, components, and purposes. The choice of plumbing system depends on the building's intended use, local regulations, and environmental considerations. Each system plays a critical role in ensuring water supply, wastewater management, and building functionality.
Potable Water Supply System: Provides safe and drinkable water for domestic use, consisting of water supply pipes, fixtures, and valves.
Sanitary Drainage System: Manages wastewater and sewage removal to prevent contamination, including drain pipes, traps, and vent pipes.
Stormwater Drainage System: Handles rainwater runoff to prevent flooding and erosion, typically involving gutters, downspouts, and storm drains.
Ventilation System: Maintains proper air circulation in drain systems, preventing pressure buildup and sewer odors via vent pipes.
Gas Plumbing System: Distributes natural gas or propane for appliances, utilizing gas pipes, regulators, and safety devices.
Fire Sprinkler System: Provides fire protection through pipes and sprinkler heads, activating in case of a fire in commercial buildings.
Hydronic Heating and Cooling System: Uses water to distribute heating or cooling through pipes and heat exchangers for energy-efficient temperature control.
Greywater Recycling System: Collects and treats non-toilet wastewater for reuse in activities like landscape irrigation, promoting water conservation.
Rainwater Harvesting System: Gathers and stores rainwater for non-potable uses, reducing reliance on the potable water supply and enhancing sustainability.

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