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7/12/2023, 8:00 am Dear pretend diary, today we had the oral exam for chinese. This is how it went... I woke up early and practiced my pronunciation and intonation. I wanted to impress the examiner and get a good score. I arrived at the exam center and waited for my turn. I was nervous but confident. I had prepared well and studied hard. The examiner was a middle-aged woman with glasses and a stern expression. She greeted me and asked me to introduce myself. I did so in fluent chinese, telling her my name, age, school, hobbies, and future plans. She nodded and smiled, then gave me a picture to describe. It was a scene of a busy street with cars, buses, pedestrians, shops, and signs. I had to describe what I saw and what I thought about it. I spoke for about two minutes, using descriptive words and expressions. I tried to be creative and original, not just stating the obvious. I also added some personal opinions and feelings, such as how I liked the diversity and vitality of the city, but also how I worried about the pollution and traffic. The examiner listened attentively and asked me some follow-up questions. She asked me what I would do if I lived in that city, what kind of transportation I would use, what kind of shops I would visit, and what kind of problems I would face. I answered her questions with confidence and clarity, giving reasons and examples. I also asked her some questions back, such as what she liked and disliked about the city, and how she would improve it. We had a lively and respectful conversation, exchanging ideas and perspectives. The examiner thanked me and told me I did very well. She said I had a good command of the language, a rich vocabulary, a clear voice, and a logical thinking. She also praised me for being creative and engaging. She said I would get a high score and wished me good luck. I thanked her and left the room, feeling happy and relieved. I had aced the oral exam. -Matthias
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