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Berwald Oxenstierna♚ Although it wasn't uncommon to have the entirety of the Nordics together for meetings and special occasions, it ​was​ rare that Berwald got to have the entire family together in one place. While it seemed like a disaster waiting to happen (which it surely was), Berwald felt an odd sense of excitement involving the vacation. While the idea was unoriginal (being that of a road trip), it was the sentimentality of having everyone in a single place where they could all communicate and bond properly. Sure, he would regret it late--and was even regretting it now, somewhat--, but it was always the thought that counted, right? This wasn't just an opportunity for him to have everyone together at once, but for Peter and Thomas to finally bond together, and with Ljótur who they rarely seen. This, mostly, would be accounted for the fact that he had to sit in the back to separate the two--given he was the youngest of the Nordics--, and had no other choice ​but​ to bond with them. It was somewhat unfair, sure, but as a father figure and the primary planner on this road trip, Berwald shamelessly didn't give a shit. Everything had been set perfectly, with everyone packed and for the most part, ready to go. They had only been driving for an hour with no destination in particular in mind. The sun was still up, the radio was silent, and it seemed the road ahead would mostly be barren for a few more hours. A soft sigh escaped Berwald as he leaned back in his seat, hands planted firmly on the wheel because he absolutely refused to take any risks with two children in the back seat. He was a cautious driver, after all. 2:44 PM

Reino Bondevik|Norway The emphasis that most people, including --however unfortunately-- the ones that the bitter, Norwegian nihilist found himself spending the most time with, put on 'bonding' was, frankly, childish. In his ​humble​ opinion, the whole idea of it was stupid. Beyond stupid; it was imbecilic. His family should have known better than to invite him by now, but they'd gone along and done it anyway. And saying no hadn't been an option. He wasn't especially drawn to the children (he was worse with children than he was with adults), he wasn't eager to be locked in a moving death-trap for who knows how many hours, and he had a multitude of other things he could be doing right now. It was inevitable that there would be constant noise, and constant contact with somebody, which was the opposite of how he liked to spend his time. From where he sat in the passenger's seat, gripping his seatbelt, pinching his lips together, he was seeing his premonitions coming true already. There was no stopping it now. The chain of events that would lead to a tragedy had already begun. They'd started the moment he'd buckled the seatbelt and turned his head to stare out the window like he was going to war. Reino was going to kill someone before the trip is over. 2:53 PM

Mathias Køhler Mathias, on the other hand, as bored as bored can be. He had already read a few more chapters of his book, drawn a bit, sang '99 bottles of beer on the wall'... Twice. And really, what else was there to do? Bother people, definitely. And Reino was in poking distance... But that would surely cause nothing but trouble, for everyone nearby. Mathias wasn't ​that​ stupid. Honestly. The car hit a piratically bumpy stretch of road, causing every single bottle of water in the car to rattle around in their cup holders. Oh... You could practically feel the tension in the car raising. Someone was going to snap sometime, right? So why not let them now, to get it over with? Well, here's the problem. Mat was in perfect striking distance of nearly everyone in the car, and he had just sang a particularly loud and annoying song not fifteen minutes before... So he did what any sane Dane would do: Gather every single bottle of water in the car, bumping into a few people, accidentally elbowing Rei in the face, and piling all of them onto his lap. Of course, now he couldn't move, but the rattling had stopped, right? Jeez, he was a great problem solver. 3:04 PM

Tommy Oxenstierna-(Ladonia) Ladonia was actually happy to be with his family, and the Nordics whom he may be related to. He was kind of nervous at the same time because he didn't know what everyone liked and disliked. "What if we fight? What if I don't fit in?" Well we'll find out once we hit the rode. Thomas wasn't sure exactly where we were going, but he was find with whatever the heck they're doing. He knew it would be a long trip, but the most memorable time he would have with his family. 3:31 PM

Peter Oxenstierna Peter may have been the only one in the car who hadn't noticed the tension in the car already, nor saw that this road trip would end badly quite quickly. The optimistic boy was just excited to spend as much time with the odd group he called his family for once. Sure, he would have rather sat by Uncle Mathias than Uncle Ljótur, but this would be good bonding time for them until they got to the next gas station and he attempted to steal his dad's seat besides Mathias. On top of all this silly family business, Peter was even more excited to go on this adventure Berwald and Timo had planned out. He hadn't a clue where they were going, but his face had been pressed up against the glass of the window for nearly an hour before he realized that they weren't going to be getting anywhere special any time soon. The boy now was pressing the buttons on one of his father's phones that he'd be given in an easy attempt to shut him up and let him play a few random games they'd gotten on there for himself and Thomas. Speaking of Thomas, Peter had already attempted to annoy the crap out of his brother even if they were a seat away from each other. That included throwing some little things, reaching across Ljótur to punch his arm whenever they drove passed a slug bug. It was clear that at least poor Thomas would be at his wits end by not the end of the road trip, but rather the afternoon. For now though, everything was mostly calm and quiet except for a bit of chatting. 3:42 PM
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