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F&N is one of the most reliable and high reputation food and beverage enterprises in Malaysia. The Group's core businesses, which include the production, marketing, and sale of dairy, food, and beverage goods, generate annual revenues of RM4 billion.

A mineral water sourced from the 140-million-year-old rainforest in Borneo. Packaging will be made from sustainable sugar cane.

The company is determined to reach this goal as well by focusing creating and delivering high-quality products that meet or surpass customer expectations. In fact, they'll strive to build strong relationships with clients through effective branding and marketing campaigns.

Overall, I have had a satisfying and memorable time during this internship. I've had the opportunity to work in a real business environment, which has helped me develop a better understanding of my own weakness, skills, and advantages. I have learned many essential skills and knowledge that I will surely use as I seek a marketing career in the field of mass communication.

I had the chance to better realize during my internship at F&N that developing a solid strategy in marketing requires more than just academic knowledge. But even though I learned theoretical things during my university studies, it wasn't until this internship that I really understood what it's like to operate in the actual world. I was able to put the theories I had studied into practice and comprehend how they translated into actual work thanks to the practical experience.

The internship also helped me understand the value of time management in a work environment. It soon became clear that the success of an organization depended on meeting deadlines and completing excellent work within allotted times. It can be difficult to resist having a tight work schedule when building a successful brand. I must therefore meet some challenging deadlines. I had to prioritize work, manage my time well, and devote enough resources to each project to meet these demands. This experience improved my ability to meet deadlines and gave me a feeling of accountability and discipline.

. I am appreciative of the opportunity to learn and grow as a person, as well as determine which aspect of marketing I prefer performing. Furthermore, being able to plan and work independently, with guidance from my co-workers and supervisors, and make decisions for my future, helped me gain the confidence I needed to enter the job market.

Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, this job has helped me understand both my likes and my potential for a future career.

Aside from that, as an intern, I believe it is important to strive to learn new things during the two months of internship. Of course, when our supervisor assigns us work, we must pay close attention to the ideas they make because they are likely to aid us in the future or when we are performing assignments at university. However, I would also advocate increasing the internship term since I believe that two months is insufficient time to learn during an internship; it is more like a hit and run.

Last but not least, I believe we must have strong relationships with our co-workers or bosses in order to work in a comfortable environment and communicate well with everyone. When we work in any organization, we must cooperate and integrate into their organizations, which is also highly beneficial and makes our lives easier.

Despite the challenges, I learned a lot from my internship. I improved my copywriting skills, learned how to film and edit videos, and gained experience in developing and executing marketing campaigns. I also improving on how to work in a fast-paced environment and how to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

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