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Mesothelioma Lawsuit Timeline's History Of Mesothelioma Lawsuit Timeline In 10 Milestones
Mesothelioma Lawsuit Timeline

A diagnosis of mesothelioma is devastating. Most patients are nearing retirement age and have to deal with mounting medical costs.

Mesothelioma is a cancer that develops between 10 and 40 years after exposure to asbestos. State laws, also known as statutes of limitation allow victims to make a claim for injury within one to five years of the date of diagnosis or the discovery.

Statute of limitations

Mesothelioma lawyers ensure that victims file their lawsuits prior to the time limit for filing lawsuits expires. The time limit to file is determined by the state and the kind of claim. Personal injury claims generally have a statute of limitations that starts with the date of diagnosis, whereas the statute of limitations for wrongful deaths begins from the date of death of the victim.

The primary reason behind the statute of limitations in mesothelioma cases is that evidence may fade over time. As such, the law requires that victims act in a timely manner to get compensation for their loss.

Many victims will contact mesothelioma attorneys immediately following a diagnosis of asbestos exposure or a discovery. Attorneys can begin collecting data about mesothelioma, and also identify potential defendants.

Once the data has been collected, you can start a mesothelioma lawsuit in the appropriate court. The timeframe for filing a mesothelioma lawsuit varies from state to state. Attorneys can help victims determine the best court based on the location of their workplace, employer and home.

In certain states, the statute of limitations could be extended to allow mesothelioma patients or their family members more time to prepare their case and gather evidence. This is helpful when a patient has been diagnosed with mesothelioma prior to the exposure date or is considering a trust fund or class-action lawsuit.

Mesothelioma can be a devastation for families, and it can endure for decades following exposure to asbestos. Because of the lengthy latency period, mesothelioma victims are often not diagnosed until they reach their final stages of life. The statute of limitations can expire before victims or their family members are aware that they have to file a lawsuit.

Preparation and Filing

Your lawyer will collate information about your mesothelioma-related condition and file a formal complaint. The defendants have 30 days to respond.

Your attorney will then review the defendants' answers and decide if they want to continue with the case, or go to trial. The mesothelioma attorneys you choose to work with will be better equipped to negotiate your case when they have more evidence. This stage can take weeks to months.

Many mesothelioma lawsuits settle prior to trial. A trial can add time to the process and the defendants are more likely to settle when they don't want risk losing a court decision. Some cases do end up in court, and defendants may appeal a positive verdict.

Mesothelioma victims are entitled to compensation to pay for medical treatment and expenses related to their diagnosis. These costs can include medication as well as transportation to specialist appointments, and more. Families of the victims can be compensated for the emotional and financial loss they've suffered as a due to the death of their loved ones.

By filing an action against the asbestos-related companies responsible for your diagnosis, you can hold them accountable for their negligence. Mesothelioma lawyers can also ensure that you receive compensation to help secure the future of your family. Start your legal journey by requesting a complimentary mesothelioma evaluation. A lawyer will explain your eligibility for mesothelioma-related compensation and explain how the statute of limitations applies to you. The deadline for filing claims varies from state to state, therefore it is important that you seek out a reputable mesothelioma law firm as soon as possible.


Asbestos victims can get compensation for mesothelioma by filing a variety of legal claims. It can take a while to settle a claim, and the amount of compensation is dependent on a variety of factors.

Compensation is usually awarded in the form of a settlement, but some cases might go to trial. Asbestos lawyers will negotiate on behalf of their clients to maximize the amount of payouts. mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit for settling mesothelioma cases varies between one and twelve months.

Mesothelioma lawsuits begin with attorneys gathering information on asbestos exposure, identifying defendants, and filing a formal complaint. The defendants are then given a number of days to respond. If they do not respond within 30 days, they will be removed from the trial.

When the defendants are informed of the lawsuit, they will be given the option of settling the settlement or go to court. However, most mesothelioma cases are settled out of the courtroom.

The majority of mesothelioma cases are filed by asbestos-related patients or family members of mesothelioma patients. The lawsuits are filed against the companies who are responsible for exposing victims to asbestos, usually over a long period of time.

At Weitz & Luxenberg, our lawyers can start a mesothelioma lawsuit on your behalf, and manage the entire process from beginning to finish. This lets you concentrate on your health and family. We also understand that time is valuable and will strive to speed up the process so you can receive your compensation as fast as you can. We will also take care of all aspects of your claim using video and teleconferencing, so that you can avoid exposure to infection and travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team has more than 50 years of experience.


Mesothelioma cases are complex and require a deep knowledge of the law and the science of asbestos exposure. Expert mesothelioma lawyers are aware of the defense strategies that asbestos companies use to try to deny the victim's claim. They know how they can counter these strategies, and present evidence of an asbestos-related disease to win compensation for victims.

During the discovery phase, both sides in a mesothelioma lawsuit collect information regarding their allegations from each other. Lawyers may ask each party to answer written questions and take part in depositions. They can also request production of documents and other materials. During this phase, victims typically receive the highest amount of money from their claims.

After both parties have gathered information about the claims, they will meet to discuss the claims. Lawyers on both sides can reach a settlement or they will go to trial. Mesothelioma patients typically receive more money when they settle rather than if the case went to trial.

If the parties cannot reach an agreement the trial will be scheduled at a pre-arranged date. The attorneys will both present opening statements during the trial and will present evidence to an adjudicator. The jury will decide whether the plaintiff or defendant is entitled to compensation.

The majority of mesothelioma lawsuits are settled before the trial. Settlements usually take about a year.


A knowledgeable mesothelioma lawyer will ensure that the settlement process is completed quickly and is based on the specific circumstances of the case. The settlement process typically lasts for a few months or less. It involves negotiations with defendants and the collection of evidence. A competent lawyer will be able to anticipate this timeframe and decide the best strategy for the best outcome.

The money received from a mesothelioma suit can help families and victims cover medical expenses and other financial obligations. It can also give peace of mind for the future. Mesothelioma patients often have to have to take time off from work to undergo treatment, which may impact family income. The compensation awarded from mesothelioma claims can help to offset lost wages and assist families to afford ongoing care.

Due to the statute of limitations, many asbestos patients and their families are unable make a claim for mesothelioma. However, mesothelioma lawyers can help survivors of spouses and heirs of deceased asbestos victims to pursue legal claims for compensation.

To ensure that victims receive maximum compensation, there are specific laws and regulations that apply to lawsuits. An experienced mesothelioma attorney understands these laws and can file a lawsuit in the right venue. This will prevent clients from filing in a incorrect jurisdiction or not relying on the statute of limitations.

Defendants are required to respond to the lawsuit within the specified time frame, which can range from 30 days up to some weeks. The attorneys representing both sides will then discuss discovery which includes witness statements (depositions) and other evidence to back their claims.

If the parties are not able to come to an agreement regarding mesothelioma or the cancer, the case will be re-examined for a final resolution. Most cases will end with the settlement, but some will not. Our mesothelioma attorneys are committed to helping our clients through the entire case including appeals.

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