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So today, Emme made a bet at lunch with Rodney that if she takes something of mine and keeps it for the rest of the day without me taking it back or finding out, that he would buy her chips at lunch tomorrow. So, she apparently took my blue EXPO marker that I keep in the side pocket of my bookbag. I didn't realize that she did this until she was writing on the desk with it in 8th period. I was like ok make sure you put that back when you are done. And she was like no its mine. And I was like where's the one that was in my bookbag then. She said IDK. She was like yea my dad brought them back from the store yesterday. I knew the whole class that it was mine. So, then I said OK Emme I know you are kidding just admit it. I literally said OK Emme please just admit it before you take it too long like the last couple times you lied to me because I don't want to be mad at you. She kept saying things like I'm dead serious its actually mine. And i was thinking to myself, is she really doing this right now. She doesn't care about me at all. And at this point I didn't know she made a bet but still no part of me believed her. Then it kept going and I was trying to act like I was mad at her so she would let up and just tell me. But she didn't. She even made up this whole story about how she had been using it all day and in math this morning everyone was using it, and Hayden stole it. OH BARF. I knew she was making it up. Especially after I was like pinky promise and she was like no. Also, she couldn't keep and straight face and after I got mad, she was ok you can have it I mean if you need it that badly that you are going to steel mine because you think I stole yours. Then she was like ok let's pinky promise, and she was finding every way to cross some part of her body so that the pinky promise didn't count. I wasn't having that. I know all those tricks, so I told her I'm not pinky promising her. Then I was like oh you probably made a bet with someone that if you could keep something of mine all day then they would buy you something. Of course, i was right and at that point I could tell that she was letting up. Finally, she told me, and she was still like yea it was for a bag of chips. And i was like ok wow really that's all i mean to you a bag of chips. She was willing to lie to me all that time just for a bag of 1-dollar chips tomorrow at lunch. The rest of the period, I didn't talk to her and i acted mad because that is not ok. Then after I started getting mad, she started acting like she was mad at me and i was like what is she doing. This is her way at getting back at me for doing nothing except being mad at her for lying to me in return of getting a bag of chips. At this point I was like Emme if you want a bag of chips tomorrow at lunch than ill buy you a bag of chips. Gosh. Then she walked out of the classroom and just left. Then I just left and walked out and started walking up the sidewalk. The part that I feel the best about is that after I started walking up and I was already close to the road. She ran up and said that she was sorry and feels bad for doing that and that she didn't want me to be mad at her. And I was like ok if you don't want me to be mad at you for doing that than maybe just apologize from the start instead of getting mad at me then. I said I wasn't really that mad at her for what she did I was just mad at her for acting like she was mad at me after I did nothing. She was like well normally people would just know that was a joke and move on, but you got mad at me for it and I was like well it was not acceptable what you did and she was like i feel bad and I said Well I won't be mad at you anymore if you just stop lying to me about stupid things and she said ok and ran back down.
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