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15 Lawyers That Handle Mesothelioma Cases Benefits Everybody Should Know
Mesothelioma Lawyers

A mesothelioma attorney can help you obtain compensation for the pain and suffering you have endured. You may also be eligible for other types of compensation such as funeral costs and lost income.

A mesothelioma lawyer will examine your work history to identify asbestos exposure sources. They will then consult with medical experts and other experts to create an argument that proves the link between exposure and illness.

Simmons Hanly Conroy

The attorneys at Simmons Hanly Conroy are dedicated to giving clients the best quality legal representation. They take the time to fully understand their clients' unique situations and goals to help them seek compensation for their losses. They also aim to make the process as easy as they can for their client. They will look over your medical records related to asbestos and interview you, as well as those involved in your exposure, to help build a strong case. They will then negotiate a settlement that is in your best interest.

The firm's lawyers for mesothelioma have a commitment to helping victims and families receive the justice they need. They have recovered millions in settlements and verdicts on behalf of clients. They have extensive experience in representing clients across the United States, and regularly travel to meet with them at their homes or at their place of employment.

The lawyers at this law firm have experience in handling mesothelioma cases and are well-versed in the complicated asbestos laws. They are renowned for their commitment and have handled thousands of claims. The lawyers of this firm are also experienced in other types lawsuits, such as those against pharmaceutical companies.

Shareholder Taylor Kerns leads a team of lawyers and staff who concentrate on asbestos litigation. He has helped secure millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for patients who suffer from mesothelioma as well as other asbestos-related diseases. He has been involved in more than 150 cases, looking into asbestos exposure and taking depositions.

He is a lawyer with a wealth knowledge of the law and is an expert at negotiating with insurance firms and mesothelioma funds. He is a Member of the American Association for Justice and the National Trial Lawyers. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for the Greater Chicago Asbestos Trial Lawyers Association.

Prior to joining the firm, Kerry O'Sullivan was an associate at an attorney firm in the area. She was involved in all stages of litigation including jury trials as well as workers' compensation cases. She also wrote extensively and worked on appeals. She is now a member of the firm's Asbestos Team, where she helps injured individuals and their families recover damages from corporate bankruptcy trusts.

mesothelioma military lawyer & Associates LLP

Mesothelioma victims and their families are often faced with a long road ahead them. They have to deal with their illness as well as the financial repercussions of lost wages, medical bills and other expenses. The disease can also result in the loss of loved relatives. Mesothelioma lawyers can help victims obtain justice and fair compensation for their losses.

Since 2002, Shrader & Associates has been fighting for mesothelioma victims and asbestos patients. They have a vast national network of mesothelioma lawyers who are experienced to assist clients in litigation in any state. The firm is committed to obtaining justice for each client and treats every one with respect and dignity they deserve.

A mesothelioma lawsuit can be complicated and time consuming. A reputable lawyer can help clients with every aspect of their case, from beginning to the end. In certain cases the lawsuit could be settled before a trial. If a trial is needed an attorney for mesothelioma can assist their client through the entire procedure.

When a mesothelioma sufferer is diagnosed, their lives is likely to change drastically. They could lose their job, have to move, and require medical attention which could be expensive. In addition, they will likely have to provide financial support for their family members, too. This can be an extremely stressful time for everyone who are involved.

Justin Schrader started his firm in 2002, aiming to assist those suffering from mesothelioma or asbestosis. He expanded his business from a single practice to become one of the top firms in the United States by carefully selecting a highly skilled and committed team of attorneys. His team of top paralegals, attorneys and assistants who are expert in their fields.

Shrader & Associates, based in Houston Texas is a law firm that represents clients throughout Texas, California and other states like Louisiana, Illinois, Minnesota, and Maryland. The law firm is rated Super Lawyer by the Super Lawyers patented selection process that takes into consideration the recognition of peers and the accomplishments in the field of law. The firm is also accredited as a Class Action or Mass Torts Plaintiff and Personal Injury - Products Plaintiff.

The Levy Law Firm

Asbestos has been linked with serious health problems. Mesothelioma and lung cancer are among the most serious respiratory ailments. The exposure to asbestos can happen at home, work, or school. The people who have been exposed to asbestos can claim compensation for the injuries they sustained. Mesothelioma attorneys can help victims get the compensation they deserve.

Levy Phillips & Konigsberg LLP attorneys have years of experience handling mesothelioma lawsuits and have secured millions of dollars for their clients. The lawyers of the firm are recognized nationally, and they have handled some of the most important cases in the country. They have secured millions of dollars in their clients' favor after successfully pursuing numerous cases against large corporations.

Robert B. Levy the partner at the firm who was named to the Super Lawyers list in New York. He has over 25 years of experience and is well-known for his trial advocacy abilities. He has handled a variety of cases involving asbestos and mesothelioma and has secured numerous significant verdicts.

Another mesothelioma lawyer is Jake Levy, who represents clients in arbitration, litigation mediation, settlement and litigation. He has a wide-ranging commercial and business practice. He is particularly adept in negotiations of multiparty dispute, multi-claim disputes. He has a great track record and is well-known for his dedication to his clients, patience, and tenacity.

He has vast experience in all types litigation, including class actions, mass torts and personal injury law. He has a wealth of experience as a mediator and arbitrator, and is renowned for his ability to provide his clients with innovative durable, efficient solutions.

Levy Law Group is committed to diversity within the legal profession and strives to provide a positive workplace for its staff and attorneys. The firm welcomes all people regardless of race or ethnicity, color, nationality or ancestry (or ancestry) and gender, religion, sex or sexual orientation, disability and veteran status as well as citizenship and age as well as marital and educational status, or education. The firm has embraced the Los Angeles County Bar Association's Pledge to Promote Diversity in the Legal Profession. The firm is also a California Women Lawyers Association member.

Meriowitz & Wasserberg

A lawyer who handles mesothelioma cases must have an experience of success. They also need to be insured and licensed. They should also be acquainted with the statutes for asbestos claims in their state. Additionally, they should be experienced in handling asbestos cases nationwide. A mesothelioma lawyer is a reputable source of litigation and will be able to help you navigate the procedure of filing an action.

Attorneys who work at Meirowitz & Wasserberg share a common goal of helping people and fighting for their rights. The founders bonded over their dedication to justice and established an organization that fights against corporations that put profits over public security. The shared mission of the firm creates the feeling of solidarity among employees and a sense of mission. This creates an engaging, enjoyable working environment.

Meirowitz & Wasserberg's attorneys are experts in personal injury and mass tort cases. They represent asbestos victims and other hazardous products. They are seasoned trial lawyers with years of expertise, experience and a track record of success. Their legal team is dedicated to help victims recover the compensation they deserve.

Their legal team has recouped millions of dollars for their clients. They have helped clients get compensation for asbestos-related illnesses such as lung cancer, mesothelioma and lung cancer. They also assisted victims of other types of personal injury cases, like nursing home abuse, and motor vehicle accidents.

Asbestos lawyers who handle mesothelioma have been trained to look over medical records and question witnesses to collect evidence. They can maximize compensation for clients by using their expertise in the complex asbestos medical evidence. They also have access to the most up-to-date technology and resources in order to help their client succeed in their case.

The lawyers of Meirowitz & Waterberg who handle mesothelioma claims have decades of experience representing victims and their family members. They have handled complex mesothelioma case in all states. They are also well-versed in the complexity of multidistrict litigation.

Lawyers at Meirowitz & Wasserberg are dedicated to helping patients suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos-related ailments. They have a track record of success, and the resources to win their clients' cases. They can negotiate settlements on behalf of their clients, or take their cases to trial if needed.

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