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5 Killer Quora Answers On Mesothelioma And Asbestosis
Mesothelioma and Asbestosis

Most mesothelioma sufferers feel breathy. This is because cancer causes the cells to expand out of control, which results in a tumor that places pressure on organs in the vicinity.

Mesothelioma, a cancer that is caused by asbestos exposure is a rare type of cancer. It develops in the lung linings (pleura) as well as other body organs, including the abdomen, heart and testicles.

Signs and symptoms

In a few instances mesothelioma patients and asbestosis may experience similar symptoms. The two conditions are distinct. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer, while asbestosis is a non-cancerous condition known as pulmonary fibrosis.

Asbest exposure can cause various symptoms. These symptoms depend on the location and manner of exposure. Patients with pleural msothelioma for example, often suffer from back pain or chest pain or breathing problems, as well as frequent coughing. Some also experience swelling in the arms and face abdominal pain, unproven weight loss or anemia (iron deficiency).

Asbestosis is not the cause of these symptoms. However it can affect the quality of life due to the formation of scar tissue to form in the lung. These breathing problems can cause health issues, such as lung failure, heart disease and other respiratory ailments.

Due to the severity of the symptoms, a lot of patients with mesothelioma can't work. This can result in emotional stress and financial problems. It is crucial that these individuals receive proper treatment to improve their lives.

A doctor can diagnose mesothelioma by performing an examination of the body by taking a detailed medical history of the patient's medical history and obtaining a chest ray or CT scan. If a patient is diagnosed with mesothelioma, their doctor can offer palliative care that can relieve symptoms and pain, and extend life.

For example, if the tumor is located in the pleura, doctors may eliminate excess fluid using a needle or install a tube to allow the patient to breathe easily. Pleurodesis is yet another procedure that is performed on patients suffering from mesothelioma pleural. This involves sealing together the two layers of the pleura to stop the buildup of fluid.

Treatments for mesothelioma aim at eliminating cancerous cells and slowing the growth rate. Asbestosis treatment, on contrary, is more focused on relieving symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients.


Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that affects the mesothelium, the membrane that lines the chest cavity and lungs (pleura) as well as the membrane lining the abdomen (peritoneum) or other organs. Almost all victims of mesothelioma are exposed to asbestos, and the condition typically takes many years to develop.

It can be difficult for doctors to diagnose the disease due to its long latency period. Early symptoms aren't specific and can be misinterpreted with other health issues. The most frequently reported symptoms are chest pain, trouble breathing, and an unidentified loss of weight.

When a patient begins experiencing these symptoms, doctors will order imaging scans and may refer them to an expert. The most effective test for mesothelioma is a biopsy where a small portion of tissue is removed and examined in a lab. There are a variety of biopsies. The most common ones are the bronchoscopy and needle biopsy.

A bronchoscopy involves inserting an tube into the mouth or throat to examine lung tissue and then remove the biopsy. The doctor uses a thoracic needle to extract some small amounts of tissue or fluid around the affected area, which is usually the lung lining. The needle is inserted into the patient's thoracic duct, where the fluid originates, or in the affected pulmonary lobe in order to take a tissue sample to be tested.

Asbestosis does not cause cancer however it can cause scarring that can make breathing difficult. Asbestosis is a progressive disease that can lead to respiratory distress. The symptoms of asbestosis are similar to those of mesothelioma including breathlessness, but they are generally less severe and appear later in the course of disease progression.

Exposure to asbestos is the reason for both mesothelioma and asbestosis. Miners, asbestos contractors, and workers in high-risk sectors are at the highest risk of developing mesothelioma. The same group of people are at risk for developing asbestosis, including insulation workers and military veterans. Asbestosis can be hard to diagnose, as it is often accompanied by mild or moderate symptoms similar to the symptoms of mesothelioma, and are mistaken for other health conditions. It can take years to develop and is difficult to identify until it is at an advanced stage.


Both mesothelioma (asbestosis) and mesothelioma involve an accumulation of fluid around the lung that can aggravate breathing issues. Surgeons attempt to eliminate the tumor or cancerous cells that cause these symptoms. They may also use chemotherapy to destroy remaining cancerous cells and stop the spread of cancerous cells to other parts of the body.

Like all cancers, the mesothelioma tumor is caused by a series (mutations) of mutations in the DNA within the cell. The cells receive the wrong signals and begin to multiply in uncontrolled ways. The excess cells accumulate and form a tumor.

Mesothelioma which is a cancerous tumor is treated differently from other cancers due to its position in the chest and abdomen. mesothelioma asbestos lung cancer is not curable, but it can be treated to lessen pain and other symptoms and improve quality of life.

Radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery are all options to treat mesothelioma. A vaccine similar to the flu vaccine, which instructs the immune system to attack the virus, is currently being investigated as an option for treating mesothelioma.

Asbestosis sufferers often suffer from breath shortness. They may have to change their lifestyles by attending pulmonary rehabilitation and using oxygen therapy. They may have to quit smoking cigarettes, or use pain-reducing medication such as bronchodilators and narcotics.

In a mesothelioma case doctors will take into consideration the type of mesothelioma they are treating, whether it is benign or malignant and the stage it is in. They will then discuss the patient's prognosis, which is the likelihood that the disease will improve or become worse.

Certain surgical procedures can treat mesothelioma, particularly when the cancer is discovered at an early stage. The surgeon will slice out the affected tissue with an instrument known as a scalpel. They may also remove part of the lung to relieve the pressure and pain caused by an even larger tumor.

Other treatment options include chemotherapy and radiation, which can help kill mesothelioma cells that the surgeon was unable to remove. In mesothelioma cases surgeon may opt to use 3D CRT or Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) to deliver greater doses of radiation with less damage to surrounding tissues.

Some mesothelioma sufferers have found success with photodynamic treatment using drugs that are photosensitive and reacted with specific light in order to destroy cancerous cells. A new technique uses photodynamic therapy and immunotherapy to boost the body's natural defenses against mesothelioma.


In some instances, patients diagnosed with mesothelioma may be told that their prognosis will be grim. Patients and their loved ones are advised to keep the hope alive by seeking a second opinion from another mesothelioma specialist. It is important to remember that many patients enter a partial or complete Remission. This could improve their outlook.

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that can be found in any part of the body. However it is most often affecting the lung tissue. The tumors are most likely to cause pleural thickening and the pleural effusion, which is the accumulation of fluid. The prognosis for each type of mesothelioma is different based on the type and number of cells that form the cancerous tumors.

Asbestosis is a chronic illness that has some of the same symptoms as mesothelioma. Asbestosis is caused by inhaling asbestos fibers and can cause inflammation of lungs and chest cavities. This can eventually lead to breath shortness. Like mesothelioma, it typically takes years for asbestosis symptoms to manifest however some sufferers are not diagnosed until they are already suffering with serious symptoms.

Blood tests can be used to determine if someone is suffering from mesothelioma. However, other types of testing are required to confirm the diagnosis. A lung CT scan, also known as an MRI, may be ordered to look for signs of tumors within the lungs and organs affected. Mesothelioma can also be identified by a needle biopsy. In this method doctors insert an extremely thin needle into the lungs to retrieve liquid containing samples of cells for pathological identification.

A bronchoscopy or thoracoscopy could also be performed to inspect the inside of the lung. These are surgical procedures that involve an expert inserting a small camera that is attached to a tube inside the lungs to see the tissues and collect samples. Thoracoscopic surgery can be more invasive, but it is the best way to identify mesothelioma cells.

Both melanoma and asbestosis are incurable, but treatments are getting better. Asbestosis can be treated with breathing therapies and prescription pain medications while mesothelioma is more difficult to treat. Patients with mesothelioma that is in its early stages could qualify for surgery and chemotherapy and improve their prognosis overall.

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