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Better Health Tomorrow Begins by Making Better Choices Today
Better Lifestyle Choices Result in Better Health

I am a very practical person. When I was deciding on a number of articles intended to be both informative and practical, I realized that one of the missing factors in people being much healthier than they currently are is that they don't know steps to make proper choices within their lifestyle. I've written a series of articles that will help you in your quest toward achieving and maintaining optimal wellbeing. Better health tomorrow begins by understanding what changes to make in your lifestyle and then making better choices in what you do and what you eat on a daily basis. Where we are later on is determined by the small changes we make each day. Applying these changes consistently as time passes will need you virtually anywhere you want to go in your wellbeing and in your own future.

How healthy you could be depends upon many factors- things such as genetic limitations, your history of childhood diseases, and several other things that are beyond your control. But by far, the NUMBER ONE reason that people aren't within their best state of health is that nobody has taught them how you can make better lifestyle choices. Things like smoking or not, whether you choose to drink alcohol, everything you eat, just how much sleep you get every night, and more. I have been practicing in neuro-scientific health and health care for over 30 years, and it never ceases to amaze me how little the average indivdual knows about the way the choices they make affect their health insurance and their future.

"You are today the merchandise of all choices and decisions you have made in your daily life up to this aspect." Does that make sense to you? If that is true, in fact it is, then what your location is that you experienced and health 5 years from now will undoubtedly be determined by the choices that you begin making starting TODAY. It really is NEVER too late to start out making better decisions regarding your health, and it WILL determine your future.

In these articles, I am going to span a multitude of topics all designed to provide practical steps toward reaching the best state of health that one could achieve. Regardless of your individual limitations that are away from control, you may be more healthy than you're today. Small changes in the choices you make consistently as time passes will help you more than you can possibly imagine at this point with time. In this article I will discuss the significance of exercise and the role it plays on becoming as healthy as is possible. Remember, you don't need to start training for a marathon by tomorrow, but you must begin MOVING. Our bodies were made to move and be active, and I am going to do my far better help you make better choices pertaining to what you do throughout the day, the activities you take part in, and how exactly to exercise simply and effectively on the way toward better health.

Our state of health isn't a "static" thing. In fact, it is just the opposite. This can be a dynamic, constantly changing, sometimes elusive entity that requires constant attention. Health and your quality of life start out with choices that you make. In the event that you make bad choices over a period of time, you will pay the consequences. On the other hand, good choices in matters that affect your wellbeing can change around what appears to be a hopeless situation in a reasonably short time of time. One of the most important choices with regard to health is the inclusion of some form of exercise in your daily routine. You must make this a priority because research has proven that exercise on a daily basis is even more vital that you your health and your future than what you eat! The general populous pays a lot more focus on their diet than they do whether they exercise, so through the use of this to your daily life, you will be before most of the people you know relating to your state of health in a relatively short period of time.

I can hear a few of you now saying things like "I'm too old to begin an exercise program", and "If I don't have any energy now, how can I possibly muster enough extra strength to exercise". "I'm already tired. Won't exercising just make me even more tired?" Other excuses include "I don't possess time", and "I cannot afford to join a health club or a gym". All I could say in response to these excuses is GIVE THEM UP! Everyone can exercise effectively as soon as 3 and 4 years old, and no one is too old or too out of shape to begin with a program of improving your level of fitness.

You can be in the same way effective in your quest for getting into better shape in your family room, family room, or den than it is possible to in a health and fitness center, so you can't use the lack of money as an excuse. You don't even need to purchase a bunch of weights and additional equipment, but may use what is available in your own home. By setting aside less than 15 minutes each day, you can be on the way to experiencing the benefits connected with consistent exercise. Everyone will get a quarter-hour per day- roll out of bed quarter-hour earlier, don't go to sleep until you have completed your exercises, use a portion of your lunch hour rather than talking, give up part of one TV show or perform your exercises while watching your favorite show! The payoff far outweighs the "sacrifice".

Let me list some of the great things about exercise. They include the following:

More energy- rather than draining your existing energy, it assists in building your reserves of extra energy.
Better circulation in your arms, legs, feet and hands.
Increased resistance to sickness and disease.
Lowered cholesterol and a stronger heart.
Improved digestion and an increased rate of metabolism that may allow you to burn more fat!
Better muscle tone and more strength to go with it.
Look better and feel younger- exercise is actually a "fountain of youth".
If we listed all of them t here wouldn't be room in this post for other things! God gave us a body in which to live during our stay on this planet. Along with it, He gave us the duty to take care of it. A significant section of this care of our anatomies lies in the importance of exercising and keeping it fit and healthy. This is exactly what enables us to do the work he's got called each of us to in our daily lives. The Bible says that folks perish for a lack of knowledge. Ignorance of the way the body works and what makes it function at its best is not any excuse once the information is easily available. I heard an excellent statement that simply said, "In the event that you wear out the body, where are you going to live?" We have an obligation both to ourselves also to God to learn everything we can about the care of our earthly vessels (our anatomies), and then to apply what we learn on a frequent basis. With exercise, the consistency of your effort should be on a regular basis.

In the event that you will just start the process with 15 minutes each day and do this for a period of 30 days, it will become a habit. You will notice small changes initially, but the longest journey in your road toward recapturing your health and fitness begins with a single step! The advertising writers for Nike first got it right when they coined the phrase, "Just Do It". The first & most important single step is just to start! No one is so far out of shape that there surely is nothing they can do in the form of exercises, so you can't beg off with that excuse either. Once you begin, you will see that you had nothing to fear and no acceptable excuse, which means you will never need excuses again.

Start by implementing two different types of exercises into your daily routine. The first is a straightforward series of stretches. Bend over and reach toward your toes keeping a slight curve in your lower back. You will observe I didn't say touch your toes, as it may have been a while since a few of you even saw your toes! Just reach forward until you feel a cushty stretch in your back and your leg muscles. Next, reach up and stretch for the sky. Remember to breathe if you are stretching. I don't want one to pass out in this process! I know that sounds silly, but you'd be amazed at how often we hold our breath instead of replenishing our bodies with a fresh way to obtain oxygen. In fact, yoga breathing is another form of exercise, so you've already begun to get some exercise every time you take a breath. You see, it wasn't so difficult after all! Repeat each of those stretches 10 times and hold each time you stretch for 5 seconds.

For those of you who are confined to a chair of some kind, or for anybody which are uncomfortable standing for just about any length of time, perform the same two stretches with your deep breathing during a sitting position. This will not prevent you from bending forward or from reaching toward the heavens.

The second type of exercise to initiate is really a light type of strengthening. For instance, hold a can of soup or a bottle of water with your arms at your side. Bend your elbows and raise the can or bottle toward your shoulder, flexing the arm. Then reach over your head with the same can because the second exercise movement. This can strengthen both your arms and your shoulders. Repeat each of these 10 times and as it reaches easy, put in a heavier can or a handheld weight of some kind and increase to 2 sets of 10 of both of these movements. Again, these can be done both standing and sitting. In addition, for anyone who is standing, snatch a chair and bend at the knees heading down only so far as is comfortable to begin with.

As you get stronger and more more comfortable with the movement, make an effort to squat down most or all the way before coming back to a standing position. Utilize the chair to assist you in maintaining your balance and aiding you in approaching until your legs are strong enough not to need the help. When you are sitting, try standing up from your chair 10 times and then slowly sitting back down into your chair. Not difficult, but this is a very effective approach to providing strength to the legs and lower torso and the larger muscle groups.

I know these are for novices, but they apply for all ages, in every walks of life, and in any state of health. Remember you must begin somewhere, and all exercise programs should be implemented carefully and gradually over a period to permit the muscles of your body time to adapt and get used to the routine. When it becomes too easy, increase the amount of repetitions, add more weight, do additional sets of repetitions, etc., and you are on the way!

Be sure and consult your doctor for those who have health problems that may prevent you from performing these exercises and have that they set you on the road to better fitness with a series of steps that will do the job.

Exercise must become a daily habit and become part of you. You must add it to the other components that people will discuss in future articles in the event that you expect to create a healthy lifestyle. Each step builds on the steps you took up to that time. Set realistic goals together with your exercise and it will contribute long-lasting benefits in your try to be your best. Avoid being too much on yourself for the poor choices you earn in your life around this point. In the event that you "fall from the horse" and create a bad choice, just get right up, dust yourself off and commence again. Decide today that you'll begin making proper lifestyle choices from this time forward. Just a little discipline goes a long way. Keep it simple, be consistent, and expect small changes at the same time. You'll be amazed at how quickly your system begins to respond when provided the proper environment consistently over time!

Remember, THAT CAN BE DONE IT! It all begins with a choice. Start today.

Dr. Tom Bolan is really a 30 year veteran in neuro-scientific alternative health care. He has multiple degrees and is really a nationally renowned speaker. He's got spoken over 2,000 times all over the United States before more than half a million people. He's got a large number of published articles and happens to be writing a book entitled Better Decisions Today Means Better Health Tomorrow. He has many DVD and CD programs on multiple topics of wellness. To learn more, he is able to be contacted by email and will respond personally within 24 hours at [email protected].
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