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The No. 1 Question Everyone Working In Door Repair Should Know How To Answer
How to Fix Common Door Repair Problems

Many door problems are easily fixed particularly if the work is performed by you. However, there are times when a task isn't doable without help.

A door that is stuck can be caused by hinges being too tight or loose. If the issue continues, you may need to sand or plane the latch side of the door.

Check the Door

Many homeowners clean up their yards and check their doors when the weather gets cooler. This annual inspection shouldn't just be a lookout for signs of damage, but also reveal any areas that aren't performing as they should.

Examine for corrosion or rust on door hardware, like hinges, as well as on the frame. Examine for broken or damaged weather stripping. This will prevent drafts from entering your home and stop air leaks which can reduce the efficiency of a home's energy usage.

Also note whether any doors are sticking, especially following a wind storm. A door that is more difficult to open or close will wear faster and will cost more to fix. This issue can occur by the fact that the wood of the door becomes swollen due to humidity. A simple test with the aid of a hygrometer will help determine the root of the problem.

If your door is swollen you can tighten the hinge screws with the help of a screwdriver. If the problem continues, you can try shimming the hinges or replacing them.

It's also important that you check the door for cosmetic damage. While minor scratches and dents are expected over time, any serious damage that wasn't there before should be repaired as soon as possible.

It is possible to repair a major door crack. However cracks in wood should be filled in and painted as fast as possible to avoid any further problems. To ensure the integrity of the structure any wood that is rotting has to be replaced. It is recommended to contact an expert in door systems if you spot structural issues that are significant. They can evaluate the damage and make any necessary repairs.

Then tighten the Hinges

It is common for hinge screws on doors to loosen up as time passes, but if you leave them for too long, they could damage the hinge and cause the holes for screws to be stripped. You can tighten the screws by hand or with a drill, but be cautious not to bend the hinge and make sure you remove the pins too.

The first step is to locate the points of friction and decide how to proceed. If the door rubs against the top or drags, you can countersink a long screw into the latch side of the hinge (the side that is connected to the strike plate). This will make the gap a bit larger and usually solves the issue.

An alternative is to simply remove the hinge pins and hammer them out until they're more spread apart, which will also solve the issue. This is not recommended as it could cause damage to the hinge. It should only be done if the door doesn't close properly.

Another possible issue is a screw that does not tighten, which could result from a sagging screw hole or a sliding doorframe. In this situation, insert the wood plug (or match) coated with carpenter's glue into the screw hole. Let it dry before reattaching your hinge. This will fill the hole and strengthen the area to allow the screw to be held in place. Repeat this procedure for any holes that aren't tightening. Close the door, and check to see if it now shuts properly. If the issue continues, you may have to continue troubleshooting. It's best to start with the most basic fixes first, and then do more complicated repairs if necessary.

Shim the Hinges

If the gap between the door and jamb is too wide (a condition referred to as a toe-in) Shimming the hinges can aid in ensuring that the door is straight. This can be accomplished by placing a small wedge of cardboard or wood under the hinge on the jamb side, and then adding one or more thin wooden shims between the hinge and the door frame. The shims will push the hinge leaf away from the frame to close the gap, eliminating the bind that caused the problem.

This method can be tricky however if you're careful you will be able to complete the task without causing damage to the hinge or door. Shimming is most effective if the screws already in place are removed from each hinge first (Knowledge How to Remove the Pin from the Door Hinge). It is possible to remove the door of its hinges to avoid unscrewing.

Once the hinges have been shifted, you'll need to shut and open the door a few times to make sure that they're functioning properly. If the door is still stuck then you can use shims to close the gaps between the door and hinge.

You can also fix the binding hinge of a door by expanding the size of the mortise. This is done by scraping the hole out using a chisel and then filling it with wood putty. To match the frame's other components make sure to sand the putty, then paint it before applying it to the hinge. This isn't as accurate as shimming, but it's a quick fix for a hinge that isn't aligned. It's also less destructive than trying to fix the door.

Draw in the Jamb

If your door still binds after closing the hinges and shimming, you may have an issue with the jamb not being of plumb. It is possible to fix this by gently tapping wooden shims between the jamb and wall at the latch side of the frame in order to bring it back to level. Take measurements of the shims with a carpenter's square, then move them around the frame to make sure that they are in line.

After you have shimmied the door frame you can tighten the screws that hold the strikeplate to the latch side, to keep it from rubbing against the latch. You can make use of a manual Phillips screwdriver or drill, based on the extent of the damage.

Sometimes, gouges, dents, and nicks in the frame cause it to stick to the door. If it's only small scratches, you can smooth the surface with wood filler that is the same color as the trim around the door, and then sand it prior to staining or painting. If the dents are deeper it may be necessary to replace the damaged portion of the jamb.

If you've tried sanding and filling but your door is still to get stuck, it's time to remove the door and begin to work on the frame from scratch. If you can afford it, you should replace the components and do it correctly. However, you may be able save the door by working on small pieces of the frame without having to remove the whole thing. Be sure not to damage the structural integrity of the frame especially if you're dealing with wood that has been exposed to moisture over the years.

Adjust the Strike Plate

The strike plate is able to catch the bolt that holds the door in a closed position. The movement and setting of doors over time may cause the strike plate to misalign with the latch. If the latch can't seat into the strike plate, it won't remain closed, which could result in burglaries and door kick-ins. To fix this issue, tighten the screws holding the strike plate. If this doesn't help, you can try shredding or adding wood fill to the hinges.

Apply a stripe of lipstick or any other marking substance to the latch prior to adjusting strike plate. Close the door, and then open it. If the lipstick marks indicate that the latch is contacting with the strike plate hole, it could be a problem with sagging hinges, rather than the strike plate's position.

If the marks show that the latch is too low or high in the strike plate hole, you can use a small piece of cardboard to insert into the mortise of the hinge and then replace the hinge. This is often a way to fix the problem if it is caused by sunken hinges. It also makes it easier to make a professional repair.

To adjust the strikeplate, take it from the jamb of your door. Then use an appropriate file to mark the hole in which the strikeplate is intended to be. A half-round file is ideal because it is in line with the curvature of the strike plate's hole. Reinstall double glazed window repair , close the door and examine if the latch now clearing the strike plate hole in a proper manner. If the latch is not clearing the hole using a chisel, shape the area of the jamb where it faces the strike plate.

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