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The Golf Experience And Your Health
Health, fitness and the golfing technique

Health and fitness have become key considerations for many individuals and golfers are simply now catching up. A trend toward riding golf cars has deprived so a lot of valuable exercise easily gained through golf. Golf courses have promoted riding carts as a means of ensuring good course usage while inadvertently helping the aging and illness areas of people's lives.

The Canadian golf experience has moved forward much more quickly compared to the American experience primarily because of weather. The intense heat of the American south during a lot of the year promoted the use of riding carts without regard to health issues. In Canada, golfers have started a movement away from riding carts to the user-friendly manual and handy remote control electric caddies. Those amazing machines allow golfers to casually walk the golf course in good time, use their muscle groups and get a cardiovascular work-up all at exactly the same time. Even yet in quite hot conditions, walking the open spaces of a course, often with cooling breezes blowing can be an enjoyable and health promoting experience. Since the new technologies have reduced the weight of caddies significantly, it's easy to carry refreshments, snacks etc.

Walking and carrying clubs, whilst having benefits, is usually a back breaking and tiring exercise, which many golfers simply cannot do. more info of using a riding cart put those individuals able to play golf, even though they lost some important advantages to doing so.

Today, have available 3 types of caddies assembled in Nova Scotia, Canada, that have proven to be reliable, well built and modestly priced. The tiniest caddie, a 150-watt single motor, rheostat controlled, quick release treaded wheels caddie will transport medium weight bags, clubs and the extras without difficulty, the 180 watt single motor caddie, more versatile, heavier construction and able to carry more excess weight and the dual 200 watt motors, remote control caddie, with forward reverse left right, emergency stop, distance stop, front wheel alignment is the greatest caddie designed for all golfers. All feature top quality electronic components, 2-year parts warranty through pay-less-get-more, quick fold and battery carry bags.
The remote caddie with it's forth balance wheel allows golfers to walk with their ball, decide on a club, then send the caddie around sand traps, over knolls, around ponds, to another tee or wherever required with no fuss or bother. get more info are quiet and unobtrusive and move concerning the course like little robots following masters' instructions.
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Regards; Team

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