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Promissory Notes and Distressed PROPERTY Traps
Get-Rich Schemes- Con Artists

Lack of knowledge--that is the problem

As retirement investments, promissory notes and property can be excellent investments. Or, they are able to become investment traps for the trusting, unsophisticated investor. Good sense, practical experience, education, and honest, competent, professional guidance will determine if the investor gets trapped or helped by the investment. Lack of knowledge about buying general, and about the specific asset, is the reason behind most investing disasters.

Let's examine two types of investment assets which are currently very popular with people and scammers. Distressed property and promissory notes is definitely the focus. The economic problems in the overall economy and the real estate problems in lots of parts communities and neighborhoods have generated a huge amount of negative and fear publicity. This publicity is capitalized upon by the schemers; they use it to reinforce their selling points when pitching to the uninformed and the unsophisticated. Here are a few details on the way the pitch-men find a profit using property.

Distressed PROPERTY Schemes:Due to the collapse of the real estate bubble, real estate Investment offerings have already been on the rise-both legitimate and illegitimate. Irrespective of market conditions, legitimate property investments are available and can be successful and profitable. But, in chaotic times, fast-buck artists capitalize on the overall climate of fear, uncertainty, and headline publicity to trick the uninformed and the unsuspecting into bad investments.

Bank owned property, properties in foreclosure, homeowner's in distress, pending short-sales, and owning a home pools have all been used investing vehicles to focus on the untrained investor. All of these situations carry substantial risks, and each must be carefully evaluated. Oftentimes, it requires an expert to understand and evaluate each of these individual opportunities; to rank them objectively, according to their individual risks and rewards, isn't the job of a newbie investor.

The other group of investments that we will explore includes promissory note investments.

Promissory Notes:During today's times, whenever a low-interest rate is being paid on all traditional investments, such as for example bank savings accounts and bank certificates of deposit, investors are investigating nontraditional investments. Many of these investors are seeking safety of their principal plus a higher level of return in these uncertain economic times.

Typically, check here are like a fish out of water when met with a promissory note investment. They have no experience with notes, their friends and family probably have no experience; consequentially, they are very susceptible to being tricked by way of a con artist.

The con man entices them by the promise of big returns no risk. These promissory notes give investors a false sense of security with promises or guarantees of fixed interest levels and safety of principal. However, all investments, even legitimate ones, in promissory notes carry some risk that the borrowers will not be able to meet their obligations.

As in all serious decision-making situations, a skilled, trained, objective, professional advisor can save the novice investor thousands of dollars in losses and several, many sleepless nights.

Red Flags: You can find signs of danger--red flags-- to view for when discussing a potential promissory note investment with a salesman, representative, promoter, or selling investor. Certain phrases should put you alert. Here are some examples:

"I'm a promissory note salesman, and I'm here to help you."

"I hear your question. Don't be worried about it now. We'll get to the solution later."

"This is a hot deal. It's selling fast. Everyone need to get in onto it. Hurry and decide now."

Lawrence Tepper specializes in: Promissory Note and LLC, Valuation, and Appraising

Expert Witness----Expert Consulting Services


Law Degree /Accounting Minor University of Denver

Colorado Real Estate Broker-- Promissory Notes Specialization

Certified Commercial Investment Member From National Assoc. Realtors


35 + years of appraisal and valuation experience for Attorneys, CPA's, Estates, and Financial Planners.
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