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Hi people, the last century was dominated by Electrodynamics applications, before that it was Thermodynamics applications and even before that it was Mechanics applications. I can sense it that this century is going to be quantum physics applications. For those who wanna get into this, here's a roadmap for joining in from the Physics side, where it's pretty much clear what you need to know (For CS, all you need is to be good with theory which OP is GoD at and helping us all; For Mathematics, know as much as you can, like anything gets applied out of the blue)
Here's the roadmap
• Pick up any standard Calculus based introductory physics textbook, HRK is the best out there. Here you have more recs:
• For learning to think like a physicist, work through knzhou's Olympiad Handouts, all of them!
• After that you'll need to build up Graduate level knowledge in the core areas of Physics + Quantum Computation (from Physics side, There's also courses from CS side, OP has them there on functionalCS, so take that perspective as well, but I'm considering here only the Physics side)...
Here's the list:
Now you can pick any Quantum Computation book/paper and comprehend it pretty well, Your Physics Foundation is set!

MIT has provided pretty solid roadmaps already, my advice is to do all the core Courses in Pure and Applied Mathematics at MIT and then go deeply into the subjects relevant to your interests, in general Algebra is the most useful branch of mathematics (so learn it as much as you can)
Here's the roadmaps:
• Pure Mathematics:
• Applied Mathematics:
• Various Fields to get deep into:
If want a rock solid High school mathematics foundation then digest the whole AoPS curriculum.

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Regards; Team

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