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Ghost 2 Immobiliser Installation Isn't As Difficult As You Think
Ghost 2 Immobiliser Installation

A Ghost immobiliser shields your vehicle from key hacking and cloning. It also helps to keep doors locked from being picked. It uses the vehicle's buttons from the factory (such as steering wheel control, door panel & the centre console) to create a unique pin code push sequence that can be changed each time you use it.

This makes it virtually impossible to determine the sequence so that the vehicle can't be driven away or even started. It also stops signal jamming and device spoofing.

No key fobs or LED indicators

Many thieves target vehicles that are keyless. If they can get your vehicle key signal or copy your key fob they can use it for your car to start, and drive away. This is why it's a good idea to have an immobiliser added on your van or car. It's just a simple device that prevents the engine from starting if you don't have a key or immobiliser code. There are a few different kinds of immobilisers available on the market. Some are designed to be hidden inside your car whilst others are weatherproof and are able to be installed in a position which is more visible.

Ghost Immobilisers are among the most sought-after and most reliable models. It's a weatherproof device that connects to the CAN network of your vehicle. It works in a similar manner like your key fob, however it does not feature any LEDs or even an indicator on the steering wheel to indicate its presence. It is hidden inside your car or van and is in direct communication with the ECU.

The system is also tamperproof, which means it is impossible for a criminal to remove or modify the ghost unit. The system is also tamperproof, which means that thieves are unable to take away or alter the Ghost unit.

The Ghost Immobiliser is a fantastic solution to protect your van or car from hacking, key cloning and key theft. This is done by using a PIN code only you are aware of. You can select your own sequence to disarm and it can be as short or as long as you want. Then, you enter it into the Ghost application on your smartphone to begin driving. If you move vehicles during the ownership period, the system can be transferred.

Most of the time, these systems are connected to the OBD port to allow it to recognize your key or fob. However, hackers with high-tech skills have discovered ways to hack these systems and then start the vehicle, even if keys are not present. It is for this reason that it is recommended to install an immobiliser that is ghost. The device will be able to prevent your Mercedes from starting until an exact PIN code push sequence is entered. This can be set by you & is only available to you and your installer.

No OBD Port Hacking

The ghost immobiliser works by preventing your vehicle from starting if you don't enter the correct pin code. It's designed to protect your vehicle against key cloning as well as other common types of theft.

Ghost immobilisers operate silently and stealthily over the CAN data network, which is different from other security systems with key fobs or LED indicators. This means that thieves can't detect the presence of a ghost immobiliser even if they are using advanced technology for RF scanning and code grabbing technology.

The device is located in the engine bay and connected to the ECU. It is connected to the factory buttons on your vehicle and allows you to create unique sequence of buttons that will allow the start-up of your vehicle. It is entered through the steering wheel, door ghost immobiliser and tracker panels, or the centre console. The PIN can be changed at any time and can be as long as 20 numbers.

Modern vehicles are filled with CAN bus information, which means that thieves can use various methods to break into your car and disable security systems. One method is to use the OBD port (On Board Diagnostics). With the appropriate tools, thieves can access your vehicle's OBD port and make use of a laptop to disable the alarm, then code new keys, and then drive away. This kind of hack is very efficient and can be accomplished within minutes.

The Autowatch Ghost immobiliser stops this by communicating with the ECU via the CAN data network. This system is not detectable by vehicle diagnostics and also there aren't radio waves. It's nearly impossible for thieves to find it and alter it. Ghosts are also resistant to jamming devices which can be used to disable security systems inside your car.

Another excellent feature of the ghost is that you can switch it into Service mode, enabling you to turn your vehicle over for valet parking or service without giving anyone your key fobs or buttons. The ghost will leave the Service mode based on the speed, time or the pin code that you've set. This is a fantastic way to safeguard your vehicle from thieves who use high-tech technology while you are working or on holiday.

No Key Theft

The ghost 2 immobiliser is an CAN bus device. This means it is a part of the vehicle's CAN data networks which means it is not detected by any diagnostic tools that criminals use to scan and attack modern cars. It does not transmit any radio signals, similar to a tracker, so it cannot be detected by anyone except you or your expert installer.

Contrary to other car security systems that rely on LED indicators or key fobs the Ghost immobiliser makes use of the buttons already in your vehicle (either the steering wheel, dashboard or door locks) to create a unique disarm sequence that you can select. The sequence can be as short or long as you wish & it must be entered before your J can be driven.

You can change your PIN whenever you'd like, meaning that your vehicle will be safe even if someone has access to your keys, or even if you forget your PIN for several days. This is particularly useful for when you're dropping your car off to be cleaned or serviced, or if you need to take it to a local garage to be repaired - you can continue driving it without worrying about someone stealing your car.

The Ghost device's smart thief-proof technology is an absolute game changer. It's a great alternative to physical deterrents like wheel clamps or a steering wheel lock. The fact that it does not rely on any external components or emit any signals makes it far more difficult to bypass than any other immobiliser system on the market today.

The only way that the Ghost can be defeated is through physically altering the wiring of your CAN data network, which we do not recommend at all. This is why it is essential to make sure that the installation is done by a certified TASSA Registered Ghost Installations team. Our team is certified and insured. This will give you peace of mind knowing your Ghost Car Security system will be a genuine Tassa approved product.

No Key Cloning

The Ghost 2 is the latest immobiliser to secure your Lexus. It shields your car from hacking, key-cloning and key theft. It creates a distinct pin code sequence by using the original buttons of your car. Only you can start your vehicle. The system is completely concealed and sealed into the harness of your vehicle, making it untraceable to thieves. If a burglar did manage to gain access they would be unable to driving away based on speed or entering the PIN code. It can also be put into service mode, allowing you to temporarily start & drive your vehicle. This can be done using the app or a Bluetooth tag that is available separately. It is also able to be removed at any point.

Modern modern day key cloning devices are very easy to purchase online and can allow criminals to steal your car without ever even having the original keys. This is why having an immobiliser installed is essential, especially when you've spent a lot of money on your prized possession.

A ghost immobiliser is different from the factory immobiliser that comes with your vehicle. Standard factory-fitted immobilisers use a chip inside the ECU to communicate with a fob or a key and allow the car to start. Ghost immobilisers stop this by adding an extra layer of security to your vehicle. It makes it impossible to start the engine without having a unique pin number or code sequence entered. This prevents hacking as well as device spoofing, signal jamming, and other methods to unlock an immobiliser that is factory fitted.

The greatest benefit of ghost immobilisers is that it is almost impossible to hack or bypass. This is due to the fact that it is connected to the CAN bus and operates in a manner that isn't visible to thieves. This is an advantage, as it keeps a stolen car from being used again since it isn't able to start.

This will also prevent the towing of a vehicle as the Ghost will lock automatically once it has read that trigger speed of zero miles per hour. This is a huge advantage, as it prevents thieves from being capable of removing your ghost and then tow away your vehicle.

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