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Five Qualities That People Search For In Every Double Glazed Window Repair
Double Glazed Window Repairs

Double glazing with damaged seals or damaged glass can cause problems like leaks, draughts, and condensation. The buildup of moisture between windows can cause damage to frames and even cause the onset of rot. In addition, excessive moisture can be harmful to health, as it can cause asthma and mold.

While it is possible for home owners with good DIY skills to carry out some double glazed window repair s, in many cases it is better to hire professionals.

Broken Panes

Double pane windows can be a fantastic asset to any home, but they can be an issue when one is broken. A cracked window glass can cause a myriad of issues, ranging from increased condensation in your home to higher energy costs, so it's best to contact a glass repair service as soon as the crack is apparent.

A damaged window cannot be resealed as the seals have failed. This is because double-pane windows are constructed with an opening between two glass panes and this space is typically filled with an inert gas such as Krypton or argon. These gases aid in slowing the process of heat and make windows more efficient in insulation than normal glass windows.

If a double pane has been damaged, it is important to respond quickly, as when you leave the window open for too long then it will lose its insulation properties. It is possible to repair the damage by using an adhesive you put inside the crack, depending on the extent of the damage. This is usually either a putty or tape that prevents the glass from deteriorating and, possibly, shattering.

Wear protective gloves before attempting to repair the damaged glass pane. Also, have a large pile of rubble to place the glass in after it's removed. You can also tape newspaper over the broken glass before you attempt to remove it. This will allow you to capture any fragments that fall and dispose of them in a secure manner. After removing the glass you'll need to remove the old glazing putty from the frame as well as any metal glaziers points.


If you notice visible condensation on your double-glazed windows, it's a sign that the seals or gaskets are broken and water is leaking through the gap between panes. This will not only cause the windows to appear like milk, but also decrease their energy efficiency, which could cause higher heating costs.

You can prevent this by cleaning your windows and making sure they aren't soiled or damp. Air flow is important to improve the ventilation of your home and prevent excessive condensation on surfaces like walls, furniture and carpets. This can be achieved by avoiding tumble dryers and not drying your washing inside. You can also open your windows to let the air flow through vents as often as you can and keep doors open when cooking or taking showers.

If you have recently had new double glazing installed or if the windows you have are covered by a guarantee, and you need to contact the company who installs them as they should be willing to fix the problem at no additional cost depending on the conditions of the warranty. It is essential to not tamper or modify your double glazing. This could invalidate the guarantee and cause further damage.

If you have to replace your double-glazed window units then you should think about upgrading them to A-rated glass as this will significantly increase their insulation and decrease heating costs. A replacement window is usually cheaper than replacing frames that have deteriorated. You may even be able to put the window into an existing frame if that is a viable alternative.


Double-glazed windows are strong and long-lasting, however they can also suffer from tear and wear. In some instances this can lead to issues that require targeted repairs instead of replacing the whole window. Many of these issues are easily fixed and much cheaper than having a new window installed.

A frequent issue is the sensation of cold drafts coming from windows, particularly on windy days. This is usually a sign that the seals on the inside of the frame have failed. It can also be caused by condensation in the space between the two panes glass. In both instances professional window repair companies can seal the window to eliminate the draught and lower energy costs.

Another sign that your windows require repairs is if it's difficult to open and close them. This could be due to a damaged frame or damaged hardware. If this is the case, it's essential to have the windows fixed by a professional as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Condensation occurring between the panes of your windows suggests that the seal is damaged and this could cause dampness in your home. This could also cause a decrease in the efficiency of your window, which will increase the cost of heating. If this is the case, you should consider seeking out a double glazing repair expert who can replace the sealed unit to restore its efficiency.

If your double-glazed windows are covered by warranty, contact the company that made them as soon as is possible. Follow up with an email or letter, rather than a phone call or text. This will ensure that you are covered under your warranty and that the issue is resolved quickly.


If you notice any moisture or a mist forming across the space between your double-glazed windows, it's likely the seal has sprung a leak. This is a serious issue as it means that the inert gases inside your glass panes have escaped and water has entered your home. This can cause damp and mould. This is a simple fix that is done by a double-glazing repair specialist.

Leaks around a double-glazed window usually occur in the area between the frame and the sill. This is caused by poor window sealant, typically an brittle or soft type of caulking. If the caulking around your windows and doors has become soft or cracked, it could let water in as the weather changes. If this happens, it's a good idea repair the caulking or replaced.

Another reason that could cause leaks is if the silicone seal that keeps the glass in place has weakened or even broken. This is more frequent in older uPVC Windows, but it can also happen with newer ones. This is often a sign that the door or window isn't being properly maintained So you must have it repaired as soon as you can to prevent further damage.

You may also get condensation forming in between your windows, which can be difficult to wash off. This is usually an indication that the seal between the panes is failing and should replace it immediately. Unrepaired, this can result in leaks and energy loss. There are a few firms that offer drilling into the sealed unit to eliminate the condensation, but this is a temporary solution that can be costly.


Double glazing is an excellent way to save energy as it keeps the warm air inside and cold air out. Over time, double glazing may develop problems that make it less effective, and make it look unattractive. These faults could be a broken window pane, a misty glass or a handle that has broken. Fortunately, many of these can be repaired and are usually less expensive than replacing the entire window.

A common issue is damaged seals between two panes of glass. This can be a result of poor installation or the use of chemical cleaning products or simply aging. If this is the case, condensation or mist will build up between the panes and the glass. This can be difficult to clean. Repair technicians typically replace the affected glass pane and seal the gap, removing any lingering moisture that could cause further damage.

Draughts are another issue that is common when using double glazing. This could be due to a variety of reasons, including the accumulation of dust and dirt on the hinges and the locking mechanism. A trained professional can resolve the issue by using specialized tools to eliminate any accumulation and then lubricating all moving parts. This will allow them to work more effectively and can significantly reduce the amount of draughts.

It is important to repair double-glazed windows that have begun to leak or damaged as soon as possible. The moisture that enters your home could not only cause damage to furniture and fabrics but also trigger the growth of mould and rot that can be extremely expensive to repair. It is best to seek out a reputable company that offers double glazing repair at a affordable prices.

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