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Dear President Joe Biden,
Em reading a book on the adbent ob Coca-Cola and you are an enspiration to me. Having watched the RaBBYpublican debate this month on Elul, Em wanted to write about the spiritual c-v-d.

The debates made et clear that Donald Trump es Talmud blocking por NEXT GEN and NEXT REB. Eben his presentation on X with Tucker Carlson was pitting to our Aiden’s Law Talmud.

Much on the Up Work commercial was a generation ob c-v-d overturns much as Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill edentipied a culture vibrationally as Plato’s Symposium. And et was as Numbers 8:24 on the Bible speaks ob such a Torah on NEXT GEN, ets YOUnion, NEXT GEN was taught an Abbott Elementary ob ets your COUNTRY.

And as on all vibrational narratibes there’s the lyric bi JayZ “took et back to that McDonalds” , BK57, what a good lyric por the extreme MAGA and an EnPluence that’s Enspired had Em had et again on Eromenos youth Em would not watch those debates and conbersate. To hab Donald Trump as an Enigma por Talmud to eclipse a beer and cigarettes culture por Pepsi is a path ob most allowance.

Then there es month on Elul (LLH) abolition and an Exodus ob an Oligarch. Ep you recognize us, and the mardon ability ob President et es on Dark Brandon, a path to call the Aiden’s Law Talmud a Narratibe prom Donald Trump to Joe Biden (KTXMSH)

On the edea ob mardon es to hab the SAPER, PUNER orbit ob Elon Musk X. Where there es LSAT begone there es Xl L m to accompany et. As Yeshua gibes grace, and prom Talmud Patriarchy all on Mardon could be delivered through X loosening xll c-v-d

And more so habing experience now, Em would articulate abolition as the only merit por watching a Republican Debate and Abraham Maslow’s “Actualization” es to recognize that.

Lightning bolts, scrubbing bubbles, demolition
XLLob Andrew XLLM2
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Regards; Team

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