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What Is Wall Mounted Fireplace? And How To Use It
How to Install a Wall Mounted Fireplace Electric

Wall hung electric fireplaces are easy to install. Surface-mount models can be put on the wall without having to cut into it. Recessed models require a bump out and are best suited for DIYers with a minimum of carpentry skills.

The Allusion has realistic flame effects with high heat output. It also features smart home connectivity and a variety of installation options. It comes with two heat settings that have a timer for 1-8 hours.


The first step in installing a wall-mounted electric fireplace is to choose the right location. Idealy, it should be at least 400mm away from fire-prone materials like curtains and away from radiators. It should be located near a power socket so that it is easy to connect the fire. In some instances it might be beneficial to move the plug socket to ensure that it is out of view behind the electric fire to create an improved appearance.

Mounting brackets are provided with the majority of electric fires. These brackets have to be attached to the wall. This can be done by using rawl plugs or screws. It is essential to follow the chart included in the directions to determine the proper distance between each screw. After the bracket is installed, you can place the fire directly from the bracket. Depending on the kind of fire, this may be accomplished by putting the screen into the firebox, and then hanging the entire unit onto the wall bracket, or it could be necessary to fit the firebox and screen together.

Certain electric fires can be installed into an opening that is framed on the wall to create a flush installation. This is a quicker and more elegant way to install an electric fireplace. The owner's manual for the fireplace will contain specifics on how to frame this opening as well as specific measurements of clearances which must be left.

After the frame has been constructed A licensed electrician should install an electrical outlet as per local regulations. The outlet should be located in the finished wall, either above or to the right of the recessed opening. Fascia can be added to cover the outlet and plug, giving it a clean appearance. No matter what method is chosen it is recommended to test the fire before the wall is sealed in order to make sure that all components are operating properly and that the flame effects are exactly as they should be.

Here are a few examples of

A wall-mounted fireplace electric is a practical, cost-effective option for apartments or homes. It can be installed without cutting into the wall and is easy to move with you when you move places. The majority of electric fireplaces come with mounting brackets as well as the hardware you need to put it up. Some include additional features such as pebbles, crystals, and logs. It's important to choose the appropriate one for your decor and space preferences. You should also take into consideration the heat output of the unit as well as other aspects.

Look for a model with high heat efficiency, a timer, and adjustable flame brightness. Some electric fireplaces also come with crackling and smoke-free which can create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home. You can also pick one with different media backgrounds in order to make your home more personal.

Once you've decided on the location and dimensions for your new fireplace mounted on the wall you'll have to decide on the depth you'd like it to go into the wall. Some units can be set at a depth of as low as 3", while others require a deeper installation to accommodate their heating elements. You should measure your wall before installing the fireplace to ensure that it will fit in the desired location.

Some fireplaces with electric features offer some fireplaces with a "fire only" mode that allows you to enjoy visual effects without any additional heat. This feature is perfect for those who want to enjoy the ambience of their fireplace without worrying about electric bills.

Electric fireplaces are available in a range of sizes that will fit any space. They can be positioned against a flat-screen TV or on a mantel to create stylish style in your living room.

Verify that the product comes with an extended warranty and is UL listed before you buy. Find out if the product is equipped with safety features that are built-in, such as a thermal overload protector and an automatic shut-off feature. These safety features will aid in avoiding costly repairs and replacements in the future.


A wall mounted fireplace electric is an excellent option for homeowners who want to add an element of luxury and ambiance to their home without spending a lot. It can be placed over a TV or placed in an area to create an interesting focal point for the room. It's also a great choice for those who are unable to make use of real fireplaces in their home because of safety concerns or other restrictions. There are a myriad of types of electric fireplaces available on market, so you should select one that best suits your needs and decor.

Many electric fires feature fans that turn on when the heat is at a certain temperature. This feature will help to stop the unit from becoming too hot and will save you money on repairs. You should also look for a fireplace that has cool glass, which draws in cool air and spreads it around the room. This keeps the walls of the fireplace from becoming too hot and is a good choice for homes with small children.

The color of the surround is a different aspect to consider when choosing the wall-mounted fireplace electric. The majority of designs will be black, but it is possible to find some in a variety of other shades. Black, white, and silver are all popular colors, however you can choose a color to match the style of your home.

In addition to heating and a variety of other features, some of the more sophisticated wall mounted electric fireplace models come with a variety of additional settings and features, such as crackling fire sounds remote control operation, and even artificial smoke. However, these extra features are usually an additional cost and might not be available for all models.

While some wall-mounted electric fires are designed to be recessed into the wall however, others are more flat and rest flush against the wall. The latter is more suitable for rooms that aren't suitable for an actual fire. In this case you must make sure that the electrical appliance can be placed in the location you want it to be and that the wall can support the fireplace's weight.


Whether it is a wall-mounted or freestanding, any fireplace requires certain safety measures to ensure that nobody is injured by accident. This is particularly true for wall fireplaces that utilize electric or ethanol fuel. These fireplaces include safety features built in and you should be sure to read their user's manual and follow their instructions. Also, you should inspect your fireplace on a regular basis and schedule professional maintenance when needed.

The first step is to attach the mounting brackets of the fireplace to the studs on your wall. This is an important step as many electric wall fireplaces are heavy and you do not want them to fall off the wall. The mounting brackets are located at the bottom of your unit. They may include slots or hooks into which you can place keyhole-shaped holes in the fireplace to fix it. Certain models may even have a ledge for the bracket that the bottom of the fireplace is on and is where you'll need align the slots or hooks with them.

After the fireplace is installed, it must be kept away from combustible material. This will protect the fireplace and the surrounding area from fire dangers. You should also keep the fireplace away from areas that are prone to traffic to avoid it being damaged or knocked down. Keep it away from other electric devices to prevent overloading or overheating.

Some models generate heat with an infrared heating component. You can control these functions with either the control panel located on the unit or the remote control that is included in the fireplace.

If bio-ethanol fireplace 're not sure how to set up an electric fireplace that is wall-mounted, you may want to hire a contractor. They can make sure that your fireplace is installed correctly and safely. Additionally, they'll be able to provide you with other services that can help you get the most out of your fireplace, including regular cleaning and maintenance.

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