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How to Leverage AI Automation in Your Automation Strategy
As a tool for automating business processes, AI (artificial intelligence) has the potential to significantly improve efficiency. In fact, many organizations are already using AI to increase productivity and boost ROI.

But implementing AI automation isn’t easy, especially when integrating new technologies into existing systems and workflows. That’s why it’s important to make an informed decision on how to incorporate AI into your automation strategy before you jump in.

The first step to leveraging AI in your automation strategy is to identify the tasks that could be completed by AI, or would benefit from being done more quickly and accurately than humans can. This will help ensure that your AI efforts deliver on their promise of increased productivity and improved ROI.

Once you’ve identified the tasks that could be automated, it’s time to consider the technology platforms and tools you’ll need. For example, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can be used to automate repetitive, rules-based data processing tasks, while Machine Learning and Emerging AI tools can complement RPA by performing more complex tasks like pattern recognition and analyzing large data sets. By combining these advanced tools, you can build a digital workforce that’s capable of completing complex, end-to-end workflows.

Generally, AI systems work by ingesting a large set of labeled training data and analyzing it for patterns and correlations. AI agents Then, they use those patterns to learn how to complete a task. For example, a chatbot can be taught to have lifelike conversations with people by reviewing thousands of examples of previous interactions. Similarly, image recognition software can learn to recognize and describe objects by reviewing millions of images. This type of AI is known as supervised learning.

While supervised learning is a powerful technique, it can be difficult to apply it to unstructured data and complex workflows. To address these challenges, some companies are turning to Generative AI, which generates its own model and code based on a set of inputs. Generative AI is able to support interactions with customers, generate creative content for marketing and sales, and draft computer code based on natural-language prompts.

Because of these capabilities, Generative AI is expected to have the greatest impact on customer operations, marketing and sales, and software engineering, with an estimated value of $1.5 trillion annually across all industry sectors.

The good news is that with the right partners, incorporating AI into your automation strategy can be easier than you think. For instance, a simple plugin called ChatGPT lets you connect thousands of apps and perform automations all from a single interface—including AI-powered automation. You can use ChatGPT to leverage generative AI and other cognitive technologies, like image recognition and ML algorithms—to automate your workflows and bring your IA initiatives to life.
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