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The Three Gifts is a Korean folk tale . In this story there is a old man who is poor , the old man had 3 sons . Before the death of the old man he had a millstone , a gourd, a bamboo cane and a korean drum . He gave the millstone to the oldest son , the gourd and the bamboo cane to the middle son , and the korean drum to the youngest child. The old man's last words were i have given these things to you boys , even though they are not usefull but use them wiselly. Then he died. After the funeral of the old man the boys went to the mountains to make money. after some hours they got seprated. the oldest son was walking too much when it was about to get dark he decided to sleep he used the milestone as a pillow then he remembered that there could be wild animals so he climed up a tree and tried to sleep later on there were 2 thives they were fighting over money. so the boy throwed the stisk of the millstone on the thievs and they ran away and the thieves they left all the jewels and money and the boy keeped it and became a rich man. thenthe middle child was so scared after some time he was so tired he collapsed on a stone. the time of night was pitch dark! there was a gobline coming the gobline though the boy was a skeliton. then they went to take a girls spiritn then the father of the girl found about this the next morning the boy said i can help you give the girl back . the father said reall oh pls make her alive . the boy said il try but i need no disturbance. then after the boy brouht the spirit back the girl was stiff after a few times the girl screamed that there was a boy in my room. the father said no need to scream he is the boy who brought you back tp life ! then the father said oh thank you , thank you! what do you want in return? oh will you marry my daughter
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