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7 Secrets About Volkswagen Car Key Replacement That Nobody Will Tell You
Volkswagen Key Programming Tips

Volkswagen provides a convenient method to add a spare key or replace one that is no longer working. With just a few easy tips this process can be inexpensive and simple.

First, obtain the correct key fob. It should have a key blade that flips out or be internally mounted in the key fob. Get all the documentation you need to prove ownership. Next, go to the dealership or a locksmith who is a third party.


The immobilizer is a device to stop keys that are damaged or not authorized from beginning the car. The system operates by recognizing a particular chip inside every key. A VW dealer or auto locksmith can program additional keys, but the process requires specialized software and tools. Using the proper tools will ensure a smooth programming experience. Before beginning volkswagen key replacement near me programming technicians must replicate the issue in order to pinpoint the problem. They should also look over the vehicle for fault codes, search for technical service bulletins (TSBs) and then test the battery inside the key fob.

Volkswagen keys with unprogrammed immobilizer chips shut down the engine after a short period of cranking. The immobilizer chip doesn't stop the alarm from going on or allowing doors to be opened. The key fob's immobilizer an independent component that is glued into the flip side of the car key. It needs to be programmed into the computer in the vehicle to function.

It's more costly to add a new VW key than to create an identical key when all the originals were lost. The key needs to be purchased from the manufacturer, and then go through an specialized programing process in order to be synchronized with the car's computers. This can be done by a professional using software like VagTacho and VCDS. This procedure is recommended for vehicles that have the older Immobilizer 2 system and earlier.

Electronic Ignition

The electronic ignition feature of the key is an essential element of the anti-theft technology in a vehicle. The feature is activated when the key fob is put in the ignition. However, it is not completely foolproof. It is susceptible to failure, which could cause your Volkswagen's engine not working. This could result from a variety of causes like incorrect key programming or an ill-maintained car battery.

Fortunately, you can steer clear of this problem by getting your Volkswagen car key fobs programmed professionally. This process can be completed by a dealer or a locksmith. The costs for this service are different, but are usually between $90 and $150. Furthermore, the prices vary based on the year and model of your vehicle.

You'll need your main key to program the new VW key fob. The new key must also be capable of starting the vehicle's engine. This will allow the onboard diagnostics to recognize it as a legitimate key. The immobilizer light will then stop blinking.

Certain models require a PIN code of three or four digits, to enable onboard key programming. Some models might require a scanner tool. A locksmith or dealer could use a specialized scanner to program keys onboard. These tools are not available for sale in general automobile accessory stores, so you'll need to purchase one or borrow it from an authorized dealer.

Keyless Entry

If your Volkswagen key fob is having problems with its battery, or you've lost it all together it's likely that the car will start, but it cannot unlock. It's not difficult to fix this problem. The first step is to make sure that the key fob is in reach of the vehicle. If so, hold down the button to lock for six seconds until lights flash on the key.

The key fob will be reset to the closest point to your VW. After that you can attempt to unlock the vehicle by pressing the unlock button on the fob's key again. If the car doesn't unlock after this, you will need to contact the dealer to program the key.

The procedure of getting a brand new Volkswagen key programmed could be expensive. It is best to ask for quotes from several dealers before choosing the best one for you. Also, be sure to check if the dealer charges for key programming, as well as for the new key itself.

Making a second Volkswagen key is a good idea for countless reasons. It is possible that you will need an extra key in the event of theft or loss of your primary key. If you have a spare key and wish to program it so that it works with your Volkswagen, here are some easy steps to follow.

Remote Start

Contrary to earlier generation key fobs, which communicated with your vehicle through radio waves, Volkswagen's remote start systems communicate with your car using an encrypted wireless connection via cell technology. This means that your VW Atlas, Jetta, or Passat is able to sense when you're within range and allow features like push-button start or keyless entry. It's as easy as opening the app on your smartphone connecting it to your vehicle, and pressing the button.

Before you begin check that your Volkswagen is parked and the driver's door is closed. This will ensure that only the proper key is used to access your vehicle's features. If the key cannot be recognized the dashboard will display an error message. Additionally, this method is only available on newer VW models that feature an RFID sensor ring on the steering column. These models require a secret pin to be programmed.

To program an additional key fob, shut the driver's door and remove the key that was used for the original. Press the lock button of the new keyfob. This will send a signal to the vehicle that the key is a functional key. The key will then start to transmit signals that will allow you to open the door of the driver and remotely start your car. Some say it only works when there is clear sight of the car. Others have reported success even in parking lots with a lot of people.

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