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You've killed my father: dropped verbatim
Cabin fever: so many, many characters
Life or limb decision: Ezra's arm gets necrotic and Cee has to cut it
Death by materialism:
** Damon could have just leave. But he decided to rob Ezra and his partner and Ezra bluntly reminds Cee of this
** Ezra tries to use it to explain why the leader of the mercs is dead
Honour among thieves: Ezra is suprisingly cordial and keeps up all his bargains
Mushroom Samba sequence: Downplayed. Out of desperation, Cee gets high on her father's drugs. Next shot, she's stoned out of her mind, listening to loud music and throwing around used urine containers
Nothing personal: Ezra really didn't want to kill Damon, but ended up doing so
No name given: Number Two is all we got on Ezra partner's
Cyborg: Potential interpretation of what Number Two was
Team-clenched teamwork: Duh. And when Damon was still alive, that was also happening
Wham line: - this is our offer (9 crystals in the box)
- i don't understand
- for the girl
exact time to failure: three cycles and they are stranded, cee constantly checks the clock to avoid that fate
astronaut food / future food is artificial: and mostly liquid
nothing is scarier: we mostly just hear the amputation and yet it's stomach-wrenching
conditioned to horror: cee is a prospector's daughter and spend her entire life so far visiting fringe worlds and harvesting all kinds of materials; compared with some of those, taking man's arm is "pretty straight compared to that"
fanfic: cee is writing one of her favourite novel, without even realising so.
reality has no subtitles:
cruel and unusual death: getting your achilles cut and face into pushed into alien hatchery full of acid?
unspoken plan guarantee: justified, since they are deliberately muted by loud music to be unable to communicate
mutual kill: the merc female and ezra
all for nothing: the great motherload is left untouched; the three attempts to get at least a single crystal all fail

squick: the arm amputation scene
* friendly fandom: with rimworld
* no budget: the original short film was made for 30k, the movie cost less than 4 mil (which doesn't mean the actual figure, but simply being a measurement of the budget itself - it could be anything between those original 30k to 4 mil)

* greed: how damon meets his end, against better judgement
* no empathy: the mercs
* noodle incident: various bits from cree's past
* hidden depths: the lead merc; then they try to bargain and list various things that the drop ship could lose to decrease weight, the merc points out they were ''already'' taken out and there really is no space for the two of them
* hard bargain: ''both'' sides are at it in the end
* scary black man: the lead merc
* psycho for hire: the merc aren't the most stable bunch and ezra implies that this is pretty normal in their trade, ''especially'' by the end of a tour; this is particularly notable with the female merc, as she is just twitching for the killing
* equal opportunity evil: the mercs include a female and a black (as a leader)
* SesquipedalianLoquaciousness: ezra way of talking
* all for nothing: the nest is partially destroyed, and since time pushes them, they have to leave anyway
* improbable aiming skills: ezra hits a man using a pistol from 30 meters, in complete darkness - by itself, doable; what makes it improbable is the fact he's doing so left-handed
* noisy weapon: the female merc is using really LOUD music to simply blast it on all frequences, making comms useless and also hurting ears from how loud it is
* inefficient kill: the female merc is killed by repeatively stabbing her with a syrette, but she eventually does die
* ambigious ending
* can't kill you, still need you: recurring
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