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What NOT To Do In The Integral Fridge Freezer Industry
Benefits of an Integral Fridge Freezer

Integral fridge freezers are designed to seamlessly fit into kitchen cabinets and give you a sleek and seamless appearance. These appliances offer a range of benefits, including energy efficiency and food preservation.

Check that your fridge's integrated freezer is installed properly. Verify that the ventilation is as per the instructions and not blocked by other appliances like cupboards or dishwashers.


A fridge freezer that is integrated is a built-in appliance that's installed within your kitchen cabinets, so it blends in seamlessly with your decor. These are ideal for those who like a clean look or have smaller homes with a large open living space where freestanding appliances can seem cluttered.

Refrigerators with integrated freezers are available in various sizes, but they're all designed to fit into your cupboard units. They're typically 60cm wide and 178cm high and they can be either fixed or sliding hinge models. It's important to choose the same split type and style of door opening when replacing a fridge freezer that is integrated. This will ensure that the doors of the kitchen cabinet can still be opened over the appliance.

When choosing the size of your fridge freezer with a freezer, you must be aware of a few things. These include storage capacity and capacity. In general, anything larger than 350 litres is appropriate for families of medium size and will hold 19 shopping bags of food items. The capacity is also larger if you're looking to store bulkier items like frozen food items or meat.

The majority of integrated fridge freezers come with a 50:50 split with equal space for freezing and refrigeration which is ideal for those who enjoy the mix of fresh foods and chilled ready meals. But, you can also find 70:30 fridge freezers that offer greater refrigerator space if prefer to store a larger proportion of fresh food in your kitchen.

It's important to remember that it's not a wise idea for you to over load the refrigerator freezer that is integrated into it with items like huge containers or huge juice bottles. The hinges of the fridge freezer aren't made to handle this type of weight, and they could cause damage to the appliance. We recommend that you leave an area of space on either side of the fridge freezer to allow for an easy access to your stored items.


The integrated fridge-freezers are designed to fit in your cabinets that are fitted and are hidden behind the fronts of cabinets to not affect their overall appearance. They incorporate refrigeration and freezer storage into one device. They usually have a built-in section at the top that lets you to store bags of ice cream or bags of food. The latest refrigerator freezer models boast a range of smart features to maximise energy efficiency and increase the freshness of your food items and flavours.

Compared to freestanding refrigerators, integrated freezers are generally more expensive. However, they have a more seamless modern design and have a longer lifespan than freestanding fridges. Our selection of integrated refrigerator freezers will fit your style regardless of whether you're replacing an old fridge or building a new one.

Standard size for a refrigerator freezer is 60cm. These appliances are available with either a sliding or fixed hinge. The right hinge will determine the fit of the cabinet doors.

Fixed hinge models are more affordable and offer a wider selection of sizes for fridge freezers.

Slide-out fridge freezers on the other hand are a great choice for people who have limited space since these units have a lower depth. Some of the latest models come with antibacterial linings to eliminate odours and keep food tasting fresher for longer. They also have advanced temperature control that allows you to set temperature settings for different kinds of food.

Other premium features include a quick chill setting and a fast freeze setting which rapidly reduces the fridge or freezer to accelerate cooling and reduce the need for manual defrosting. Certain models come with air-flow technology that circulate cool air throughout the interior of the fridge to minimize odours and bacteria, and prolong food's shelf life. Others have super-cooling settings to boost the efficiency of your fridge. Depending on the model that you select, there could be a dedicated wine rack or glass shelves to give you extra storage for glasses and bottles.

Energy efficiency

The integrated fridge freezers don't just perform an invisible role in your dream kitchen, but they also bring clever features to the table. From reducing day-to-day hassle to increasing energy efficiency, look for innovative fridge freezer technology such as air-flow or frost-free designs. Some models can even defrost themselves by itself, saving you time and effort.

You'll also want to look over the storage options available and whether shelves or door storage can be moved to meet your needs, for example if you have a lot of fruit or have room for large milk bottles. Some models can be upgraded to include built-in wine racks.

To ensure that heat is correctly dissipated, the majority of integrated fridge freezers require ventilation. This can be accomplished via a small vent or grill on the back. Based on the type of installation, they might also require a hardwire or a specific outlet.

Energy efficient fridge freezers are becoming more popular as they help reduce household bills. When shopping for a model that is integrated, make sure that you compare the kWh figure on the EU energy label to determine how much energy it will consume over the course of a year. This allows you to compare different models more easily and find the best option for you.

The integrated models are typically smaller than freestanding refrigerators, which enable them to fit into cabinets for housing. However, they're still capable of holding up to 8 shopping bags of food because of their spacious refrigerator compartments.

The latest fridge freezers are also more energy efficient than their predecessors and could help you save money on your electricity bills. If you're looking to buy an integrated model, choose one that is low in energy consumption and an A or B rating to keep your bills low.

It's important to keep in mind that integrated fridge freezers are more difficult to access than freestanding appliances and will cost more to repair if something goes wrong with them. It is therefore essential to ensure that your new appliance has an easy-to-reach service panel and a clear, concise user's manual.


Refrigerator freezers are available in a variety of sizes and styles. Freestanding fridge-freezers fit into most kitchens and are the most popular. They can be hidden behind a cabinet door for a more seamless design. There are also American-style fridge-freezers with more storage space and come with handy Ice dispensers.

If you're replacing an old appliance or are redesigning your kitchen, a refrigerator with integrated freezer can help you create a sleek and stylish look. These appliances are hidden behind a cabinet door to match the design of your kitchen and are a great option for those who have small spaces or open-plan living spaces.

You'll want to consider the capacity of your fridge's integrated freezer to ensure that it will meet your storage needs. A larger capacity model will be ideal for families. A smaller model might be adequate for couples or singles. The fridge/freezer space calculator will help you determine how much space you will need.

The storage capacity of fridge freezers that are integrated can vary in size, but they're generally smaller than their freestanding counterparts to be able to fit into the kitchen design. This can reduce the amount of cabinets you'll need and give you more room for your food.

The standard width for integrated models (including the cabinets that house them) is 60cm. They're typically at 178cm in height, but some might be a bit shorter. You may have to alter other aspects of your kitchen based on the location you'll install the fridge/freezer. For example you might have to remove or add fillers or create the appearance of a bridging cabinet.

Integrated fridge freezers weigh more than freestanding appliances similar in size, so they have hinges that are stronger and can handle the extra weight. It's important that you and everyone who uses the fridge or freezer respect this by not swaying heavy objects on the fridge or leaning on the door, as this can cause damage to the hinges.

The cost of integrated fridge freezers can vary significantly, but you can find less expensive models from brands like Beko, Candy and Hotpoint for about PS250. american fridges freezers , such as Neff Bosch and AEG can cost upwards of to PS2,000.

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