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10 Startups Set To Change The Electric Fireplace Wall Industry For The Better
An Electric Fireplace Wall Can Be a Great Addition to Your Home

A wall-mounted electric fireplace can make your home more cozy. They are easy to install and come in a variety of sizes. They can also be hung in an existing wall or built into a brand new wall.

Before you begin the installation, you must read the instructions of the manufacturer carefully. They should give specific information about framing, securing the unit, and wiring.


Modern homes are often decorated with a wall-mounted electric fire. It is simple to install and doesn't require structural modifications to your home. It is also easy to connect to your home's electricity network. However, there are a few things to consider before installing an electric fireplace on the wall. Make sure that the fire is located at a distance of 400mm from any combustible materials. Make sure that the heater, which is located at the bottom of the firebox, is not in contact with any fabric or other objects. This will prevent accidental burns from happening.

Another thing to consider before installing a wall-mounted electric fire is the kind of installation you'd like to have. Certain models are designed to be flush mounted while others are recessed into the wall. If you want a contemporary and clean appearance this option is for you. Once you've settled on the style, refer to the owner's manual for more details regarding framing, wiring and securing the unit.

Once you have determined the location you'd like to put your fireplace take a measurement of the opening and mark it on the top and bottom plates of your walls. Utilize free standing fireplace to ensure the studs are straight and there's enough space between them. If you're installing a recessed fireplace, make sure to add an electrical outlet to the finished wall in accordance with local codes. Then, cover the outlet with a fascia.

The next step is to build frames around the fireplace. Then, align the studs and the fireplace frame in accordance with the arrangement marks on the top and bottom plates. Then, you can secure the frame to the wall using screws. Finally, set the fireplace wall up and then place a piece of decorative glass on top to complete the appearance.

Before you begin any electrical work you should plug in your fireplace to test it. If it isn't working, you should talk to an expert electrician to help you.


Regardless of whether you have a wall-mounted or freestanding electric fireplace, there are several precautions you need to take. The most important thing to do is ensure that your fireplace is correctly installed and is not in close proximity to anything flammable. Also, you should regularly inspect your electric fireplace for signs of wear and tear and schedule regular maintenance.

It is recommended to read the instructions carefully for your fireplace. This will give an idea of how to install it. Before you can use the fireplace, you'll have to attach the firebox to the wall bracket. Depending on the model you select it could be an easy task, or more complicated. You can always seek professional help if you are uncertain.

You should also ensure that the fireplace isn't too close to flammable objects or furniture. It must be at least four feet from combustible materials, and you should also ensure that the area is free of curtains, rugs and other items that can ignite. If you have children it is recommended to put up a child-proof barrier around the fireplace to stop children from accidentally touching it.

Another safety measure is to keep your electric fireplace safe from anything that could catch fire, including clothes and paper products. Also, keep it out of the reach of pets and children. It should be hung on the wall in a place that it isn't easily smashed.

Also, avoid using extension cords with your electrical fireplace. They can cause overheating, which could be harmful to your family. Use the power cord that came along with your fireplace, or a higher quality extension cord that's rated appropriately for your home wiring. Use a surge protector as well to protect your home from power surges. It is important to regularly inspect your electric fireplace for signs of wear. It is also important to not leave your electric fireplace unattended or making it your primary source of heat.

The following are some examples of

A wall hung electric fireplace can be a wonderful feature for any room. It can bring visual and warmth to any room as well as an excellent method of saving energy. It is crucial to choose the right model since there are a variety of types of electric fire places on the market. Consider some of the most important features to ensure you get the best electric fireplace.

The color of the surround is an important aspect to consider when selecting an electric fireplace. It can be constructed from wood, metal or glass, and is finished in a variety of colors. It is essential to choose the color that is compatible with existing furniture in the space.

Another feature to look out for in a wall-mounted electric fireplace is the ability to adjust the brightness of the flame. It is also important to check the heat settings. A high setting will provide more heat, whereas a lower setting will give you a subtle flame.

Certain models also come with the option of turning the flame off and not heat the room. This is a great feature if you have pets or children of a small size. A cool glass feature is another option worth considering. It reduces the heat transfer through the glass.

Electric fireplaces can be positioned in a variety of designs. For instance, some fireplaces can be recessed into the wall, while others are surface-mounted. The latter is a good alternative for those who do not want to deal with the hassle or cost of installing a conventional fireplace in their home.

A wall-mounted electric fireplace is a cost-effective and easy-to-install option for those looking to create a relaxing ambiance to their living space. They are available in a range of sizes, and some have built-in speakers. These fireplaces can be mounted in the living room, or den.

One of the newest electric fireplaces is the Scion Trinity, which has a unique multi-sided design and an appearance that is more customizable than other models. Kuefler says that this model provides more options for finishing materials than recessed electric fireplaces.


A wall-mounted electric fireplace could be an attractive design element for your home. Installing it can be costly. It is important to carefully consider all the costs involved with this kind of project. Included in these costs are the fireplace, installation and any ongoing operational costs. It is also important to think about the way in which the fireplace will be used within your space.

There are a variety of electric wall fireplaces. Some models are prefabricated and can be put in by contractors with no complicated wiring. Others are more complex and need to be framed into the wall. The ones that are built-in to the wall may require additional demolition, drywall repair, and electrical work. In general, those built-in will cost more than those that are prefabricated.

Recessed designs are one of the best alternatives for wall-mounted electric fire places. These units can be installed into a wall and hidden behind a flat-screen television. They have front vents to ensure that airflow is safe and can be used in rooms of up to 400 square feet. Certain models have decorative surrounds to enhance the overall look of the fireplace.

Another option for a wall-mounted fireplace is one that has a wide frame and narrow elongated shape. This style is perfect for a corner, over a sofa or cabinet, or underneath a wall-mounted TV. It is available in a range of frame finishes - from sleek black to stainless steel - and can be match to the wall color or contrasted. This is a plug-in model that doesn't require any wiring.

Some electric fireplaces that are mounted on walls are equipped with additional features, such as timers and remote controls. Some even come with adjustable flame brightness that can be set to make a crackling sound or create smoke. These additional features can lead to an increase in cost and you should include them in your budget when making comparisons between units.

Other elements can affect the price of electric wall fireplaces. The size of the unit and the amount of heat will affect the cost. The smallest units usually cost less than $500, while larger, more sophisticated units can run up to $2000.

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