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A Help Guide To Wall Mounted Fireplace From Beginning To End
How to Install a Wall Mounted Fireplace Electric

Wall-hung electric fireplaces are easy to install. Surface-mount models can be mounted on the wall without cutting into it. Recessed models require a bump out and are ideal for DIYers with a basic carpentry skills.

The Allusion has a realistic LED flame effect with a high heat output. It also features smart home connectivity and a variety of installation options. It comes with two heat settings that have a timer for 1-8 hours.


The first step to installing an electric fireplace that is wall mounted is to select a suitable place. It must be located away from radiators and other heating sources as well as being at least 400mm away from flammable fabrics like curtains. It should be located close to a power outlet to make it easy to connect the fire. It is possible to conceal the plug socket behind the electric fireplace for an easier and more modern look.

Most electric fires come with mounting brackets that have to be secured to the wall. This can be done using rawl screws or plugs. It is crucial to follow the chart included in the instructions in order to determine the right distance between each screw. Once the bracket is in place it is possible to hang the fire onto the bracket. Depending on the type, you may have to put the screen inside the firebox, and then hang the entire unit from the bracket.

Some electric fires can be installed into an opening that is framed on the wall to create a flush installation. This is a faster and more elegant method to install an electric fireplace. The owner's manual for the fireplace will include specific instructions on how to frame the opening, as well as the specific measurements of clearances that need to be left.

A qualified electrician should set up an electrical outlet in line with local regulations after the frame is completed. The outlet should be installed in the wall that has been finished, either above or to the right of the recessive opening. Fascia can be incorporated to cover the outlet and plug for an attractive appearance. Regardless of the method chosen it is a good idea to test the fire before sealing the wall to ensure that all components are functioning correctly and that the fire effects are exactly as they should be.


A wall mounted electric fireplace is an affordable and efficient option for your home or apartment. It can be installed without cutting into the wall, and is simple to move whenever you change places. The mounting brackets are included with the majority of electric fireplaces. Some include additional features such as crystals, pebbles, and logs. It is crucial to choose the most appropriate one for your space and decor. You'll also need to think about the power of the heater and other features of the unit.

Find a fireplace that has high heat efficiency, a timer, and adjustable flame brightness. Some models with electric fireplaces include a fake smoke and crackling which allows you to create an authentic atmosphere in your home. You can also pick one with various backgrounds to customize your space.

Once you have selected the dimensions and location of your new wall-mounted fireplace, you must decide on the depth you want it to be within the wall. Some units can be installed as low as 3", whereas others require a deeper installation in order to accommodate their heating elements. It is important to measure your wall to make sure you can install the fireplace in the right location.

Certain electric fireplaces come with some fireplaces that have a "fire-only" mode, which allows you to enjoy the visual effects of the fireplace without the additional heat. wall mounted fireplace is ideal for those who would like to relax in the warmth of their fireplace without worrying about their electricity bill.

Electric fireplaces are available in a range of sizes that will suit any space. They can be positioned against a flat-screen TV or on a mantel to create a stylish look in your living room.

Before making your purchase make sure that the product is UL certified and comes with a warranty. You should also ask whether it comes with safety features like a thermal overload protector as well as an auto-shutoff function. These security features can aid in avoiding costly repairs and replacements in the future.


A wall-mounted fireplace electric is a fantastic option for homeowners who want to add a touch of luxury and ambience to their home without spending a lot. It can be placed over a TV or a niche in order to create a distinctive focal point in the room. It's also a great option for those who are unable to use real fires in their homes due to safety reasons or other restrictions. There are a variety of electric fireplaces available on market, so you must choose one that best fits your preferences and décor.

Many electric fires will have a fan that will turn on when the temperature reaches a certain temperature. This feature helps to ensure that the fire does not overheat and can help you avoid a costly repair bill in the future. It is also recommended to choose a fireplace that has cool glass that draws in cool air and distributes it across the room. This stops the surfaces of the fireplace from getting too hot and is a great option for homes with small children.

When you are choosing a wall-mounted electrical fireplace, it is also important to consider the color of the surround. The majority of models are black, however, you can find some in different colors. Black white, black and silver are the most popular colors, however you can pick one that matches the style of your home.

Some of the most advanced wall-mounted electric fireplaces can offer additional features and settings, such as crackling sounds remote control operation and artificial smoke. However, these extra features are usually an extra cost and may not be available for all models.

Some wall mounted electric fireplaces are designed to be recessed into the wall. Others are flat and sit flush with the wall surface. This kind of fire is generally better suited to rooms where a fireplace would not be feasible. In these cases you must ensure that the electrical unit is suitable for the area where it will be installed and that the wall can support the weight of the fireplace.


It doesn't matter if it's a freestanding or wall-mounted, certain safety measures are required to avoid accidents. This is especially true for wall fireplaces that utilize ethanol or electric fuel. These fireplaces come with built-in safety features which is why you must make sure you read their user manual and follow their instructions. Also, you should regularly inspect your fireplace and schedule maintenance from a professional if needed.

First, you must attach the mounting brackets to the wall studs. This is a vital step because many electric wall fire places are heavy and you don't want them to fall off the wall. There are mounting brackets on the bottom of the unit. they could be equipped with slots or hooks which you have to put the fireplace's keyhole-shaped slots into to keep it in place. Some models even include a bracket ledge on which the bottom of the fireplace is on and is where you'll need align the hooks or slots with them.

After the fireplace is installed, it must be kept away from combustible material. This will shield the fireplace and its surrounding area from fire hazards. Additionally, you should also keep it out of high-traffic areas to reduce the risk of the fireplace being tripped over or damaged. Keep it away from other electrical devices to prevent overloading or overheating.

Certain models produce heat by with an infrared heating component. You can control these functions with either the control panel located on the unit or with the remote control included in the fireplace.

If you are unsure about the installation of a wall mounted electric fireplace, you can employ an experienced contractor to do the installation for you. They will be able to ensure that your fireplace is set up correctly and safely. They will also be able to provide you with services to ensure that you get the most from your fireplace.

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