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How to Choose and Install an in Wall Electric Fireplace

A wall-mounted electric fireplace can add both visual appeal and heat to any room. They also offer easy installation, making them an excellent choice for tenants.

They're available in a wide range of designs, and some can even be fully or partially recessed for a built-in appearance. Here's how to select the best one for your home.


There are many different styles to consider when selecting the best electric fire space for your home. wall mounted electric fireplace that is recessed is one of the most sought-after choices. It is simple to install, as it uses a plug style that doesn't require hardwiring. This style is a great choice for those looking to bring the look of a fireplace to their living space without the hassle of cutting through drywall and putting in a chimney.

A built-in fireplace is a second alternative. This kind of fireplace is somewhat more complex to install than a recessed fireplace. This is because it requires some skills in the field of carpentry to construct the wall recess. But, it also means that you can personalize the wall to match your existing decor. This type of electric fire is often used to divide walls between two bedrooms.

Amantii is one of the manufacturers that offers a range of electric fireplaces available with different designs and styles. Some include smart fireplace home automation which allows you to control your fireplace using your smartphone or tablet.

It is important to consider the power of your electric fireplace and its capacity for producing heat when choosing one for your home. This information will affect the cost of operating as well as how warm your living space will be. It is also important to consider the style and design of the fireplace, since it will determine how well it matches your existing interior design.

The most effective electric fireplaces offer various flame and color settings along with various effects, such as a simulated log fire or an audio loop of the real wood burning fire. These effects are made by a variety of manufacturers using LED lights which are more efficient in energy than conventional incandescent lights. They also last much longer, and are safe to touch.

The choice of an electric fireplace for your home can be a difficult process. You'll need to decide if you want the fireplace to be an element of heating or just decorative. If you're looking for a model that has both flames and heat make sure you choose a fireplace with independent controls. This will allow you to adjust the heat and flames depending on the season or personal preferences.

Optic illusions

optical illusions are a key part of what makes hole in the wall electric fireplaces so efficient. Different models employ different techniques to make flames appear more realistic. These range from simple ones like adding more logs, to holographic displays that give an impressive illusion, without taking up any space.

Modern electric fireplaces look more realistic than the older models which make use of LED screens or rotisserie lights to create the illusion of flames. Most electric fireplaces have a spinning reflector with three-dimensional patterns to mimic the light reflections from real fire. Some also emit crackling sounds to add to the realism.

In contrast to wood-burning and gas-burning fireplaces, electric fireplaces don't require chimneys or venting, so they don't produce any smoke or polluting. Certain models come with a remote control that allows you to control the heat and flames. Electric fireplaces do not require a chimney or gas lines. They can be erected on a wall, or on a recessed mount.

A great option for those looking to keep things simple, the Simplifire Allusion is a great entry-level model that features an electric log set as well as clear crystal ember bed media. It comes in a variety of colors on the front face and comes with a full-size remote. For greater customization, upgrade to driftwood log sets or ceramic stones.

The Dimplex Revillusion insert is also available as a standalone log set. The holographic display, placed between the flames of the log set and the insert gives illusions that appear to be many more logs. This design may not look more realistic than some of the other alternatives, but it's still a good alternative for those looking for a more traditional appearance.

Other manufacturers, like Magikflame and Magikflame, have gone a step higher than the Dimplex Revillusion with a design which makes use of a touchscreen instead of mechanical buttons. The backlit touchscreen makes it easier to use and has a self-illuminating and allows you to read the icons even in a darkened room. This kind of control panel can also be a great addition to a modern interior.

Easy to Set Up

In comparison to built-in models which require the removal of a piece of wall, an in-wall electric fireplace is a lot simpler to install. If the studs are a good fit behind the wall, you can attach your fireplace to the wall using the bracket that is included. A majority of models include a diagram that will show you where to place the bracket on the wall. Mark the holes using an apex of a pencil and a level. Once you've drilled the holes, you can fit hanging screws into them. Rawl plugs can be used to hide the finish. They are placed 5-10mm above the wall.

The fireplace can be fixed by screwing it into the wall. Make sure it is completely encased within the opening. This can be done either by hand or with a drill, depending on your preference and experience. Once your fireplace is installed, ensure that the heat vents or grate are free of any combustible material. Keep your fireplace at 400mm away from anything that can catch fire.

Some people prefer having their fireplaces at eye level. This can be accomplished by placing the fireplace in the middle of the room. It can also be a good spot for television, but you must make sure that the fire is not too close to the screen, as this could cause it to overheat.

When choosing a location for your electric fireplace, it is important to think about its size as well. It's also worth bearing in mind that the heater element - which is located in the front and bottom of an electric fire - should be at least 400mm away from any combustible materials including fabrics.

Before you begin installing your electric fireplace, it's important to make sure that everything functions correctly. If everything works as it should, plug into the fireplace, play with the LED lights, and then proceed with the installation. It's important to note that you should always use a qualified electrician to complete electrical work, like installing an electric fireplace.


When choosing and installing an electric wall fireplace there are a few important things to think about. The first thing to think about is the size. It is crucial to make sure that the fireplace will fit in the space you want it to, and this can be accomplished by measuring the area and checking against the dimensions of the fire unit. Some manufacturers also provide an online guide which will make the process much simpler and help you to select the perfect model for your needs.

It is important to note that the fireplace should be located close to an electrical outlet. Get an electrician to place a plug socket on the wall near the location you're planning to put your fireplace. This will make it easier to hide the power cable, and the installation will look more finished and clean.

You should also ensure that any combustible items are kept at least three feet from the electric fireplace, since this will lower your risk of fire and shield you from burns to clothes, curtains, or furniture. It is also a good idea not to block the filters to ensure that air can flow freely through the heating element.

Another crucial step prior to mounting is to test the fireplace prior to it is mounted on the wall. It is recommended to take a few minutes before getting started to remove all packaging and plug the fire into the wall to make sure it works. This will ensure that you have everything in place and there are no problems later.

Once the tests have been completed and you are happy that everything is operating as you expect, it's time to begin preparing the place to mount your fireplace. Follow the directions provided by your fireplace manufacturer to build an opening that is framed and secure it to the studs by using blocks. Secure the fireplace to the wall with screws.

When the job is complete then you can relax in your fashionable and practical new electric fireplace. It's a great way to add warmth to any space. It also creates an inviting atmosphere that will amaze your guests.

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