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"The Is Mesothelioma Only Caused By Asbestos Awards: The Best, Worst And Strangest Things We've Ever Seen
Is Mesothelioma Only Caused by Asbestos?

Mesothelioma is a cancer that can be fatal that affects the thin layer of tissue that lines various organs within the body, most typically the lung (pleural mesothelioma) as well as the intestines, heart and. People exposed to asbestos are at greater risk.

Asbestos is one of the minerals that form long, thin fibers. It was utilized for military, commercial, and residential products during the 20th century. Manufacturers knew about its dangers, but concealed them to increase profits.


Asbestos is an naturally occurring mineral that is impervious to chemical wear and heat. It was used in manufacturing various commercial and household items in the past, such as floor tiles, insulation and brake linings. Asbestos is a risk however, as it breaks down into tiny needle-like fibers, which can irritate organ tissues and cause cancerous cells.

Mesothelioma is more prevalent in those who work with asbestos, or are exposed to asbestos on the job or at home. 70 percent to 80% of patients diagnosed with mesothelioma have prior exposure to asbestos. The symptoms usually manifest between 20 and 50 years after the first asbestos exposure. A higher risk is also associated with those who have mesothelioma-affected relatives.

When exposed to asbestos the fibers can be inhaled into the lungs. These fibers can then be transported into the pleura, or lining around the lungs and cause irritation it. Over time, this can result in pleural diseases which can cause fluid buildup in the lungs, a condition called pleural effusion. This can make breathing difficult.

Mesothelioma can also be found in the tissues that line the abdomen, the heart or the intestines. Most often, a mesothelioma patient has been exposed asbestos while at work. This type of asbestos exposure is different from that of a person who is exposed at home to asbestos, for instance when family members remove asbestos-containing insulation from their walls and ceilings.

Scientists are studying whether certain genes may increase the risk of developing mesothelioma. Even with these genes, exposure to asbestos is still required to develop mesothelioma. A few rare cases of mesothelioma have been connected to other minerals such as silica and erionite, which are linked to asbestos. It is also possible that some people are more susceptible to develop mesothelioma due to the way their bodies breakdown asbestos. This is not a known risk factor however, and doesn't explain why one person could develop the disease while another might not.


Exposure to asbestos can cause cancer mesothelioma to develop in any of the body's linings. It can also form in the lungs, abdomen or in the heart (pleural mesothelioma). It can also develop in the testicles.

The symptoms of mesothelioma usually manifest slowly over a long time. The first signs of mesothelioma can be mistaken for other diseases. It can take between 20 and 50 years for symptoms to manifest, meaning one could have experienced asbestos exposure for decades before the development of mesothelioma. The cancer spreads to different areas of the human body in about the same time.

The symptoms of pleural melanoma include difficulties breathing, coughing and chest pain. Patients can experience other symptoms also, including fatigue, abdominal pain and weight loss. The most frequent sign is fluid in the lungs (pleural effusion). Pleural mesothelioma can affect the lung lining and chest cavity known as the pleura. The cancer causes the lining to thicken, which makes it difficult for the lungs to expand during breathing.

A biopsy and some tests can aid in diagnosing the presence of pleural mesothelioma. A biopsy can determine the type of malignant mesothelioma and how widely it's spread and whether it's benign or malignant.

If the doctor suspects that the patient has mesothelioma they may refer them to specialist who will conduct additional tests. The specialist can conduct the biopsy as an outpatient. The patient is able to leave the hospital the next day.

Mesothelioma is still uncommon however it is crucial to be diagnosed as early as possible. There is no cure for mesothelioma, however, treatment can ease symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.


Mesothelioma can result from asbestos, a grouping of minerals that have thin and flexible fibers. Asbestos was used for a variety industrial applications, including building materials as well as brakes, insulation and ships. It is also a fire-resistant material and does not conduct electricity. Exposure can result when these materials break down and turn into dusty. Inhaling or ingestion of asbestos fibers can cause irritation which leads to mesothelioma. Mesothelioma symptoms typically don't show until a long time after the initial exposure. It can affect the linings of the lungs, the stomach and the heart.

Only medical tests can determine mesothelioma. The doctor will assess the patient and ask about their previous work history. The doctor may also perform tests of imaging to determine abnormalities in the chest or abdomen. These tests can include X-rays or CT scans.

If mesothelioma is a possibility, doctors will take a sample of the affected tissue or fluid for further testing. They will look for cancerous cells under a microscope to determine what type of mesothelioma patient has. There are three types: epithelioid, sarcomatoid and biphasic. The epithelioid form accounts for 70 percent of mesothelioma cases. The sarcomatoid type is the least prevalent. The biphasic form is a mix of the first two types and can be harder to treat than either one separately.

Mesothelioma treatment options depend on the type of mesothelioma, stage of the disease, and other factors. Certain types of mesothelioma can be more aggressive than others, and the outlook is generally less favorable for patients with late-stage mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma patients can also undergo surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy to to treat the disease. These treatments can be painful and cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. However these side effects are usually temporary and can be treated with medication or other techniques. Some patients may receive radiation following surgery to eliminate any cancerous cells that surgeons missed during surgery.


Despite its widespread use in industries and its reputation for being a highly durable and cost-effective material asbestos is known to cause a variety of types of serious medical conditions. Mesothelioma is among these conditions. It manifests on the tissues and organs like the lungs and heart. The signs of mesothelioma usually take years to manifest but treatment can treat the disease and lessen symptoms.

Asbestos fibers are tiny and can be absorbed into the body. They can then become trapped within certain tissues. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used for many years in products ranging from textiles to insulation.

When asbestos is disturbed it becomes airborne. It is then consumed or inhaled. Inhaled asbestos fibers irritate the lung cells damaging DNA and causing malignancy. After ingestion, the asbestos fibers are digested. They then travel through the digestive tract to the outside abdominal lining (peritoneum) where they can cause inflammation and eventually cause mesothelioma.

Exposure to asbestos through secondhand contact can also occur when you live in a house where someone has been exposed to asbestos. Workers can expose family members to asbestos fibers when they bring home stray asbestos fibers from their skin, clothing or hair. The risk of developing mesothelioma is also increased when you have an ancestral history of the illness.

There are two kinds of mesothelioma - peritoneal and pleural. Pleural mesothelioma is found in the linings of the lungs and chest. It is the most common mesothelioma. what is mesothelioma caused by when the asbestos fibers penetrate the outer lining of the abdominal cavity and organs. This type of mesothelioma affects the lining of the stomach (abdomen) and is less common than pleural mesothelioma.

Asbestos, which is a highly toxic mineral, can lead to cancers of different types as well as other diseases like mesothelioma and lung cancer. The dangers of asbestos were not well-known until the early 1980s when companies began to recognize its dangers. Before that, asbestos was employed by blue-collar industries and the military in products like flooring, roofs and brake Linings.

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