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A. The Most Common Kia Sportage Key Fob Replacement Debate Isn't As Black And White As You May Think
Kia Key Replacement

Kia's contemporary vehicles include an array of the latest technology, including key fobs that allow drivers to remotely lock and unlock their vehicles. If your Kia's key fob battery is dead, contact a locksmith or a dealership to replace it.

Gently pry the two sides of the fob and remove the old battery. Replace the battery, and then squeeze the sides together to avoid damaging internal components.


Costs for replacing a key in Kia can differ. The best way to save money is to find local locksmiths. They are cheaper and usually have the equipment needed to complete the task. However, you must be aware that this service might not be covered by your vehicle insurance company. You can also contact roadside assistance to see whether they can assist you.

Modern cars are equipped with keys that are unique and have an embedded microchip. When the key is put into the ignition, a specific code is transmitted to the receiver of the car which opens the doors and turns on the engine. It is vital to ensure the security of these keys because they are hard to duplicate. The battery in these keys is also prone to moisture or static electricity. It's important to properly eliminate these batteries to ensure they don't damage the environment or other people.

Dealerships can be expensive however, they are the most popular option to replace keys for cars. In addition, they may not be in a position to replace your key even if it's an older model that doesn't have the chip. Locksmiths can provide the same service at just a fraction of what it will cost.

If you're seeking a less expensive option, think about a wallet key instead of fob. The wallet key does not include a chip, therefore it's a lot cheaper to replace.


Kia's hands-free locking/unlocking feature makes it easier than ever before to get in your vehicle. It is as easy as pressing the handle with your thumb while you have the fob in your pocket. This is particularly helpful if you're working with your hands when you are running errands, or when the weather is bad. It also helps you avoid searching for keys. But, if your Kia key fob battery is dead you'll have to replace it.

The cost of the cost of Kia key replacement varies based on the type of key that you have and how old it really is. A standard key will typically cost less than $250, while an advanced key fob could cost as much as $500. Based on your needs you can decide to cut the key at a dealer or an automotive locksmith.

The dealer can create a new smart key fob for your, but it will need to be programmed to be able to start your car. A locksmith can do this, but it's more expensive and you will be required to tow your vehicle to their shop.

You can purchase an additional case online in the event that you have a standard fob that does not have microchip. These cases are reasonably priced and can be installed at home. To replace the Kia key fob, look for the small hole on the side of the case and use a flathead to open it.


The hands-free lock and unlock functions of Kia key fobs make it easy for you to enter your vehicle. This is a wonderful convenience when you're carrying heavy items or bad weather. The locks could pose an security risk in the event that they're damaged. Replacing the key fob is one way to keep your vehicle secure.

The price of a new Kia Key varies based on the model. While an electronic key fob may cost $300 or more but a traditional key that isn't equipped with chips can be purchased for about $25. Locksmiths can create these keys. They aren't as convenient to use as a keyfob, however they can still help you start your car.

If kia keys replacement is damaged, you might be in a position to save money by replacing the case instead of purchasing the replacement. The cost of a replacement case is less than a brand new key and can be accomplished at home. Online you can find a replacement guide that explains the procedure step-by-step. You'll need a flathead screwdriver and the necessary parts to replace a key fob.

Before you purchase a new Kia key, you should check the ignition switch and lock cylinder to be sure that this is the cause. In some cases the ignition cylinder could be damaged and cannot be fixed with the use of a key.


Kia has been growing in popularity in America, and this brand is growing rapidly in the automotive industry. Kia is a relatively new car manufacturer than other American automakers. Locksmiths will have to learn how to work with Kia cars. This is why it is important to locate a company who has worked on Kia cars and knows what is required of key fobs as well as other components.

Modern Kia models include keys that allow you to lock and unlock your vehicle with just pressing the button. Some key fobs allow you to remotely start your vehicle. Some models have features that automatically open the trunk or liftgate. This feature is ideal for pet owners or small children.

It is imperative to replace your keys right away if you lose them, or keys are damaged or broken. This will prevent burglars and other thieves from gaining access to your vehicle and taking the contents. You might be able to make a claim with your insurance provider or use the warranty. However, if you aren't able to do this, it's still worthwhile to contact a locksmith.

Locksmiths offer a more competitive price for Kia key replacements than dealerships. They specialize in locks and compete for the business and not dealers that do not offer this service.

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