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Business Letters: formal letters written to people outside one’s healthcare facility for a variety of purposes
Career Assessments: tools such as questionnaires and surveys that you can use to find careers that will match your individual needs
Career Portfolio: a written record of career planning and preparation
Clinical information: section of a patient’s chart that begins with the patient’s medical history and includes all of the information about his or her health, medical conditions, and treatment
Competent: capable
Confidentiality: the legally protected right of patients to have their personal and medical information kept private
Dictation: a verbal recording describing a patient’s symptoms and the treatment given
Employability Skills: skills related to choosing a career, acquiring and keeping a job, changing jobs, and advancing in a career
Family Medical History: a record that includes major illnesses and surgeries of a patient’s close relatives, including parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and siblings
Health Informatics (HI): a group of careers that combines health information management and health information technology; workers design and develop information systems that improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of patient care
Health Informatics Services: career pathway that involves methods, devices, and resources used to acquire, store, retrieve, and work with healthcare and biomedical information
Health Information Management (HIM): a field of health informatics services that is responsible for assembling and organizing a patient’s health information to create a medical record
Health Information Technology: a field of health informatics services that focuses on the systems that are used to manage health information and the secure exchange of health information in a digital format
HOSA- Future Health Professionals: a career and technical student organization for future healthcare workers
Indispensable: absolutely necessary
Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team: a group of professionals from different health science training backgrounds working in coordination toward a common goal for the patient
Internship: practical work or training experience that allows students to apply what they have learned in class
Medical Coding: the act of assigning numbers to descriptions of a patient’s diseases, injuries, and treatments according to established codes
Medical History: a list all of the diseases and surgeries a patient has had, his or her current symptoms, results of examinations and diagnostic tests, treatments, and other health services
Memorandum: short, informal messages that are sent between people within an organization
Personal Identifying Information: information that is used to connect a patient to the correct record
Personal Traits: an individual’s unique combination of qualities and characteristics
Professional Look: the standards of appearance normally expected of a qualified person in a work environment
Résumé: a short, one-page document that contains your accomplishments and experiences and explains how these relate to a job in which you are interested review articles scientific papers that give an overview of a specific topic by summarizing the data and conclusions from several different studies
Technical Skills: the ability to perform tasks in a specific healthcare discipline or department
Telemedicine: a field of medicine in which communication and information technologies are used to provide medical services to patients in remote locations
Transcriptionist: a health information technician who types medical record information from a physician’s recorded dictation
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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