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* AllForNothing: [[spoiler: The great motherload is left untouched, while all three attempts to get at least a single gem out of it fail. Ultimately, most of the hatchery is outright destroyed when Cee and Ezra make a run for their lives. Even once the mercs are dealt with, there is simply no time to try to harvest whatever is still left]].
* AmbiguousEnding: [[spoiler: Ezra's survival]]

* CabinFever: It's barely populated fringe world with a toxic atmosphere, so it's a given:
** Ezra spent unspecified time on the surface, with his only company being a mute partner - so in turn he's extremely chatty to cope. Other than his crummy suit to get outside the DeathWorld, he only has a tiny, barely-lit shack with an air filter, with absolutely nothing to do when staying inside.
** Heavily implied with the members of the CultColony, as they have been living in similar conditions for ''generations'', being clearly unhinged and operating on BlueAndOrangeMorality.
** The mercs waiting for Damon and Cee are just eager to shoot anyone that shows up, having nothing but a tiny shuttle as their sleeping place and absolutely nothing to do during their wait. It's uncertain if they had to wait there for a few days or weeks.
* CantKillYouStillNeedYou: A recurring theme
** [[spoiler: Damon doesn't kill Ezra and his partner outright, even if he easily could]]. He wants to steal from them first - which ends horribly for him.
** [[spoiler: Ezra successfully talks Cee out of killing him over YouKilledMyFather]], by pointing out she simply needs a second partner to fulfill the contract with the mercs (not to mention an adult supervisor) and there is a fortune to be made, so why not make it together, rather than DyingAlone?
** In the end, [[spoiler: the mercs get convinced to let Ezra harvest for them and then take him and Cee out of the moon they are on]], by simply pointing out they are the only people with the proper prospecting skills.
* CherryTapping: [[spoiler: The female merc]] is killed by repeatedly stabbing [[spoiler: her]] with a tiny, automatic knife that Ezra uses for harvesting the gems. It takes over a dozen stabs right into the neck to finally kill [[spoiler: her]].
* ConditionedToAcceptHorror: Cee is a prospector's daughter and has spent her entire life so far visiting fringe worlds and harvesting all kinds of materials, including cutting out tissues while inside the body cavities of alien creatures. As she points out, [[spoiler: taking man's arm]] is "pretty straight compared to that".
* {{Conlag}}: Cultists have their own, and even when speaking English, it has very weird syntax. The mercs communicate with each other in another made-up language. Neither is translated.
* CruelAndUnusualDeath: [[spoiler: The lead merc gets his Achilles tendon cut, dragged into the pit with the motherload lair and gets his head pushed straight into a sack full of acid]].
* {{Cyborg}}: The potential interpretation of what Number Two was, given his weird, robotic suit.

* DarkActionGirl: The female merc, who is an outright case of PsychoForHire, cclearly sadistic and enjoys watching others suffer just for the sake of it.
* DeathByMaterialism:
** [[spoiler: Damon]] could just leave. But he decided to rob Ezra and his partner, getting shot over this. Ezra bluntly reminds Cee of this when they are negotiating later.
** Ezra tries to use this to explain why [[spoiler: the leader of the mercs]] is dead, as he was supposedly too curious about the extraction process and accidentally fell into the pit. [[spoiler: It doesn't work after the other mercs spot a cut wound on their boss]].
* DoYouWantToHaggle: Both the mercs and Ezra end up haggling for a very long time over [[spoiler: hitching a ride to the mothership]], with each side delivering a hard bargain - all while the prospectors are held at gunpoint and the mercs are ready to just blast them.

* EqualOpportunityEvil: The band of mercs doesn't care much for race or gender - their leader is black and the most vicious of them is an AmbigiouslyBrown woman.
* ExactTimeToFailure: Three cycles and the mothership on the orbit will depart, leaving everyone on the surface stranded for the next ''decade''. Cee spends the entire film constantly checking the clock to avoid such fate. [[spoiler: She and Ezra make it in the final hour or so]].

* FutureFoodIsArtificial: The only solid food that's not consumed via straw through the movie is a candy bar.

* {{Greed}}:
** Against his better judgment and being on his way to a massive, confirmed motherload, [[spoiler: Damon decides to steal from Ezra a small case of gems]] - something that he could harvest on site within a few minutes. He gets shot for his trouble.
** Before the events of the film, one of the mercs tried to harvest the gems on his own. Knowing their value, but having no clue how to do it, he [[AnArmAndALeg lost his hand]] after putting it inside a sack full of acid.

* HiddenDepths: The lead merc. When Ezra and then Cee try to [[spoiler: bargain for their ticket to the orbit and list various things that the drop ship could lose to decrease weight]], the merc points out they were ''already'' taken out and there really is no space for the two of them, rather than him being a dick just for the sake of it.
* HonorAmongThieves: Ezra is surprising cordial and keeps up all his bargains, despite [[spoiler: [[MercyKill putting down]] Cee's father and being a smarmy, ruthless prospector]].

* ImprobableAimingSkills: Ezra hits and kills a man using a pistol from about 30 meters away. Not so tough? He does so in complete darkness, after a QuickDraw ''and'' [[spoiler: with his left hand, as he got his dominant, right arm, amputated]]. Which means he is probably also not using his dominant eye to line that shot.
* IndyPloy: [[spoiler: Ezra kills the lead merc before he can execute him and Cee over [[YouHaveOutlivedYourUsefulness being useless as prospectors]]]]. This still leaves them to face the rest of the band.
-->'''Cee''': What now?
-->'''Ezra''': I have no idea.

* LackOfEmpathy: The mercs are incredibly callous and non-caring. It takes a whole lot of open threats that they will end up empty-handed and an additional bribe for their leader to even ''consider'' the option to [[spoiler: offer Cee and Ezra a hitch to the orbit]].
* LifeOrLimbDecision: After being grazed by [[spoiler: Cee's shot, Ezra's arm]] gets infected, and eventually necrotic, forcing an improvised amputation.
* LifeWillKillYou: Despite suffering what appears to be OnlyAFleshWound, [[spoiler: Ezra's wound gets infected, eventually getting so bad, it has to be taken off or he will simply die out of sepsis]]. As a result, for the most of the film he is struggling and is in a progressively worse state.

* MushroomSamba: Downplayed. Out of sheer desperation, Cee gets high on her father's stash of drugs. Next shot, she's stoned out of her mind, listening to loud music and throwing around used-up urine containers.
* MutualKill:
** [[spoiler: The female merc and Ezra stab each other to death. While it is implied Ezra will make it, his ultimate fate is left ambigious]].

* NoNameGiven: [[AllThereInTheManual Number Two]] is all we got on Ezra partner's.
* NoodleIncident: Various bits and pieces from Cee's past are only mentioned in the most vague way. All we learn for sure from those is that she has been prospecting since very early childhood.
* NothingPersonal: Ezra really didn't want to [[spoiler: kill Damon]], but ended up doing so as out of a combination of being double-crossed over his personal stash of gems and delivering a MercyKill. He is making it explicit to Cee that [[spoiler: her father]] should known better, or else he had no place to even be on the fringe of the galaxy.

* PsychoForHire: The merc aren't the most stable bunch and Ezra implies that this is pretty normal in their trade, ''especially'' by the end of a tour. This is particularly notable with the female merc, as she is twitching to simply kill the prospectors (and her boredom) and just head home an hour earlier, loot or no loot.

* RealityHasNoSubtitles: There is no translation whatsoever of the {{Conlag}} spoken by the cultists and the mercs - and they are implied to be two different languages, too.

* ScaryBlackMan: The lead merc - big, gruff, with a deep voice and utter contempt toward the fate of the prospectors working for him. Or his own men, for that matter. He further amps the image by making it clear he's the only leash preventing the female merc from simply killing the prospectors here and now.
* SinisterScrapingSound: While the process itself is out of frame, we hear every single second of the [[spoiler: amputation of Ezra's arm]]. Particularly when the wrong setting of the medical tool is selected and it scrapes directly over the bone.

* TeethClenchedTeamwork: [[spoiler: Ezra put the final two bullets in Damon, Cee's father. Yet she and Ezra end up in a partnership, where they really don't trust each other until the final act]]. And when [[spoiler: Damon]] was still alive, it was clear that [[spoiler: Cee feels stuck with her father and needs a way out of their "family business"]].

* UnspokenPlanGuarantee: Justified, since their comms are deliberately blocked by [[LoudOfWar blasting very loud music over them]], forcing [[spoiler: Ezra and Cee to mostly improvise on spot]]. It's only after they get some distance that they can finally talk and plan ahead.

* WhamLine:
-->'''Cult Leader''': This is our offer.
-->[He opens a case with nine big gems in it]
-->'''Ezra''': I don't understand.
-->'''Cult Leader''': [[spoiler: For the girl]].

* YouKilledMyFather: Dropped verbatim by Cee when [[spoiler: facing Ezra]] for the first time. She goes as far as using it as a bargain chip, pointing out she's ''very'' generous for [[YouWillBeSpared leaving him alive]].

* LoudOfWar: the female merc is using really LOUD music to simply blast it on all frequences, making comms useless and also hurting ears from how loud it is

* FriendlyFandoms:
** With ''VideoGame/{{Rimworld}}'' players, as the film can be easily put in the context of the game: a RagtagBunchOfMisfits on DeathWorld, facing crazied locals and even more crazy high-tech mercenaries, all while trying to leave the place they are effectively stranded on and piling their assets together to survive. The film took ''Rimworld'' playerbase by storm.
* {{Squick}}: The [[spoiler: arm amputation]] scene, performed under nothing more than local anesthesia.

* NoBudget: The original short film was made for $30k, while the movie cost less than $4 million. Which doesn't even mean the actual figure, but simply a measurement bracket for it: it could be anything between a dollar, up to those 4 mil.
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