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11 Ways To Completely Sabotage Your Kia Sportage Key Replacement
How to Replace a Kia CEED Key Fob

Key fobs, like most battery-powered gadgets, eventually display warning signs as the batteries begin to degrade. This could be a decrease in range or the inability to start or unlock your car.

Kia has been working hard to help Flowood drivers their lives a bit easier. They have a useful hands-free lock/unlock feature, that lets you open your door by simply pressing your thumb on the handle. Find out more about Kia key fob tricks here!

How to Replace the Battery

The key fob of your Kia lets you lock and unlock your vehicle remotely. However the battery will eventually fail. You'll have to know how to replace the Kia's key fob in the event of this happening. It's easy to do and you'll usually do it yourself if prepared.

The average lifespan of a key fob battery is between two and three years. There are a few warning signs that the battery inside the key fob is beginning to wear out. The most obvious one is a gradual loss of range for the transmitter meaning that you'll need to be closer to your car if you want to lock or unlock it. Some key fobs also display an alert on the dashboard when their battery is not fully charged.

To replace the battery in the key fob, you will need a flathead screwdriver along with a small tool to break the fob's two components. Use the end of the screwdriver in the slot on the opposite side of the key fob that doesn't hold the mechanical key blade, and gently push the case open. Take out the old battery and replace it with a brand new one. Take note of its orientation.

You can purchase a CR2032 in a variety of hardware stores. When you have a brand new battery, put it in the case and then close the case.

How to Replace the Transmitter

Kia's smart-key technology simplifies life for Brandon drivers. One of the advantages is that you can lock or unlock your vehicle from a distance by pressing the button on the Kia fob. The battery in the Kia fob is prone to wear out over time. You'll notice that it requires you to be nearer to your car to unlock or lock it. It could also be that the car does not recognize the key fob when you press the keyless button, or displays an error message.

It's not difficult to change the battery in the keyfob or transmitter on a Kia. You'll require a flathead screwdriver to open the fob, and you must be careful not to harm the internal components of the fob or the mechanical key. Once you've opened the case, you can remove the old battery and replace it with a brand new CR2032 battery.

It's not something you will need to do often however knowing how to change the smart fob's battery or transmitter is vital if ever you require it. Matt Castrucci Kia has created an instruction manual to help change the battery in your key fob.

How do I replace the Smart Key

Kia's Smart Key is a great convenience that allows drivers to lock and unlock their vehicles without having their keys in their pockets. But, as with any other battery-powered device time-to-life of the key fob is short and it's a good idea to have an extra. Fortunately, replacing it isn't difficult at all. The process can be completed within minutes using the flathead screwdriver.

Start by removing the mechanical blade from the fob. To do this, put the screwdriver's tip into the slit in the side of the key fob opposite the one that has the mechanical key. Then, press the button near the bottom of the fob to let the mechanical key go. The old battery should pop out easily.

Replace the CR2032 batteries. Find kia ceed replacement key using the tip of the screwdriver. Insert the new battery into its slot, and gently push the two halves.

Switching your car's key fob battery isn't something you'll be required to do every day but it's an important knowledge to have when the time arrives. Having this knowledge will help you avoid the headache of having to call a mechanic and wait for them to arrive.

How to Replace the Mechanical Key

The remote key fob lets drivers lock and unlock their vehicle without having to mess with the car's physical key. The fob may also have buttons that control features like the trunk, liftgate, or activate a panic alert.

Fortunately, the smart key fobs that are used in Kia vehicles are designed to last. Like any battery-powered product, they will eventually show warning signs of battery loss. The most frequent warning sign is a decrease in range, which means that the vehicle has to be closer to the fob in order to lock or unlock it.

If this is the case, you'll require replacing your fob's mechanical keys. Fortunately, the process is relatively simple, and you'll not require any special tools. Turn the key off and wait for the locks to cycle. Then you can use a small flathead screwdriver to wedge the tip inside of the key fob in the opposite direction to where the emergency key is stored.

After you've inserted your screwdriver, you will hear it click. The mechanical key can be removed, the old battery removed, and a new battery installed. After that, you'll be able to hit the Rogers roads again! Contact our customer service team at the Kia dealership in Muncie for any concerns. We'll be happy to walk you through each step!

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