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"The Repair Double Glazed Windows Awards: The Top, Worst, Or The Most Bizarre Things We've Seen
How to Repair Double Glazed Windows

Double glazing can reduce your energy bills as it helps keep your home warmer, reducing the need to heat. However, as time goes by these windows will require maintenance and repairs.

Repairing obvious signs of damage such as condensation between glass panes is possible. However, double glazing repairs may be required to repair more serious problems.


Condensation is a regular occurrence on all glass surfaces. It can be particularly problematic when it occurs on double-glazed windows. It can cause windows to become cloudy and can even cause the growth of black mold on the window. This is not just unattractive, but can it can also cause damage to paintwork or curtains in your home.

This is usually caused by the absence of ventilation, however it could also be due to the temperature of the room being too low or when the glass is placed in a position facing south that is exposed to direct sunlight all day. This can cause the inner pane to be warmer than the exterior and the air is not able to pass across the gap. The condensation forms on the cold surface of the pane's inner side and can be difficult to get rid of.

You can reduce the likelihood of condensation in your home or office by taking a few simple steps. A well-designed ventilation system is vital as this will help to balance humidity levels and let warm air escape. Extractor fans can be used to dry clothing, cook and shower indoors. To prevent the interior of the home from becoming too hot and encouraging the growth of condensation on windows, it is also recommended to create areas of shade.

If condensation develops on the double-glazed window, it's usually due to a failing sealant and needs to be replaced or repaired. A reputable company is likely to be able to offer this service at an affordable price. This will ensure the energy efficiency of your house or building and ensure that condensation doesn't damage the interior paintwork or surfaces.

Shattered Glass

Double-glazed windows are known for their durability and security, however it doesn't mean they're impervious to break. It's not uncommon for double-glazed windows to shatter spontaneously, which can be alarming and potentially dangerous if the glass shatters into small pieces. This could result from a variety of causes, such as nickel sulphide inclusions or thermal stresses.

If you have a double glazed window that is cracked or has an ineffective seal, it's important to fix it as soon as you can. The cracked window can be an health risk for your family members and yourself. It can also reduce the efficiency of your home's energy use and let water seep into the walls, flooring and furniture.

The majority of double-glazed windows can be fixed by simple repairs, such as adding sealant or replacing the beading. If the glass pane is cracked or broken it is required to replace it. Make sure to wear gloves and have an appropriate disposal method prior to taking off the old glass pane.

You can use packing tape or masking tape to tape the cracked glass to keep it in the correct position. This will prevent it from slipping out of the window and could serve as a temporary solution until you have an alternative.

Gasket Seals

The window seals are an essential component of double-pane windows helping to block outside air and moisture. In addition, they help to keep in warm air and reduce outside noises which allows you to live in peace and quiet living spaces. Window seals can be degraded over time, due to weather conditions or other environmental stresses. Eventually, this can lead to visible black streaking on the facades of buildings and stained surfaces inside your home. If you notice any issues with your windows, you need to get a professional to examine them to identify the root of the issue and then make a proper repair.

Window seals are made of durable materials like butyl or silicon that maintain an airtight layer between glass panes. They are typically designed with several layers to help resist pressure fluctuations and other environmental stresses. Over time, these seals can become brittle and blown. Blown seals occur when the airtight seal between the glass panes has been broken, resulting in issues like fogging and reduced energy efficiency.

Replacing the gasket seal can aid in reducing these issues and is possible without the need to purchase new double glazing units or installations. It is essential to select the right gasket seal that will fit your pvcu window frame and glass. Mr Misty offers a variety of extruded seals that include the bubble, E, and wedge varieties and in a variety of sizes. They are simple to fit and cut to provide a weatherproof solution that lasts.

Alternatively, some homeowners choose to reseal their windows using a DIY kit that allows them to change the current sealant on their own. However, this can be risky and is not an option that lasts. Re-sealing a double-pane window is likely to not restore the inert gasses that were initially sealed within the IGU therefore, fogging and poor insulation are likely to return after the sealant has failed.


A double-glazed window consists of two glass panes, with a space in between which is sealed and filled with an inert gas such as argon or krypton. This makes it more energy efficient than traditional windows which comprise only one pane of glass.

It is possible to replace the glass in a double-glazed window but it's more likely the whole thing will need replacing if there's damage or decay. It's expensive, but it is necessary to ensure the window or door won't draft and be safe to use.

Double glazing that is difficult to open or fails to stay in place can also be an indication that the hinges, mechanisms and handles require replacement. Sometimes, oiling the mechanism or adjusting the screws will solve the issue. However, it is always recommended to contact your double glazing company as soon as possible to arrange for someone to come and do a check.

Colorless uPVC frames can also be a sign that it's time to think about replacing. UPVC frames are relatively durable, but they can become fragile over time if they are not protected from sunlight.

Many DIY businesses offer services to drill holes in misted double-glazing holes to draw out condensation. It's relatively simple and affordable way of dealing with this issue, but it's important to remember that handling damaged glass can be dangerous and it's best to leave this type repair to experts. Drilling holes into double-glazed windows can weaken the integrity and seals of the glass which can cause further issues such as draughts, condensation or even leaks.


Double-glazing has a variety of advantages, but it's crucial to keep an eye out for any signs of trouble. If the glass or frames are distorted, this could be a sign that it's time to consider replacement options. This issue can be caused by a variety reasons like the age of the windows and the humidity levels. It could be due to the way the windows were first installed or the cleaning product used.

Depending on the reason for warping, there are several solutions to address the problem. These methods include tightening hinges, or adding more weatherstripping. This is only a temporary solution and it's best to consult a professional.

A common issue with double-glazing is that the door or window becomes hard to open and close. This can be caused by dirt and dust build-up or a warping of the sash. If the sash has warped, it will not fit in the window's opening and may be difficult, or even impossible to operate.

Double-glazing issues are easy to fix, when you know what indicators to look out for. It's normal for these issues to arise as the windows get older however, they shouldn't be ignored since they can impact the overall performance of your home's insulation. It is essential to contact an expert when you discover a problem. This will save you money in the long-term as opposed to replacing the entire unit. They will also offer an assurance that you would not get in the event that you were to complete the work yourself.

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