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use anger to do useful work

How do i function right now? > I dont like even to think about doing nessesery work > I switch to think an do easy things that are my adictive desires *(wasting time)
First blok is to think about task that needs self discipline
By thinking I enter in zone of frustration that i want to avoid, but i must pass that zone in order to take useful nessesery action, wich has potential to lead me to zone of pride and filing deserved moments of enjojing desire without griza savest

thinking about task that i avoid to do leads me to frustration and then anger, then ultimatley to action
higher level of conciousnes means acting quicker, less proscrastination and avoiding state of frustration
I need habitt of resolving problems quicker, taking action faster and getting results that holds me in higer conciousness
Way to acomplish that habbit is by setting tasks/goals that calls for selfdiscipline
selfdiscipline means taking concious control over my actions instead letting body control my thinking, actions and behavior

Building discipline
1. define daily minimum tasks
2. take order in space, cealn and oganize table, chloting, desktop of PC
3. Refrain from bad habbits to create vakuum in time that calls for actions to fill that time space
4. get in habit of starting work. start samll and I get inspiration to continue more
5. convert passive goal to active goal (passive: I want to become organized, or goal setter > active: I hold my room and desktop clean, i write in to do list everyday)
6. change identity, who I am > I am desire refrainer, I am action taker, I am conscious guided instead emotion-body, I listen my will instead emotion, 5s rule, I do what i know i need to do, I do by will to train body to listen and accept new habit. I listen my frustration to resolve it by action. I AM FRUSTRATION RESOLVER
7. embrace discomfort. ex. Take cold shower. make different healthy breakfast. IDEA: Practice "Do it or regret" chalenge *(spend at least 5k on something in a month or give it to mom, brother, or dad). Become money spender or invester.
8. Be disciplined about health and energy. New habit for nutrition *(breakfast)

What frustrate me? How to resolve it by action now?Just do it now! I am DO IT NOW action taker! I do it in ANGER, no matter what. With anger and action I destroy old body habitual progammed (uncontroled) behavior. Destroy my old self, old bad habbits.
Past example. *(when I go to exam, and finish it knowing I did not do quite well, pressure of comming exam is now past. I am angry for making bad choices instead preparing myself good enough for exam and let it behind instead learning it again. I would firmly make decision that i will next time be more disciplined and efective learner-student. In a moment i feelt release of feeling of hope in better future, pleasing picture of myself as person with high selfeastem and pride, by havin idea of my firm decision that empowers me. But after some time i get in old habits and same mistakes that degrade my self eastem and self confidence) Solution migt be to become person concious of importance to be disciplined and take angry action no mater what concesquences of that anger might be. It is investing energy in work that has potential benefits in long term future instead od instant gratification.

Problem of desire is instant gratification > what to do for gratification in long term?

- kupiti brazilski orah
- make reminder card in my wallet to remind me why I act in anger against resistance of my body-emotions. "I advance by taking conscious action now" "I advance by making firm decision now" "I am decision maker"

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