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Problem 1: Declare a variable called name and assign your name to it. Then, print "Hello, [your name]!" to the console.

Problem 2: Declare two variables, num1 and num2, and assign them any numerical values. Calculate their sum and print it to the console.

Problem 3: Create a variable called isRaining and set it to true. Write a conditional statement that prints "Take an umbrella" if it's raining and "No need for an umbrella" if it's not.

Problem 4: Declare a variable sentence and assign it a string containing your favorite quote. Print the sentence to the console.

Problem 5: Create a variable called age and set it to your age. Then, create another variable called futureAge and calculate what your age will be in 10 years. Print a sentence like "In 10 years, I will be [futureAge] years old."

Problem 6: Declare a variable radius and assign it a value. Calculate and print the area of a circle with that radius.

Problem 7: Declare a variable temperature and assign a value in Celsius. Convert it to Fahrenheit and print both the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures.

Problem 8: Create a variable num and assign it a number. Write a conditional statement to determine if the number is even or odd and print the result.

Problem 9: Declare three variables: firstName, lastName, and fullName. Set firstName and lastName to your first and last name, respectively. Combine them to create fullName and print it.

Problem 10: Create a variable isLoggedIn and set it to true. If the user is logged in, print "Welcome, User!" to the console. If not, print "Please log in."

Problem 11: Declare a variable myArray and assign it an array of your favorite colors. Print the second color in the array.

Problem 12: Create a variable numArray containing an array of numbers. Calculate and print the sum of all the numbers in the array.

Problem 13: Declare a variable str and assign it a string. Write code to print the length of the string.

Problem 14: Create a variable hours and assign a number of hours. Convert it to minutes and print both the hours and minutes.

Problem 15: Declare an array called fruits with some fruit names. Use a loop to print each fruit in the array on a separate line.

Problem 16: Create a variable userInput and ask the user to input their name using the prompt function. Print a greeting using their name.

Problem 17: Declare an object person with properties name, age, and city. Print each property.

Problem 18: Create a variable price and assign it a number. Apply a 10% discount and print the discounted price.

Problem 19: Declare an array numbers with a series of numbers. Use a loop to find and print the largest number in the array.

Problem 20: Create a variable isLeapYear and write a program that checks whether a given year is a leap year. Print the result.
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