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Hello dear friends,
Today i will talk with you about grammer and tenses. Our Topic is "How can we speak English in 5 minutes?" Lets Start
Firstly we start to Simple Present Tense. Our structure of sentence S= Subject V= Verb O=Object We are using on this tense S+V+O and Auxilary verb = Do Does (but we are using this only negative and question form)
Example: I speak English.
When we using He She it, We must use on V(s)
He speaks English. He like books.
GENERAL NOTE: We always are using negative sentence (-not) on auxilary verb and Question words (what where) are writing first place on sentence. and when we ask question about any tenses, same again our auxilary verbs are writing first place on sentence.
(-) He does not learn
(?) Does He learn?
Using "be" on Simple Present (Am is are)
I am You we They Are He She it is
I am a doctor.
She is a doctor. (-) She is not a doctor
They are student. (?) Is She a doctor? Where are you?
Lets go Past Tense
we are using on this tense S+Ved S+V2 and our auxilary (be) was were and question form (?) Did You we They were I He She it was
We are using on this tense sometimes regular and irregular verbs.
Regular= I worked. (work > worked)
Irregular= I went. (go > went)
Example: She went to school.
Did she go to school? (we used did here. we cant usable to twice V2 same times on verb.)
He was a doctor.
(-)He wasn’t a doctor (?) Was he a doctor?
What about Present Continuous Tense
We are using on this Tense about now. Our Structure of Sentence S+ am is are + Ving + O Auxilaries Am is are
Example: I am reading book now.
(-) I am not reading book now.
(?) Am I reading book now?
Lets Continue with Past Continuous Tense
We are using on this tense S+was were+Ving... Auxilary verbs Was Were When we use this tense? We can talk about our experience in the past but continue a little time.
Example: I was playing Football. (-) I was not playing Football. (?) Was I playing Football?
When we need to subject we cant use on this sentence subject.
Who was talking? ( There is not subject. We need to find.)
Ares was talking.
Future Tense
We are using on this tense S+Will+V+O When we use this Tense? Sometimes we need a plan for Future. We must prepare for the Future.
Example: I will play game tomorrow. (-) I will not play game tomorrow. (?) Will I play game tomorrow.
Present Perfect Tense
We are using this tense on 3 types.
A. In the past used in the expression of the action started and ongoing.
Example: I lived in İstanbul for 5 years.
B. It has been done in the past, but the action exactly when that expression is used in the sentence is carried out.
I have seen the movie “Titanic
C. Use our past experiences and talking.
I have been to America
We are using on this tense S+have has+V3 Our Auxilary verbs Have Has
I You We They = Have He She it = Has
I have become a doctor. He has watched the news. (-) He has not watched the news.
(?) Has he watched the news? (WH) When has he watched the news?
Past Perfect Tense
We are using on this tense S+had+V3 When we use this tense? We are talking about our experience in the past but more before.
Example: He had helped me after she came.
(+) I had written a poem.
(-) I had not written a poem.
(?) Had I written a poem?
(WH) Where had i written a poem?

Finally we have learnt some Tenses with grammer. We can talk English a little bit now :) Thank you for Listening.

Presentation Homework
Oğuz Furkan Ağca
Oral Communication Skills
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