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20 Myths About Saab 93 Key: Dispelled
Saab Key Replacement

The loss of your car keys or lost could be very frustrating. If you have an extra key, putting the new key to your car is relatively cheap and easy.

You'll need to get rid of the old electronic key fob and then program it into your car using a Saab Tech 2 device. You'll be charged for putting off this process.

Lost or Stolen keys

It's as simple as ever to copy the key into your car as it was 20 years ago. The only difference is that modern keys come with an electronic chip within them. These chips offer a great amount of protection from key theft and copying. However, this does not mean that you will never lose your key.

If you do lose your keys, don't panic! The first thing to do is look around in which you typically store your keys. They could be in the pockets of your pants or jacket or even in the floor just next to your front door. If you're still having trouble finding your keys, you should contact a locksmith to visit your vehicle and assist you in locating keys.

A dealer can create the new car key in case all your keys are missing. This can be expensive and take several days. Instead we can reprogram the existing computer's EEPROM and save you money.

The ignition key on the 03-11 SAAB is not the most robust. They can become sticky and the buttons can even fall out from time to time. If you're down to one ignition key that works it is recommended to make another one as soon as possible to avoid problems.


Saab owners must always have a spare key because it's much easier to replace lost or stolen ones. If you lose your primary key, it's a different story as it's quite costly to replace it and requires a dealer to install and program a new TWICE module (Column Integration Module on older vehicles) and also a brand-new key that is OEM (not from Amazon or eBay).

If remote control keys aren't locking or unlocking the car, there are a variety of possibilities for the cause. The most frequent cause is the battery of the coin that is dead in the key fob but it could be caused by worn buttons and water damage, signal interference, and issues with the receiver module.

If you've checked these and your problem persists it is possible to resolve it yourself by changing the code in the key. This is done by changing the number count (in inverse in hex) to zero in the ECU. In order to do this, you need to get access to the case of your car key fob. This can be accomplished by removing the emergency key from the fob. Then, you can use a flathead to remove the case from the fob and expose the battery. Be careful while doing this and avoid pouring or dropping any liquids in the fob as they could harm the electronic components within.

Broken Keys

Having your car keys stolen or lost can be an extremely difficult experience, especially if don't have spare keys. Fortunately, you can lessen the inconvenience by having your replacement keys created by an expert auto locksmith in Bishopthorpe. We can supply you with a set of electronic chips keys in no time no matter if you're situated in the middle of the road or near the closest town.

Since 1995 since 1995, every Saab is required to have an immobilizer on the vehicle. This makes it nearly impossible to steal a car without a unique key. The key needs a special transponder to allow it to start the engine and then open your doors. The key also needs a transmitter/transponder chip that needs to be matched with the car's computer module in order to work. This is something that can only be done at a dealer, with the specialized tool called Tech-2 Tech-2 or a similar type of software.

If your key has been broken in your ignition or lock, it's vital that you don't attempt to extract it yourself, as it could cause damage to the lock and cause additional issues. In the event that you try to force a damaged key out typically results in the breaking of the metal key blade or the mechanism of the lock itself. This can be more expensive than hiring a locksmith to replace the key.


Saab owners from 1994 onwards are advised to keep two working keys for their car. Replacing just one key can be expensive and complex. The dealer will need to replace the CIM (Column Integration Module) or TWICE (Theft Warning Integrated Central Electronics), depending on the model, as well as the key itself; plus it must be programmed to work with the new module. Keys that are claimed new from aftermarket sellers are often not properly initialized and will not be programmed correctly when you need them.

It is not unusual to find the battery inside the key fob to wear out after a couple of years of use, particularly when it is frequently used for locking and unlocking the car. Fortunately that replacing the battery in the majority of SAAB 9-3 key fob models is easy and doesn't require any special tools.

A mobile SAAB locksmith will usually be able to do this at a cost that is 75% less than a dealer will charge for the same service. saab car keys do not have to replace the car's computer, and can re-program the existing EEPROM to recognize the new keys. This can save you a significant amount of money as a brand new car computer is expensive. This is the reason it makes sense to call an on-demand SAAB locksmith anytime you require an alternative key fob for your car.

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