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1:10research are they ripe they leave a party fifty

1:14bigger paradigm love English as an international language

1:17together course %uh month

1:20the people that I'm going to mention some other scholars may not associate

1:24themselves with the paradigm with English as international language but I


1:29at their work as the consistent with the

1:34power line with English as an international language I'm

1:38first I'd like to start with the definition of the word paradigm

1:43arm the term paradigm

1:50is so largely associated with the name with

1:53the historian of science Thomas Kuhn are

1:57who viewed paradigm as the underlying assumptions and intellectual structure

2:01upon which

2:02research and development India feel the van

2:06fiery is based um but some other people have

2:10up given definitions if

2:14our paradigm as well like paid in nineteen ninety

2:18defines paradigm is a world view it general perspective anyway if breaking


2:23the complexity of the really were um

2:28bro I'm in defines

2:31a paradigm as a classroom

2:35beliefs and dictates I'll which for scientists in a particular

2:39discipline influence what should be studied

2:43how research should be done and how results should be

2:46interpreted and so on I personally find this definition

2:51as their because the imposition

2:55as if you know the paradigm dictates

2:58what every searchers should do

3:01and how the shoot are interpret the results

3:06this is a very imposing I find it a

3:11have been imposing so I a try um

3:14to give a definition of paradigm myself for Humanities and Social Sciences state

3:19it's not

3:20as reason richard is parkour sciences

3:23so I define paradigm in humanities and social sciences is a macro

3:27conceptual framework that serves as a basis for exploring aspects of the


3:32generating research questions and seeking practical solutions

3:37to problems in a particular field I'm

3:40paradigm is usually based on a set of

3:45observations about the phenomenon understated

3:48arm and I'll talk about the observations

3:51in relation to in this has international languish a bit later

3:56I'm usually emergence of a new paradigm

4:00is Associated either

4:03with a new frame was thinking about

4:06the phenomenon or are

4:09results from certain are changes

4:13to the nature of the phenomenon or both

4:17for example in cognitive psychology out

4:2019 76 East people I'm

4:23were sinking or conceptualize in mind in terms if

4:28memory in human I mean sorry

4:31I'm computers but then I

4:34the paradigm shift the connection -ism

4:37paradigm arm change

4:40the way I'm cognitive psychologist

4:43um conceptualize mine in terms of brain

4:46new ron's and connections in a

4:50mind his brain so that was it changing the ways in which

4:55on Kong psychologists thought about the human mind

4:59but sometimes it's the nature of the phenomenon to study it changes

5:05and requires a paradigm shift

5:08and that's what happened in two cases English

5:12the Biol paradigm I'll

5:17is partly reflected in the number of publications

5:20that have a emerged in recent years

5:24I teaching English as an international language at this struggle to teach


5:28as an international language international English in

5:31sociolinguistics context

5:34English as an international language perspective and pedagogical issues

5:38English in the world principles and practices of teaching English as an

5:42international language

5:44for proud principles and practices for teaching English as an international


5:48and English as an international language 18 Asia

5:51so these publications as you can see a

5:55kind of Herald the a emergence of the new paradigm

6:02up historically I think at

6:05it was first Larry Smith who a

6:09talked about the new paradigm of English as an international language back in


6:16he brought to our attention that you know now non-native speakers service

6:21English often use will frequently use

6:24English to speak to us in 98 speakers

6:27and they need training for that and he also said

6:30day even native speakers um would need training

6:34to be able to speak to 980 speakers of the language

6:38or speakers of other varieties of English

6:42but 3d it was probably not until

6:46the publication of Sandy assigned to the case arm

6:50teaching English as an international language that the

6:53the new paradigm I'm started to

6:56really emerge rematch if you like I have defining

7:01the 2009 arm edited volume I have

7:04define the ideal as a paradigm for sinking research and practice

7:09as I said before are often

7:13a paradigm up shift is associated with

7:17certain new observations the observations in the case if the English
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