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this is ur christmas present congratulations
hope u like it
btw i'm using karuma instead of karma bc its nice

School was about to start, and Nagisa was sitting in his seat, looking at his notes on Korosensei. Karuma walked up to him and asked; "What're you looking at?" Nagisa looked up at Karuma. "Oh, good morning Karuma. I'm checking my notes on Korosensei." Just as Nagisa had said that, the school bell rang. Karuma walked to his seat and sat down, then class began. (time skip to after class) Nagisa stood up from his seat, and walked out of the classroom. He looked over to the vending machine and thought to himself; "Hmm, I'm a little thirsty." He walked up to the vending machine and put in a coin, then a drink came out. (i dont know what kind i couldnt think of any) Nagisa grabbed the drink and tore off the straw, then stabbed it into the drink. Karma walked up to him and squeezed his ass bein like hey nice ass ;))))) jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk but anyways. Karma walked up to him. "Oh, hey Karuma." Karuma looked at him, and then walked up to the vending machine also getting a drink, then turning back around to Nagisa. "Hay." Nagisa looked at him. "Hay..?" He said confusedly. (random part coming up) "I'm like a cow, and you're the hay. I just wanna eat you." (dont ask i dont even know i made that up ok) "What??" Nagisa said slightly blushing, but also very confusedly. "Karuma, what are you talking about?" "Oh, sorry. I just wanted to test that on you and see your reaction. It was cute like I thought" Karuma said teasingly. (,f_auto/v1434254756/xyvzlt2nrwn27r6ft9fp.jpg thats nagisa right now no jk) "H-huh..." Nagisa blushed. (10/10 nagisa right now Nagisa sighed, and put his lips on the straw of his drink, slowly sipping some of it. Karuma slowly stared at his mouth. (10/10) Nagisa looked over to Karuma and noticed him staring at him. "U-um..." Nagisa slightly blushed, and slowly ran away at mach 20. (yes i was to lazy too think of anything so time skip to like 5 years later when they hate eachothe- i mean time skip to the next day yeah) Class had already ended, and Nagisa was sitting at his desk, and sighed. Yesterday Karuma ass raped him- I mean um he stalked him all day yup. Nagisa couldn't sleep very well because of Karuma. (thats right karuma bitch- im sorry this is a 10/10 christmas present) Karuma walked up to him, and Nagisa looked at him. "O-oh, good morning Karuma." "Good morning." Karuma said back to him. Nagisa slightly shifted his eyes away from him and sipped from his drink. Karuma looked at him. "Hey, Nagisa..." Nagisa looked over to him. "Yes?" "N-nevermind..." thus that day ended yup.

The next day... Nagisa woke up to see Karuma sleeping beside him in his bed. "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what!?!?!?" He screamed, blushing, and jumping out of the bed. (i'm so fucking good at this... no i'm not i suck at this ok) Karuma slowly opened his eyes, and yawned. "Oh, good morning." Karuma said calmly. "W-what are you doing in my bed?! Or even in my house!?!" Nagisa said blushing. "Oh, you left your window open so I let myself in." Nagisa looked over to the window which was open. "What? But it was closed... And wait why did you even come here in the first place?!" He asked looking at Karuma. "Oh, no reason really. I was just bored. Oh and you're comfortable to sleep with." Nagisa sighed, still blushing. "Well, since you're already here, why don't we have breakfast together?" Nagisa said, lifting Karuma off the bed and fixing it up. "Oh, sure." Karuma said stretching his arms over his head. (i cant tell if this is long or what im not even going to try making a serious ending fuck) "You wait downstairs while I get dressed." Nagisa said pointing towards the door. "Aw, why can't I just watch you change?" Karuma said disappointedly. (i spelt that wrong but whatever) "Because I'm not okay with it." Nagisa said opening the door and pushing Karuma out of it. "Oh, come on." Nagisa sighed. "No." He said closing the door. After Nagisa was done changing, he walked out of his room and down the stairs. He didn't see Karuma anywhere. "Karuma?" Nagisa said looking around. He didn't find him. "Hmm, maybe he left." Nagisa said a bit relieved, but then heard something from in his room. "Eh?" He looked upstairs. "What's that?" Nagisa said curiously, and walked up the stairs, slowly opening the door to his room and peeking inside. Inside he saw... Karuma shuffling through his clothes. "Eh?! What?" Nagisa said in his head, watching Karuma. Karuma looked over to the door, and saw him. "Oh, hey Nagisa." He said calmly. ( thats nagisa right now) "W-what are you doing, Karuma...?" Karuma tilted his head at his question. "What do you mean? I'm looking through your clothes, obviously." Karuma said to him. "No, I meant why are you..." "Oh, I was just interested what your underwear and stuff looked like. It's mostly just ducks I can see.." Karuma said looking back at the drawer full of underwear and other stuff. (dont ask why ducks, i dont even know) Nagisa blushed. "H-hey!" He ran in and shoved him away from the drawer and closed it. "You shouldn't look through peoples stuff without heir permission!" Nagisa said nervously. "Oh, then can I?" "No!" "Aw, why not?" "Because I don't want you to!" "Why?" "B-because!" "Because why?" Then Nagisa looked at the time. "Oh no! We'll be late for class! We have to go now!" "Eh? But we never got to eat breakfast..." Karuma said disappointedly. (i spelt it wrong again but whatever) "That's your fault." Nagisa said walking down the stairs and grabbing all of his stuff, then running out the door. "Lock it for me!" Nagisa said as he ran to school. "Hmm... Since he's gone, he wont mind if I shuffle through his clothes, will he? I mean, skipping class one time wont hurt me." Karuma giggled evilly.

After school~~
School was over, and Nagisa hadn't seen Karuma the whole time. "Karuma didn't come to school. Don't tell me..." Nagisa grabbed his stuff in a hurry and rushed home. Once he got there he grabbed his key and unlocked the door, walking in. "Karuma! Are you still here?" Nagisa said, closing the door and taking off his shoes as he came in. "Karuma?" Nagisa worriedly put his stuff down on a table, and walked upstairs into his room only to see... nothing. Everything was in place, and nothing was gone. Karuma wasn't there either. "Huh...? I thought he would've been here.." Nagisa looked around his room to make sure nothing was gone or out of place. He looked in every drawer, closet, even under his pillow...? idk. Then he looked under his bed and saw... Karuma. yup. Karuma was calmly sleeping under his bed. "Karuma..." Nagisa sighed. He walked out of his room and down the stairs. "I'm hungry... I'll get something to eat." He walked into the kitchen and got something to eat idk what. After he had something to eat he went back up to his room, and instead of under his bed, Karuma was sleeping on his bed now. "What? Did he move while I was down there...?" Nagisa walked up to him and looked at him. "Hmm..." Then Karuma opened his eyes, and looked at Nagisa. "Oh, hey Nagisa." "Wahh!" Startled, Nagisa jumped back, bumping into a small shelf of books, making it fall over onto him. But just before it did, Karuma jumped out of the bed, and help it back up, a few of the books slipping off onto Karuma and Nagisa. Nagisa looking up at Karuma. "Karuma..." He looked back down at Nagisa. Nagisa blushed, and Karuma stood the shelf back up. They put the books back onto the shelf together, then they fucked thats the end bc i cant think of anything else be happy that u got something tho, even tho it was bad as shit lmaoo
although i'm sorta proud of this ;))))
ok merry christmas
hope u like it ♥
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