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What is your first name for your RP character?  : Brandon

What is your last name for your RP character? : Wallace

What's your Arma 3 UID?: 76561198092178850

Have you linked your Steam profile to your forum account (required): Yes

Is your in-game name, forum name and teamspeak name the same? (If not, you can request it be changed during whitelisting): No

What is your full DoB, and age?: 12/05/1997 Age: 18

Have you set your forum profile DOB (Date of Birth), if not you will be postponed?: Yes

Where are you from? : Indiana, United States

Do you both speak and understand fluent English?: Yes

In at least 125, explain why we should allow you to join Life Studios: I am Brandon Wallace first off. I bring alot of experience in role play. Having played in multiple whitelisted arma 2 life servers, I know most of the basic rules and knowledge about life servers. There is also a very high possibility of donating if the server is great which i have no doubt in. I been looking for a great ARMA 3 life server and I definitely see it as here. I look forward to showing what I can do in this server. I wont disappoint and be as active as i can and contribute to this server. Very mature and wont have any issues with me. I hope you guys enjoy playing with me. That is why I think you guys should let me join Life Studios.

In at least 150 words, tell us why you want to join Life Studios: I want to join because I have always dreamed of playing on a fluent and great running server for arma 3. I feel like i can bring tons of experience and fun role play to the server. Very active and it would help bring more fun to my downtime. Ive been wanting to join a Whitelisted server for a long time now. But it was just a matter of finding the right one. I feel as this one having its own mods and fairly large and active community would be the best for me to join and fit right in. I also Bring cop experience so i feel like it would be awesome to use it on a server that has a real program and training. You also actually have to want to be in the server to be in it. No random people with only the intent of trolling or not serious role play. 

Give us a background of your RP character in at least 200 words:

Well hello there I am Brandon Wallace. I was born on a small U.S Military base on the island on chernarus. Ever since i was a small child i was born into danger. There wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't scared of losing my life or my father. My mother died giving birth to me, My father was a part of a military group of marines. I was trained when I turned 15. I considered the island home for 18 years of my life. Until the day after my 18th birthday, everything changed that day.. A militia Group came and attacked our military base Killing everyone i grew up with and my father. Destroyed Everything that I was raised in. I was wondering looking for clues to where this militia group has gone and who they where. All i found was a map to this new island. Couldnt really make out a name for it as in was burned out but the map has lead me to where i am today. Im almost at peace. Thinking of starting a peaceful life here at this new island unless I find who killed my father. I will be a law abiding citizen and follow all laws. Even if the militia is found. 

Do you have any previous experience in ArmA Roleplay?: Yes

Are you part of any other RP communities?: No

You understand that if you plagiarise on your application it will be permanently denied and you will be banned from the community: Yes

Have you read and understood our rules?: Yes

ut us? :Youtube/Google
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Regards; Team

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