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This is a conversation between Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe) and yourself, Reverse! Dipper Pines.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He walks towards Mabel. "Ma'am, why are you just standing there?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Oh, uh, my friends told me to wait here. Not sure why though. And it's been almost ten minutes, I'm starting to think this was a prank..." She leans against the door frame with a small sigh, completely oblivious to the plant hanging above
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He tilts his head, looking around for anyone who might be laughing or suspicious. "Well, there has to be some purpose to all this right?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Must be... Half of why I'm still here is I'm trying to think of why they'd ask me to wait here..." She shrugs and looks around some as well, not thinking to look upwards
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "What I'm curious is why some friends would just leave you here all alone. They must't be very good friends if they just leave you here."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "No- n-no- We're great friends, we're comfortable enough in our relationship to poke fun at one another, is what it is. I'm sure they have something silly planned.." she shrugs
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He thinks for a moment, looking up to see the plant. "Oh...I see what they did now." He sighs and looks around once more.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "What do you mean?" she raises a brow at him, confused to how he figured it out
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Just don't look up alright? You'll see why they left you here and I honestly don't want to abide by the rule."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "What rule?" She's even more confused, and more than a bit curious, but a little scared what's above her head "What's going on?"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "That stupid plant it's above you...what is it called?" He puts his hand to his forehead, trying to recall the name.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Plant? Above me? .... Oh no" she glances up "...... Mistletoe..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Mistletoe thank you!" He sighs again looking back at her, and moving his hand down. "So, what are you gonna do about it?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "I-I, um..." She glances back up at the mistletoe, and then back at him "It's..." It's a Christmas rule, they have to, but... but, ew, honestly. But they have to! But she doesn't want to.. But...
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He waits for an answer, a tint of pink in his cheeks. "It'll be quick, no ones looking anyways."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She bites her lip and sighs "We gotta, Christmas rules... Sorry..." She leans up, eyes closed, and lightly touches her lips to his
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her softly eyes closed.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes, not sure when to pull away so she just leaves it up to him and continues the kiss
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He parts, the pink in his cheek glowing a bit brighter. "That um..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Yeah... um..." she's blushing even darker than him
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at her and pats her head, unsure of what to do.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes even worse at that "I guess... that's why I was standing there... S-Sorry you had to kiss me..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "I-It's alright, just getting into the Christmas spirit, right?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "...... Right......" damn it, she liked that kiss, but she'd probably never see him again
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Um..." He covered his cheeks with his hands, he really liked it but was unsure if he would ever get another one.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She looks around, not sure where to rest her eyes. What should she do? Ask to do it again? Or at least ask for his number? She was feeling awfully flustered at the moment, she wasn't sure she could do either
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He takes a deep breath and looks at her. "Are you free anytime this week?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Her eyes widen and she blushes all over again "Y-Yeah! I'm, uh, I-I don't have anything planned..!"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Do you maybe wanna, go out and get ice cream? Later today?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She nodded quickly "Y-Yeah, sure, yes! I-I can totally do that"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He pulls out a paper and pen, writing his number and handing it to her. "Call me when you're ready and I'll come and pick you up..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She stares at the paper, cherishing each number "Yes! O-Of course! ...S-See you later..?"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He nods, running off and waving 'bye'.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She takes a deep breath, spinning on her heel and hurrying home to get ready. She changes into something cuter, and then waits a little bit before calling him so she doesn't seem too desperate.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He leans against a tree, blushing a crimson red.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She's not sure how long to wait, 15 minutes? 30? 1 hour? 2? She paces back and forth, debating this, as the minutes tick by
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He was becoming a bit impatient, he wanted to see her but didn't want to seem too clingy or desperate.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): After two hours she got scared she had waited too long, and she called him
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He jumps a bit and picks up his phone, juggling it a bit before getting a good grip on it and answering. "H-hello?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Hi! So... Uh, a-about hanging out..?"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "O-oh yes! You're ready?" He says, beginning to walk back to the shack.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Y-Yeah, I'm ready..." shuffling can be heard as she shifts around in embarrassment
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles. "alright, I'll be there in a few."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "O-Okay! See you then!" she hangs up quickly, not even wondering how he seems to know where to go when she hasn't told him where she lives
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He puts his phone away, hoping she lives where his Gideon and Pacifica live in his dimension.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She puts her own phone away, pacing by the door and peeking out the window every few seconds
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He fixes his hair and dusts himself off, taking a deep breath before knocking.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She opens the door immediately, forgetting to wait a second so it doesn't look like she was waiting by the door "H-Hey!"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Ready to go?" He holds out his hand, smiling.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Y-Yeah, ready" she blushes and takes his hand, attempting a shy smile of her own
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles and links arms with her, a light pink in his cheeks as h begins walking.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She walks along with him, trying not to let him feel that her heart is pounding. Oh no, she already really really likes him.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "S-so...w-what kind of ice cream are you getting?" He tries to start conversation.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Oh, uh, hmm, that's a good question... Mint chip, I think" she taps her chin with her free hand
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "You like it? I was never really fond of it." He chuckles a bit.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Uh.. Yeah, there's not many flavors I like, but I do like mint..." she blushes slightly, his chuckle oh gosh
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles. "I know, these new flavors their coming up with are so weird."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Oh, have you heard of some of the new new ones? Pumpkin pie and goat cheese, and turky dinner. Like, what even?" she giggles softly
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Her giggle made his heart race, blushing more he laughs a bit. "I like cookies 'n' cream in all honesty."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Ohh, yeah, that's always a solid choice" she nods approvingly
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He opens the door for her, allowing her to walk in the shop first.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She steps inside, looking around and taking in a deep breath of the waffle cones and the hot fudge and all the different smells, smiling a bit
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "I haven't gotten Ice cream since I was a little Dipper." He smiles at his little joke, following be hind her.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Really?" she giggles "I come here all the time, oops!"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He laughs. "It's alright." He smiles looking at all the different flavors.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She skips up to the counter, ordering her simple two scoops mint in a cone
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He orders his two scoops of cookies 'n' cream, looking at her, smiling happily.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): They get their cones and pay, and she sits at a table, licking her cone with a smile. After a while, she gets ice cream on her nose, and goes cutely cross-eyed trying to lick it off
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at her, licking it off for her before continuing to lick his own ice cream.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She gasps and blushes bright red, shivering a bit and trying to act casual and just lick her ice cream
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles shyly as his face turns bright red. " was just so cute and I.."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She squeaks, h-he thinks she's... cute?! "I-It- Its okay... I-I, uh, I d-don't mind... much... it's fine..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles as he starts eating his cone.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((oh gosh brb))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((kk))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((back!! sorry i had to do the dishes and my laptop was dying xc okay back oh jeez))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She finishes her cone soon as well, and takes a deep breath... What now? She has his number, but she kinda really wants to kiss him again, and they don't even know eachother's names!
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at her. "Hey, you don't have a brain freeze do you?" He asks chuckling.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "N-No, I'm just thinking about some stuff..." she says quietly, surprising herself with her own honesty
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Okay, just don't get lost in space." He says happily.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes "Right, right... Uh..." she starts to say something, but stops herself. No, it's too embarrassing to ask for another kiss.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at her, tilting his head.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "N-Nothing, never mind.." she mumbles, looking down at her hands in her lap
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "You can tell me..." He pauses, unsure of what her name is.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Well, um, first of all.. We don't know each other's names, so... I'm Mabel, Mabel Pines" she holds out a hand to shake
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He holds out his hand. "Dipper Pines Ma'am."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "W-Wait, really?" She shakes his hand and blushes, a bit confused
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He nods. "W-wait your name is Mabel Pines?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Yeah... Mabel Pines, and you have my twin brother's name..." But... he wasn't her brother, she saw him when she was getting ready for this exact date!
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "y-you have my sisters name..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "That's, uh, well that's weird... Really weird, because I like you a lot" she blushes even more after realizing what she just said
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "I-I like you too..."He turns red and looks away.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "We must be.. from different dimensions, or something... Because I saw /my/ brother just earlier..." she chews her lip, thinking
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He nods in agreement and thinks. "Very strange..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She wonders how this would work, wouldn't he have to return to his own dimension at some point? But... she didn't want him to leave....
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He can clearly see the worry in her face, he leans to her face, kissing her softly before holding her hand.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Her eyes widened and she squeezed his hand, whispering "I've hopelessly fallen for you, how is this going to work..?"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "I'll figure something out, I promise."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Some selfish part of her thought 'What if we just traded siblings? You could go back with him and live there..' but she didn't know if he'd be able to leave his sister, nor did she know if she could leave her brother
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He sits back down and thinks about it, what if he could get Will to be his replacement for a while? But then he'd have to replace Will, this was gonna be tough.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((I know it's incredibly self indulgent but what if he just said 'you know what fuck other me' and kidnapped mabel))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((He should do that, but would Mabel approve?))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((lol she'd be like wth but tbh we all know mabel is the type of girl to get blinded by love, she'd go along with it if that's what it takes to be with him))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((True...))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((fuck it lets do it fuck yes fuck yes this is the exact reason I ship this ship)) She sits next to him, trying to help and think of a plan but her mind is completely blank, dang it
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at her, taking her hand. "You know what, fuck other me!" He runs out taking her to the portal that connects both worlds.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She gasps "H-Huh..?" What's happening, is he just gonna take her back with him? Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh. She blushes bright red.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Mabel, you're gonna love where I live..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "I-I..." What about /her/ Dipper? But she doesn't want to never see this Dipper again, she's pretty sure she loves him after all... "O-Okay..." she finally whispers
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles as he looks at the portal. "You sure you wanna go through with this?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes and squeaks, just nodding. It couldn't be that bad, right? Right... Right!
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He walks in the portal with her, walking out the other side.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She looks around when they pass through, so far it looks the same
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He begins walking with her, holding her close.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She doesn't mind the closeness, this place was strange and new after all, who knew what might happen
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He walks in his tent, looking around. "Will!!"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Will: Appears out of thin air and bows. "Y-yes master?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She jumps a bit and peers at the demon, he sure was a lot different from Bill
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Say hello to Mabel."
(Will): Waves hello a bit of fear in his motion.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She waves back with the same amount of fear, standing tense "H-Hello.. 'Will'..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (Will): H-hello...
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "So, um, you live here then? In my dimension, Gideon lives here.." she looks around the tent
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Your Gideon isn't very good at what he does.." He smiles plainly. "We do...weird things around here..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Huh..." She sticks close to the Dipper's side, still not very trusting of Will
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "You scared of Will?"
(Will): "I-I'm sure I'm more scared off you..."He hides behind a chair.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "W-Well, in my dimension, Bill Cipher is pretty scary...." she whispers
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "In this one, he's probably the biggest cry baby you'll ever meet."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Huh...." She stares at Will, still not leaving her place glued to Dipper
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((Getting every freaking ship XD ))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He laughs a bit. "He's scared of me honestly."
(Will):Nods and looks at Mabel.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Oh, uh... O-Okay then..." she stares at Will some more, not scared of him anymore but not moving away from Dipper. It occurred to her to wonder where she would sleep
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Will, do we have any available beds for her to sleep in?"
(Will): shakes his hands. "N-no master...Mistress Mabel takes up her whole however..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Mabel's eyes widened and she blushed, pretty sure she knew what Will was getting at
Reverse! Dipper Pines: 'W-Will!?" His face begins to turn red.
(Will):He jumps a little. "I-It's possible!"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She stares at the ground and mumbles "If that's the only way... I-I guess it can't be helped, h-huh..." she blushes even worse
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He turns crimson red and looks at her. "I-I guess so..."
(Will): He smiles proudly like he had accomplish something
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Mabel takes a deep breath, shaky exhale, and nods "Right..." she finds herself yawning, just what time was it?
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Someone looks a bit sleepy~" He says teasingly.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She pushes his cheek and rubs her eyes "Guess I am..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Come on then." He takes her to his room and opens the curtain, letting her in.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She shuffles in after him, stretching and yawning again, not really looking around much
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He guides her to the bed and smiles. "Be thankful I'm not a crazy sleeper."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Right, good thing.." she smiles back
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "You aren't really looking forward to this are you?" He frowned a bit, still trying to keep a tiny smile.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "H-Huh?" she blushed "Th-That's not it, I just get all droopy when I'm tired! R-Really..." she yawned
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He shrugs and sits on the bed. "I'm not very sleepy yet, so I'll sleep after you fall asleep to make sure nothing bad happens to you, alright?
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "O-Okay..." she lays down on his bed, it smells like him... she closes her eyes and smiles sleepily, mumbling "G'night..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles, petting her hair.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes, pushing her head against his hand in her dreamy daze. She loved it when people touched her head and hair.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He yawns, smiling still and starts dozing off.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She falls asleep, mumbling quietly in her sleep
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He sighs and carefully moves away. "She can't find out what I do for a living..." He whispers to himself.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She mumbles things in her sleep, that probably make sense in her dream but without context sound adorably random "No, President Waffles, I'm telling you the purple walruses are of no imminent threat!"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He laughs a bit, smiling. "I'll be back soon....promise." He starts to walk out the tent,looking back before heading to town.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((Time skip to the morning?))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((yea))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He comes back in the room, carefully laying next to her with a blue t-shirt and blue shorts on, having a weak scent of blood.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She snuggles up to him when she feels him lay down, still asleep
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He sighs out of exhaustion, messing up his hair, looking like the fucking sexy mess he is >w>.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She opens her eyes slowly, looking up at him and mumbling sleepily "G'mornin'"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Good morning..." He lightly kisses her forehead, smiling.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She smiles sleepily back, snuggling closer to him and sighing contently
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Why don't we go find some clothing for you to wear? You might be staying with me for a while."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She nods, not lifting her head so it's more like she's rubbing her head against his chest "Okay.."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He laugh a bit. "Or would you rather snuggle against me?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes slightly and mumbles "Can't we do, like, both..?"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "You can snuggle me and when you're ready, we can go check the town." He replies, tiredness in his voice.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "You okay?" she asks, concern edging her tone
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He nods, "Just didn't get a lot of sleep last night..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((that moment when you wanna draw the rp scene))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((lol do it))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((I shall, later >w>))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Ah..... Was it.. because of me..?"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Oh no, I just had a lot on my mind..." He smiles innocently.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Okay... that's good, I would hate to be the cause of any of your discomfort..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "You'll never be the cause my love~"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes and looks up at him, kinda wanting to kiss him again
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "I see that look in your eyes, you can kiss me too Mabel~"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes more and glances away before moving up and kissing him lightly
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He kisses her back,playing with her hair.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She shifted, slightly on top of him, so that they were at a better angle for kissing
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He pulls her on top of himself completely, moving his hands to her waist.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She moved her hands to his cheeks, tilting her head to the side a bit and deepening the kiss
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He moves one of his hands back up, running his hand through her hair while kissing her deeply.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): After a while she pulls away to breathe, panting and blushing "W-We can go shopping now, if you want..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He nods and sits up, having her on his lap. "Let me put on something that aren't shorts,." He ruffles her hair.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Her hands are on his chest "A-Alright" she shifts a bit on top of him before rolling off completely and landing laying on her back beside him with her top riding up at the bottom
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He rolls his eyes and walks to a wardrobe, opening a drawer to take out some pants.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She stands, stretching and adjusting her clothes, running her fingers through her hair
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He takes his shorts off, replacing them with pants.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She keeps turned away, not watching him change and blushing
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He takes his shirt off and looks in the closet. "Guess I should wear something casual...or my normal get up?" He looks at her, hoping for an answer.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She's still turned away, and she shrugs "I-I don't know..!"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "I guess something casual..."He looks through before picking something out.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She waits for him to say she can turn back around, still blushing because she was not expecting him to start changing right in front of her
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles at his decision. "You can look now."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She lets out a breath she didn't know she had been holding and turned around
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He waves and walks towards her.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She stares at him for a second, feeling like she wants to hug him for whatever reason. So she does, she hugs him tightly.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles and hugs her back. "What was with the random hug?" He chuckles a bit.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Don't know, I just suddenly felt like it..." she rubs her cheek against his chest
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He laughs. "That's so cute~"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes and mumbles, hiding her face in the cloth of his shirt "Wh-Whatever, deal with it"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He rolls his eyes. "Well, you gotta get some clothing if you wanna stay here don't you think?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Yeah.." she lets ho of his torso but soon latches herself to his arm, still wanting to be as close as possible "Okay, I'm ready, lets go."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He laughs and starts walking to town, realizing he never got the chance to fix his hair.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She notices too and starts playing with his hair, running her fingers through it and fixing it up
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He blushes madly. "M-Mabel..not my hair..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "I'm fixing it, hold up.." she bites her tongue in concentration as she works
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "P-please hurry up then..I-its sensitive~" He looks at her.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Mnnh.. Almoost..." she finishes fixing his hair up "There. And, what do you mean your hair's sensitive?"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "It's always been sensitive, never knew why...You'd be surprise and what spots are sensitive."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "What other spots are sensitive?" She looks at him curiously
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Well, my bare hair, my neck."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Hmmm" she kisses his neck
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He jumps a bit, a small moan escaping his mouth. "M-Mabel!"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She giggles softly and grins "Interesting."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "N-No! n-not interesting!"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Oh but it is, very interesting." She nods to herself
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "No it's not!"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Yuh-huh"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He sighs and walks into a clothing store.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She smiles and kisses his cheek before releasing his arm and walking off to find some cute clothes
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He follows her, making sure she doesn't get lost.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She picks out different types of clothes, crop tops and jeans and skirts and cardigans and such, and after a while she nods and skips over to the changing room to try on some of the outfits
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at the radio, announcing something about a murder around the corner.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She doesn't seem to distraught over it, walking right past the radio and humming
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He watches Mabel, yawning still. "Man I'm so tired..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She turns back to him "Maybe you should take a nap when we get back"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He shakes his head. "I'll mess up my sleep schedule."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She shrugs "Alright then, suit yourself" and walks into one of the changing rooms
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles again, looking at the clothing for men.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She tries on all the clothes, putting aside the ones that didn't fit or that she just didn't like the look of off the racks and on her body. After picking the ones she wanted to buy she leaves the changing room and returns to his side
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at her. "You got some nice clothing there." He smiles, stretching.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Sorry it took so long, I of course had to try on every piece"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "It's alright, I was just looking over at the men's section."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She nods "Well, I'm, ah, I'm ready to pay.."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He nods and walks towards the line. "You miss home?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Everyone misses home, don't ask me that. I'm having a nice time with you."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He nods and ruffles her hair.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She laughs a bit "I wonder, though, how long it'll take them to notice I'm gone gone. And then, how long will it take them to find me here"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He shrugs before paying for her clothing. "No one noticed I was gone..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "I'm sure it'll take them several days with me too, I go out a lot.."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He takes the bags, linking arms with her before walking out. "I hate people..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She fakes being offended "Even me?"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Of course not, where on Earth did you get that crazy idea?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She laughs "With your head in the clouds it's easy to pick up alien thoughts"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "My head is not in the clouds!" He looks away, puffing his cheek.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She giggles and kisses his cheek "'Course not"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He puts his hand on the cheek she kissed, looking at the sky. "Does it look like it might rain? or is it just me?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She looks up at the sky and shrugs "Don't know, guess those clouds /are/ pretty ominous"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "We should hurry home then, just in case, unless you rather kiss in the rain~"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She laughs "Maybe some other time, when I actually have some dry clothes at home that aren't right here with us, y'know"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He laughs, nodding. "True True."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She rests her head on his shoulder as they walked, smiling
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks to the left ally, looking at the outline of the victim on the radio, covering the view from Mabel.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She either doesn't notice or doesn't care, continuing to walk on in blissful ignorance
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He sighs in relif, wrapping his arm around her waist, feeling a raindrop fall on his nose.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: relief*
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She feels the rain start too "Ah- crap"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He takes his jacket off, throwing it over Mabel head, pulling into the nearest store.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Well there goes our plan to beat the rain, huh" she jokes
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Guess so." He looks around for an umbrella to purchase.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): While he did that she stared out the window, watching the rain fall and seeming almost mesmerized, spacing out
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He quickly buys an umbrella, tapping her shoulder.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She jumps and looks over, seeming scared until she sees him and the umbrella "Oh, uh, great, cool"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Nods and walks outside, opening it and holding it above their heads.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She uses the limited space under the umbrella to press close to him as they walked
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He blushes, smiling a bit.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): They finally make it to the tent and Mabel shakes herself like a puppy to dry off what rain had gotten on them before they got the umbrella
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at a mirror, trying to fix his hair again.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): After she's dry, she opens her mouth to ask what they should do next when her stomach growls pretty loudly
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He turns to look at her, smirking. "Someone sounds a bit hungry."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushed a bit and cleared her throat awkwardly "Y-Yeah, I mean, I haven't eaten anything but ice cream in, like, 20 hours, so..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles sweetly. "I would take you out to eat, bu the rain isn't really letting us."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Guess we'll just have to eat something here, what a travesty" she says sarcastically
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He thinks about what they have in the tent. "I could ask Will to make something, he's a great chef, I don't really know how to cook..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She swallows thickly, trying to get past the fear of him poisoning her. He's not Bill, he's not Bill, he's not Bill... "O-Okay..."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles. "Will?"
(Will): Appears out of thin air. "Y-yes Master?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She stares at him again, involuntarily flinching at his arrival
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "What do you feel like eating Mabel?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "I-I, uh, a-anything is fine..." she mumbles
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (Will): y-you sure?
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "J-Just give me something edible and not-poisoned and I'm good..." she sqeaks
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (Will): "O-okay..." He bows
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Will...I swear if you put poison in it, you aren't gonna be using your arms..." He looks at him, full of anger.
(Will):Nods and runs off to the kitchen.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Mabel watched Will leave, not meaning to be so scared but still relaxing after he's gone
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at Mabel, his anger vanishing, replaced with a smile.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She smiles back, relaxing even more
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "What do you wanna do while Will makes the food?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "I think I have an idea for something to do" she says a bit flirtatiously
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He blushes a bit. "Like what?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Liiike...this" she kisses him
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles and pulls her in for a deeper kiss.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She wraps her arms around his neck, tilting her head to the side so they both have better access
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He gently pulls her into his room, sitting on the bed.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She moved with him, sitting on his lap and not once breaking the kiss
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Licks her lips, asking for entrance,moving his hands to her ass*
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She opens her mouth for him, shifting on top of him and kinda rubbing against him
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He starts exploring his new found area, blushing as she rubs against him.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes as well, he tastes good. What an embarrassing thought. She presses closer to him.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He lies back, pulling her down with him, not parting from the kiss.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She shifts on top of him again, wiggling her hips a bit and rolling her tongue around with his
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He lets a soft moan slip, moving one of his hands to play with her hair.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "Mmmnh~" she moans a bit herself, sucking on his tongue
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He lets out another moan, his member becoming slightly, just slightly, active.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She felt a warmth growing in her core, and she wiggled her hips some more against his groin as they kissed passionately
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He rolls to have Mabel under him and moves to her neck, kissing it gently.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She gasped and moaned softly, guess she's sensitive there too.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smirks, nibbling her neck, a tad roughly.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She bit her lips together to muffle another, what would have been much louder, moan
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He shuffles his leg in between her own, gently rubbing her area.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She wriggles under him a bit, blushing and feeling the warmth in her core grow to a burning desire
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He looks at her, smiling. "Someone's blushing~"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "A-Am not" she says defensively, her voice a thick whimper that makes her denial very very unconvincing
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "You sure?" He takes her hand, holding it and smirking. "You seem to be enjoying it"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes still brightly "Th-That's what you think"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Am I not bringing you pleasure then?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She looks away and mutters "I never said if it was true or not, I just simply stated that that's what you think."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He moves his hand, sliding into her trousers, gently playing with his new found territory.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes all over again, eyes widening and she puts her arm to her mouth, trying to keep her moans in
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "I love your moans dear, you should let them out more..." He begins to gently finger her, smirking bit evilly.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She tightens around him involuntarily when he says that and makes that face, moaning loudly
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He leans in to kiss her, going a bit deeper with his finger.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Her whole body jolts and she squeezes her eyes shut, glad for his lips against hers to muffle her moans at least a bit
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He forcefully slides his tongue in, fingering her with a bit more speed.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She moaned against his lips, shivering under his touch and her brows furrowing as her mind goes blank
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles sweetly, glancing at the curtains every now and then to make sure no one walked in on them.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (( And if you take a look at my other window, you can see Bill trying to murder Dipper Pines ))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((lol for me I'm doing an rp with a tsundere mabel at a coffee shop with bill, and yet another one where they're married and shit))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((Mabel stop having affair with Bill...))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((lol omg)) She blushed bright red, it was hard to concentrate on anything but the feelings, and she was losing herself to the pleasure
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He thinks for a moment, before whispering to Mabel. "Perhaps we can have more fun if we were to undress ourselves~"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She whispered back "....I suppose it's only logical...."
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles as he sits next to her, undressing himself.
(Will): E-excuse me Master? Y-you seem to be making a lot of noise..i-is everything alright? ((Will is too innocent...))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Mabel blushes, omg he did not just walk in on them omg omg
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Everything is just fine Will, go get me some protection could you? And some lube would be good as well.
(Will): "'re crazy, at this age!?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((holy shit I just screamed cx)) Mabel stared at Dipper, he did not just say that
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((XD Yup, he's mature enough!))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "I don't remember asking you Will..."
(Will): He sighs, bowing and walking out of the room.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She turns to him with wide eyes "Oh my gosh I can't believe you just said that"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He turns to her. unsure of what she means. "What did I say?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She blushes bright red "I don't know 'bout you but I'd never be able to say that so forwardly"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Well how else would you want me to say it?"
(Will): Walks in with a condom and a bottle of lube handing them to Dipper. "Have fun sir, you too Mabel." He bows, a bit sad and walks out. ((Bai bai WillDip!!))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((lol)) "I-I don't know... whatever..." she blushes still
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles sweetly as he twirls his fingers, asking her not to watch, men do like their privacy too! ((Now I'm curious, would putting lube on the condom help or does it only help without it?))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((lube is okay with condom as long as its not... i forget which but one of the lube bases is bad with the latex in the condom and will make it break))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She turns away from him, letting him do whatever
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((fuck it then it won't happen anyways so :3 ))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He puts on the condom, making sure there are no holes and starts to put lube on his member.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She kept looking away, golly how embarrassing
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He taps her shoulder, blushing of exposure
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She doesn't want to turn back yet because she feels bad being still fully clothed, so she starts to take her own clothes off
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He blushes a bit, turning to give her some privacy.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She finished stripping to the point she was as naked as he was, and, feeling bold, she pulled him in for another kiss
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles as he begins to kiss back, pushing her back down on to the bed.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close as they kissed
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He moans softly as his member found its new hiding place (( Help I'm dying)).
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((u dyin? y that one))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((It just sounds very strange the way I worded it :3 ))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((o ye that one. ye that one did me a laughter too))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((XD))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((aaaanywaaays back to the secks))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She gasped softly, letting out a surprised moan. That felt better than she thought it would, oh wow
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He slides it in, making sure he doesn't accidentally hurt her in any way.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): With the lube and her own wetness he went in with no difficulty, and she didn't feel any pain, only pleasure. She moaned again, clutching to him
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Someone sounds very happy~" He smiled, pulling his member in and out, moaning himself.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She was about to retort when he thrust in especially roughly and all she could do was moan
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He moans along with her moving his lips to her breasts sucking them softly.
(Will): Very frustrated with all the action going on as he can hear it clearly before groaning in annoyance. ((Poor Will XD))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She gasps when he sucks on her breasts and moans loudly
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He uses his free hand to tease her other breast, still thrusting into her.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): So much was happening, her mind went completely blank and she lets out all her noises without reserve now, moaning loud and long
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Why don't you try moaning my name Mabel, I'm sure it'd sound nice coming out of that pretty mouth of yours~"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She's too lost in pleasure to remember that's embarrassing, doing as she's told "Aaah, mnnhh, D-Dipper~!"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smiles, continuing too play with her breasts, licking the tips.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She gasps and blushes, moaning more
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He moves one of his hands to her area, inserting another two fingers along with his member sliding in and out.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She gasps again, crying out in pleasure, it's almost too much
Reverse! Dipper Pines: 'Come now Mabel, you can't hold it all in forever now can you?" he smirks and kisses her neck once more, speeding up his thrusting movements.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She shut her eyes tight "Y-You're r-right... A-And, while we're on that subject- I-I'm g-gonna--"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "you're gonna?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "I-I'm g-gonna c-come-!!" she buried her face in his shoulder, so close
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He quickly takes his member out, leaving his fingers in, blushing madly.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She shivered, burying her face deeper into his shoulder and having to remember not to bite him
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He continues to toy with her area, moving his fingers in a circular motion.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She whined into his skin, he was keeping her stimulated but forcing her to teeter at the edge, never giving enough for her to finish
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He moves to her area and looks at her. "what if I were to lick it?"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She stares at him with wide eyes, not sure because, of course, this was her first time
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He smirks, licking her area, carefully as it was clearly her first time.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Her whole body jolts, not expecting that to feel like that "O-Oh, God, D-Dipper~" she moaned
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He begins to finger her again, licking it as well, enjoying himself as well.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She moans over and over, she's a mess
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He begins to lick her clit, a very sensitive part of the female body.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): She shivers and moans his name
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (Will): He storms him, his face completely red. "S-Sir!!! Y-you shouldn't be doing this at that age honestly!!!!!!
Dipper just looks at him, anger and rage in his eyes. "Are you ordering me to stop Will..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Mabel squeaks, embarrassed that Will walked in on her naked but he didn't seem to care at all about that part. Why was he so mad?
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (Will):Y-yes sir I-I am!! He lifts him up throwing him over his shoulder. "Y-you're too young to be doing this!"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "I-m young to be doing loads of things now put me down you useless demon!"
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Mabel just kinda watches their exchange, trying to figure Will out
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (Will):"That's an order I can't obey sir!" He blushes madly.
Angered, he faces Will and slaps him across the face.
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): Mabel gasps softly, unable to look away
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (Will): He just looks at Dipper in shock, putting the boy down before bowing and walking out.
He sighs loudly, trying to calm down. "Sorry you had to see that..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "It's... what was that about..?"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: "Kinda a personal issue we have with each other."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "What do you mean?" she tilts her head to the side
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He sits next to her. "nothing important really..."
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((holy shit btw sorry for the late responses im tired af and doing 3 secks rn))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((XD It's okay you should sleep if you're that tired.))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((but its so funny, this fuckboi omfg))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (( XD ))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((jesus christ imma send this to u on kik when im done its hilarious))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((alright cx ))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((oh my god oh my god oh my god))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((WHAT!?!))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((in one of my rps bill and mabel get married bc "Mabel Pines can't stop my second Weirdmageddon if she's not a Pines" and now they have a child and weirdmageddon 2 is happening n aaaaaaaaa))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): (("*Bill's eye went wide with surprise when he saw her, he immediately changed into his human form and the music stopped. Everyone was watching Mabel now* Star!!! Hey!!! *he laughed nervously*"))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((WTF???))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((she fuckin just woke up in the fearamid omg))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((THE ACTUAL FUDGE WHAT!?!?!?!?! I MUST KNOW MORE CHILD!))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((dude I would show u but this rp is literally 20 shamchat chats))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((I DONT CARE!!!!!!!))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((im also missing part 5 bc i forgot to save it like an idiot))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (;-;)
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((but, hmm... hold on 1 second))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((kk))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((imma send u my favorite bits from the beginning))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((okay :3))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((
yes these two parts 2 and 3))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (( this is one of my favorite))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((Human! Bill Cipher: And now I'm the King! And you're my Queen! And little Mattie is Prince!))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((MATTIE!?! that's such an adorable name ;-; ))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((yup their kid is Mathew I just came up with it out of the blue and I love it))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((Hetalia...thats all I can think of when I hear matthew))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((but it aint matthew its mathew))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((SAME THING WOMEN))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((you know what I take personal offense to that my child mathew is precious and does not deserve this))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (( XD ))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ((M.r Waddles!?))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((wat))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: (Did Bill just say M.r Waddles?????))
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ((what part u at m8 that was so long ago))
Reverse! Dipper Pines: 2
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): fuck man theres so much, i dont know
Reverse! Dipper Pines: XD
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): paste the part
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): the bit
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): the context
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): fu-uck
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Its not important I'm just shocked
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): lol
Reverse! Dipper Pines: This is just so cute omfg
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): what spot u at
Reverse! Dipper Pines: The part where he's spinning mabel in the air
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ahaha fuck i love this rp
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): "in your face pine tree" lol
Reverse! Dipper Pines: So do I
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): holy shit dipper and ford just showed up at the fearamid with big guns ahaha
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): this bout to get inTENSE
Reverse! Dipper Pines: In mabels areas ;
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ;3
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): oh my god she's just like "hey guys!!"
Reverse! Dipper Pines: god damn it mabel
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): lol this is great
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): also in this rp theres a part where mabel is kidnapped by another supernatural boy that bill hates lol
Reverse! Dipper Pines: oh no
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): it was awful she was completely disassociating
Reverse! Dipper Pines: XD
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): im serious she couldnt even stand
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): the only thing that kept her sane was repeating over and over in her head 'i want to go home' it was scary to even write
Reverse! Dipper Pines: jesus christ women
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i mean, you know me
Reverse! Dipper Pines: yup
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i know right
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): what bit u at
Reverse! Dipper Pines: The cuteness did ;-;
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): breh
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): me too tbh
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i couldnt get this shit outta my head after that first night
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I'm taking down notes breh
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): lol srrs
Reverse! Dipper Pines: What you do to her head!?
Nothing, that's the best part!
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): cx omg
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): omg
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): that part
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i remember
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I already love this Bill
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i love this bill too its great
Reverse! Dipper Pines: curse this love ;-;
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): he calms down quite a bunch tho
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): after those parts
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): that i sent
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): yup
Reverse! Dipper Pines: my hands are so cold :3
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): lol
Reverse! Dipper Pines: its like 12:30am here
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): its 3:26 am here
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i have school tomorrow..... today
Reverse! Dipper Pines: why aren't you on winter break
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): my first day of winter break is christmas eve, i go to school the 23rd even, for a full day too
Reverse! Dipper Pines: eeeeeewwww
Reverse! Dipper Pines: well you have 3 days left
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ye n the teachers say we used to have school for a half day on 24th therefore we cant complain
Reverse! Dipper Pines: XD
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): oh snap mabel is maaaaaad
Reverse! Dipper Pines: oh no
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): dipper jUST PUT THE GUN DOWN JESUS FUCK
Reverse! Dipper Pines: XD NEVERRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrr
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): mabel's gONNA KILL SOMEBODY
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): she so mad
Reverse! Dipper Pines: yup
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Rev Mabel chickened out on having secs
Reverse! Dipper Pines: boooooooooooooooooo
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Reverse! Dipper Pines: boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Reverse! Dipper Pines: maybe it was because will chained her...hmmm
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): lol
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): who u rpin as rn
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Human Will
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): oh my god
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): mabel just broke dippers hand
Reverse! Dipper Pines: holy shet
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): well, she stomped on his hand and heard a crunch sound but
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): same thing
Reverse! Dipper Pines: yeah pretty much
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I remember being a human Bill with a Human will...i fucking wrecked those twins
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): o snap
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Just blood and tourture flying everywhere
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): o snap
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): bill was shot in the heart place
Reverse! Dipper Pines: you made me scream
Reverse! Dipper Pines: why
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): dipper did it
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): its why she stomped his hand
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): he shot bill
Reverse! Dipper Pines: no
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Dipper shot Bill in my rp too
Reverse! Dipper Pines: but in the head
Reverse! Dipper Pines: oh no
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Shes going
Reverse! Dipper Pines: for Wills
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Tickle spots
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i thought u were about to say wills willy i was about to punch u
Reverse! Dipper Pines: that too
Reverse! Dipper Pines: >W>
Reverse! Dipper Pines: oooooooooooooh
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He got Dippshit involved
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): *slowly, Bill let go of her chin, his hand falling from her face and to the ground. His face fell as well, hitting the ground with a soft thud*
Reverse! Dipper Pines: NO
Reverse! Dipper Pines: you're making me cry
Reverse! Dipper Pines: stop
Reverse! Dipper Pines: no Bill
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): hOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): FUCK
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): FUCK
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): FJCK
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): FICKFKFS
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): F
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Tell him that I'm crying
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): k i did
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): now we wait
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Bill
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Why?
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): they sound like they have a plan, they gonna fuckin throw a bomb at me again
Reverse! Dipper Pines:
Reverse! Dipper Pines: lawl
Reverse! Dipper Pines: BUT BILL
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Bby come back
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): fuck
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): *All the monsters hadn't have felt pity for humans... until now. They all gathered around Mabel, some patting her back, some sitting silently with their heads bowed*
Reverse! Dipper Pines: NO
Reverse! Dipper Pines: BILL
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Bill no
Reverse! Dipper Pines: he's not edad
Reverse! Dipper Pines: just asleep
Reverse! Dipper Pines: RIGHT?
Reverse! Dipper Pines: R
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I
Reverse! Dipper Pines: G
Reverse! Dipper Pines: H
Reverse! Dipper Pines: T
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ?
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): theres blood everywhere
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He sat on a tomatio
Reverse! Dipper Pines: hes fine
Reverse! Dipper Pines: :)
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): the blood is ice blue
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ...Blue berries
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ice blue m8 blue berry juice is indigo
Reverse! Dipper Pines: HES NOT DEAD
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Thats the point
Reverse! Dipper Pines: :)
Reverse! Dipper Pines: He's asleep
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): fuuuuuuck meee m8
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): goddamn
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): its 4:20 am
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): shit
Reverse! Dipper Pines: XD
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Sleep then
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i cant im doin this rp
Reverse! Dipper Pines: PAUSE IT
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): no???????
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): they can only talk on shamchat theres no other place i gotta do this as long as possible
Reverse! Dipper Pines: omfg
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Tags women!
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): bITCH I HAVE LITERALLY MORE THAN 20 TAGS ALWAYS IT DONT HELP
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I know :3
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Bill why ;-;
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): mabel is in sweater town
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I would be too if I lost Bill
Reverse! Dipper Pines: breh I'm legit about to cry
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): im bleeding
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I'm laughing
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I'm crying
Reverse! Dipper Pines: It feels like
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I'm dying
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): ouch srs im bleeding wtf
Reverse! Dipper Pines: lawl
Reverse! Dipper Pines: WOMEN
Reverse! Dipper Pines: GO
Reverse! Dipper Pines: TO
Reverse! Dipper Pines: BEd
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): no
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i caint
Reverse! Dipper Pines: It's gonna be 5
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): im leaving mattie to kryptos
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Omfg
Reverse! Dipper Pines: you sound like your playing an rpg
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): she dying
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): of a broken heart
Reverse! Dipper Pines: SO WAS BILL
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): he dead
Reverse! Dipper Pines: No hes not
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Hes asleep
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): he dead
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): she dead
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Screw mabel
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Bill is asleep
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): wow
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): r00d
Reverse! Dipper Pines: SO WAS BILLS DEATH
Reverse! Dipper Pines: WOMEN I"M STILL CRYING
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): *Mattie opened his mouth to say something and Kryptos was about to put his hand on Matt's shoulder when an eccentric, annoying, car-sales man kinda laugh boomed throughout the empty pyramid castle*
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i swear to fuckin god
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): no they did not
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): no
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): no
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): this did not just happen
Reverse! Dipper Pines: BILL
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ITS FUCKING BILL
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): its either bill or i s2g if its fuckin tad imma slap someone
Reverse! Dipper Pines: ITS FUCKING BILL HE WOKE UP
Reverse! Dipper Pines: WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL YA WOMEN!!!
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i dont think so
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i hope but i dont think so
Reverse! Dipper Pines: TOO FUCKING BAD IT IS NOW
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): *the party lights turned on all on their own and a ginat shadow of triangle with a bowtie, arms, and legs appeared and hovered right above Mabel*
Reverse! Dipper Pines: WHAT
Reverse! Dipper Pines: THE FUCK
Reverse! Dipper Pines: DID I
Reverse! Dipper Pines: TELL YOU
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): it aint
Reverse! Dipper Pines: MY BABY
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): it aint i know it
Reverse! Dipper Pines: SHUT UP
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): no no see because earlier, around part 5 or 6 or 7 of this rp, they showed bill talking to a shadow version of himself
Reverse! Dipper Pines: NO STFU
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): *the other monsters joined in on the laughing but Mattie stood confused by side his mom.* I KNOW ITS NOT APRIL BUT APRIL FOOLS YOU GULLIBLE HUMAN LOSERS!!!!
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): this
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): is even worse
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): no
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): oh my god
Reverse! Dipper Pines: WHAT
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): no no no no no no no no non on on no no
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i swear
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): if this was all a lie
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): im gonna cry
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I FUCKING NEW IT
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): im gonna cry
Reverse! Dipper Pines: IDC
Reverse! Dipper Pines: BILLS ALIVE
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): im gonna cry
Reverse! Dipper Pines: FUCK EVERYONE
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): it hurts
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): it hurts
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): it hurts
Reverse! Dipper Pines: LOOK WHAT YOU STOOD UP FOR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): it hurts
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Good
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I HOPE
Reverse! Dipper Pines: IT BURNS
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): wHAT THE FUCK BILL
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): *Bill switched to human and ran over to Mabel, embracing her. He dragged Mathew in, hugging him as well* sorry guys!
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): WHAT IS REAL
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Billdip
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): no i hate billdip
Reverse! Dipper Pines: .o.
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Too bad cause I don;t
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): dude no i have an explaination
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): let me tell u a thing
Reverse! Dipper Pines: THIS
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): okay so i dont feel emotion but when i started rping mabel i could feel, as long as i felt what she felt. so, because i ship her with bill i cant ship bill with anyone else or i get jealous on her behalf
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Screw ships they aint happening anyyways
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i know but i cant
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): billford used to be my otp
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): lol not anymore
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): not after i started rping mabel
Reverse! Dipper Pines: lawl
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I like Billcest
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): dat ass is grass
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): put ur dik in da puss
Reverse! Dipper Pines: XD
Reverse! Dipper Pines: I like Mabill too
Reverse! Dipper Pines: and MeXBill
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): me as in reader or me as in rev dip
Reverse! Dipper Pines: Me as in the reader
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): some of those fics are interesting, ive read some damn funny ones
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): like billy on ao3 look it up
Reverse! Dipper Pines: maybe later =v=
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): its so funny dude
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): its really funny
Reverse! Dipper Pines: WOMEN ITS 2:19
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): irs 5:19 here lol
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): i have to wake up for school in 20 minutes
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe): okay im gonna sleep now. u happy? hope ur happy
Mabel Pines (unknowingly standing under mistletoe) has left the conversation.
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